
unusual facts about emperors

Antiphonary of St. Benigne

The legend said that Emperor Otto had conquered this island, while William was born, so the Emperor became his patron and he was educated as a monk and made his clerical career at Cluny Abbey during the reform of Abbot Majolus who continued the reform of his predecessor Odo and supported reforms connected with papal politics under influence of the Ottonic Emperors.

Apostolic Majesty

This title was renewed by Pope Clement XIII in 1758 in favor of the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresia, Queen of Hungary, and her descendants, the later Habsburg Emperors of Austria, bore the title of apostolic king of Hungary, used by the King himself, as also in the letters addressed to him by officials or private individuals.


He was a successor of Moctezuma and his brothers were Emperors Tizoc and Ahuitzotl and his sister was the Queen Chalchiuhnenetzin.

Book of Documents

Not all of the New Text chapters are believed to be contemporaneous with the events they describe, which range from the legendary emperors Yao and Shun to early in the Spring and Autumn period.

Although Confucius invoked the pre-dynastic emperors Yao and Shun, and figures from the Xia and Shang dynasties, he complained of the lack of documentation prior to the Zhou.

Brean Down Fort

The site has also produced Roman gold and silver coins of the emperors Augustus, Nero, Drusus and Vespasian and a cornelian ring.

Byzantine Empire under the Macedonian dynasty

The medieval Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of the Tsar Samuel.

Central Bathhouse Vienna

The unusually deep well of the building itself was already in use in Roman times for the small fortification at a bridge (proven through the discovery of coins dating back to the Emperors Heliogabalus and Alexander Severus).

Chinese painting

Beginning with Yongle, thirteen Ming emperors were buried in the Ming Tombs of present-day Changping District.

Artists such as Zhou Fang showed the splendor of court life in paintings of emperors, palace ladies, and imperial horses.

Constantine ruble

The Constantine ruble is a rare silver coin of the Russian Empire bearing the profile of Constantine, the brother of emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I.

Debajo de un pino

The album cover depicts a Chinese lion, these lions, also called Foo Lions are known as "happiness dogs" or "heavenly dogs" and is believed to have powerful mythic protective powers that has traditionally stood in front of Chinese Imperial palaces, temples, emperors' tombs, government offices, and the homes of government officials and the wealthy from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), until the end of the empire in 1911.

Dust Muhammad

The emperor Humayun sitting on some stone likeness of the throne, and in the distance under the trees playing three boys, one of whom the future Emperor Akbar I. Restless nature Doust Muhammad gave him root and in the court of the Mughal emperors - in the early 1560s, is already under Emperor Akbar I, Dust Muhammad left India and returned to Iran, where he lived out the last days in Qazvin.


Prince-elector or elector, a member of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Holy Roman Emperors

Emperor Sanjō

1013 (Chōwa 2, 12th month): Sanjō visited the Shrines of Kamo, and successive emperors would emulate his example visiting this shrine annually.

Emperors Club VIP

The United Kingdom's 3rd wealthiest man, the Duke of Westminster, is alleged by former Emperors Club VIP escort Zana Brazdek to have engaged her services through the company.

Franz, Count of Meran

He served the Habsburg emperors as Imperial and Royal Chamberlain, member of the Aulic Council and as a general in the Imperial army, becoming in 1868 a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

G. E. M. de Ste. Croix

He was also a noted contributor on the issue of Christian persecution between the reigns of the Roman Emperors Trajan and Diocletian.

Great Palace of Constantinople

The Palaiologos emperors largely abandoned it, ruling from Blachernae and using the vaults as a prison.

Investiture Controversy

By undercutting the Imperial power established by the Salian emperors, the controversy led to nearly 50 years of civil war in Germany, and the triumph of the great dukes and abbots, until Imperial power was reestablished under the Hohenstaufen dynasty.

Jade Record

The Qing emperors tried to suppress the tracts, as the state religion Confucianism discouraged any speculation about the afterlife.

Jovians and Herculians

The old-established Praetorian Guard was based at the Castra Praetoria in Rome, and had frequently proved disloyal, making and deposing emperors and even on one occasion in 193 putting the Imperial throne up for auction to the highest bidder (cf: Didius Julianus).

Thus Diocletian, who ruled from Nicomedia, promoted two faithful legions from the Illyricum (Legio V Iovia and VI Herculia), the area he was also descended from, to be the personal protectors of the Roman Emperors.

Kikuchi Shrine

With the suggestion of Nagaoka Masami, Emperor Meiji ordered in 1868, the enshrinement of Kikuchi Taketoki, who worked for the emperors, and a shrine was built in the Kikuchi castle in Kikuchi.


His reign was followed by another seventeen years of rule under the Severan emperors Elagabalus and Severus Alexander.

