
2 unusual facts about Ulrich von Zatzikhoven

Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart

There is also speculation as to its relationship to the German Lanzelet by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, which features the Queen's abduction but not her affair with Lancelot, and may derive from a version of the story that predates Knight of the Cart.

Ulrich von Zatzikhoven

However, it is generally accepted that Ulrich is the same person as a lay priest ("Leutpriester") from Lommis in the canton of Thurgau by the name of Uolricus de Cecinchoven, who occurs as a witness to a deed of gift dated March 29, 1214, executed by the family of the Counts of Toggenburg in favor of the monastery of St. Peterzell.

see also