Names of India

This corresponds to the approximate extent of the historical Maurya Empire under emperors Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka the Great (4th to 3rd centuries BC).

National Museum of Brazil

One of these symbols, the Paço de São Cristóvão, the official residence of the emperors in the Quinta da Boa Vista, became vacant; therefore, in 1892, the National Museum, with all its collections, valuables and researchers, was transferred to this palace, where it stays until today.

Panegyrici Latini

The speech is peculiar because none of the honoured emperors was present at its delivery, and because it celebrates Constantine's victory over Maxentius (at the Battle of Milvian Bridge) in 312, avoiding almost any reference to contemporaneous events.


Throughout the ages this "tall, leavened fruitcake" makes cameo appearances in the arts: It is shown in a sixteenth-century painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder and is possibly mentioned in a contemporary recipe book written by Bartolomeo Scappi, personal chef to popes and emperors during the time of Charles V.


Tigidius Perennis (died 185), a prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian Guard, during the reigns of the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus

Pons Cestius

In the 4th century the Pons Cestius was rebuilt by the Emperors Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian and re-dedicated in 370 as the Pons Gratiani.


Promotus had two sons who were raised with the emperors children, who in revenge for their father's murder helped Eutropius thwart Rufinus' plan to marry his daughter to the emperor Arcadius.

Saint Martial

All that is known about him may be summed up thus: Under the Emperors Decius and Gratius (AD 250-251), Pope Fabian sent out seven bishops from Rome to Gaul to preach the Gospel: Gatien to Tours, Trophimus to Arles, Paul to Narbonne, Saturnin to Toulouse, Denis to Paris, Austromoine to Clermont, and Martial to Limoges.


Voltaire compared the Hindu treatment of animals to how Europe's emperors & Popes treated even their fellow men, praising the former and heaping shame upon the latter; in the 17th century, Descartes, Pierre Gassendi, and Francis Bacon also advocated vegetarianism.

Severan dynasty

His death was the epoch event beginning the troubled Crisis of the Third Century where a succession of short-reigning military emperors, revolting generals, and counter claimants presided over governmental chaos, civil war, general instability and great economic disruption.

Shah Allah Ditta

The village is believed to be more than seven hundred years old and was used as route from Kabul to Gandharan city of Taxila by Alexander and Sher Shah Suri while Mughal rulers and other emperors often passed through while traveling from Afghanistan to the Hindustan.


The family reached is peak under the Palaiologan emperors in the late 13th and first half of the 14th century: John Synadenos married Theodora Palaiologina, the niece of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, and served as megas stratopedarches, and his sons John and Theodore likewise held senior military commands.


Tetricus I, emperor of the Gallic Empire (Imperium Galliarum) was the last of the Gallic Emperors as Tetricus I from 270/271 to 273.

The Assassination Bureau

Dragomiloff and Miss Winter uncover the plot — dropping a bomb from a Zeppelin airship on to the castle in Ruthenia where the kings, emperors and presidents of Europe are trying to avoid a possible war caused by the death of a Balkan prince who was killed by a bomb intended for Dragomiloff.

Toyama Shogyo High School

The school has been in operation for more than a century and, with only brief interruptions in operation, has survived war with China, Russia, and the United States of America, and has seen the reign of the Meiji, Taisho, Showa, and Heisei Emperors.

Trần Nhân Tông

For the safeness of Thánh Tông and Nhân Tông's retreat, Princess An Tư was offered as present and diversion for prince Toghan while Marquis Bảo Nghĩa Trần Bình Trọng was captured and later killed in Battle of Đà Mạc in defending the two emperors.

Tsebelda culture

One layer of the site was dated to the first through third centuries via the examination of one- and two-part brooches, small glass beads, Roman silver coins with the image of the emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius, and other items.

University of Salerno

Salerno, a city in which, as Michelet said, “emperors, kings, popes, and the richest barons all had their own doctor”, developed during the Middle Ages around its prestigious School of Medicine.

Upper Mongols

Many Mongol emperors and rulers of the Northern Yuan Dynasty such as Dayan Khan, Ligdan Khan, the Ordos and Tumed princes invaded, or took refuge, in Qinghai from 1509-1632.

Vespasian Psalter

The volume was the first in the Vespasian shelf section in the part of the library indexed by the names from a set of busts of the Roman Emperors on top of the shelves.

West Bagborough Hoard

The majority were struck in the reigns of emperors Constantius II and Julian and derive from a range of mints including Arles and Lyons in France, Trier in Germany and Rome.


The first recorded use of the word zandik is probably on the inscription in Naqsh-e Rajab attributed to Kartir, high-priest and advisor of Sassanid emperors Hormizd I, Bahram I and Bahram II, in which it explicitly denotes Manichaeans as "the ones with corrupted faith".

see also