
unusual facts about encoding


However, satellite services (e.g., DirecTV, XstreamHD and Dish Network) utilize the 1080p/24-30 format with MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 encoding for pay-per-view movies that are downloaded in advance via satellite or on-demand via broadband.

Adenosine deaminase z-alpha domain

Genes encoding proteins containing this domain include ADAR and ZBP1.

Adobe InDesign

InDesign supports Unicode character encoding and there is a special Middle East version supporting complex text layout for Arabic and Hebrew types of complex script.


Anaglyph 3D, a method of encoding a three-dimensional image in a single picture by superimposing a pair of pictures


Most of these are strictly of historical interest as the only one currently used is the vertical run length encoded byte encoding developed by Atari software programmer Jim Kent.


Anystream's Agility software has become a standard for streaming media encoding and broadcast transcoding for such media companies as BBC, Red Bee Media, BskyB, CNet, CNN, AOL, ESPN, Fox News, Foxsports.com, NFL Films, weather.com and others.

Artur Ekert

His subsequent work with John Rarity and Paul Tapster, from the Defence Research Agency (DRA) in Malvern, resulted in the proof-of-principle experimental quantum key distribution, introducing parametric down-conversion, phase encoding and quantum interferometry into the repertoire of cryptography.

ATPC RNA motif

The RNA is always found within an operon encoding subunits of ATP synthase, and it is always located downstream of the gene encoding the A subunit of ATP synthase, and upstream of the C subunit gene.


In the Japanese encodings ISO 646 (a 7-bit code based on ASCII), JIS X 0201 (an 8-bit code), and Shift JIS (a multi-byte encoding which is 8-bit for ASCII), the code point 0x5C that would be used for backslash in ASCII is instead rendered as a yen mark (¥), while in Korean encoding, it is drawn as a won currency symbol (₩).


C14orf102 interacts with RNPS1, a gene encoding a protein that is known to be directly involved in nuclear export and surveillance of mRNA.

Character encoding

Early binary repertoires include Bacon's cipher, Braille, International maritime signal flags, and the 4-digit encoding of Chinese characters for a Chinese telegraph code (Hans Schjellerup, 1869).

Code page

When, early in the history of personal computers, users didn't find their character encoding requirements met, private or local code pages were created using Terminate and Stay Resident utilities or by re-programming BIOS EPROMs.

DNA mismatch repair

Specifically the overwhelming majority of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancers (HNPCC) are attributed to mutations in the genes encoding the MutS and MutL homologues MSH2 and MLH1 respectively, which allows them to be classified as tumour suppressor genes.

Edward J. Giorgianni

Among his inventions are the digital color-encoding methods used on many commercial imaging systems, including the Photo CD System.

False memory

Misinformation effect, false memories caused by exposure to misleading information presented between the encoding of an event and its subsequent recall

Free and open-source graphics device driver

The functional blocks (i.e. the display driver ASIC, the 3D acceleration ASIC, the 2D acceleration ASIC, Video decoding and Video encoding ASIC) are separate SIP (SIP) blocks, since the hardware devices are very different from each other.

Fumitada Itakura

From 1973 to 1975 he worked at the Acoustics Research Department of Bell Labs, having been invited to work there on fundamental problems by James Flanagan, who had been impressed by one of Itakura's papers on low bit-rate encoding.

Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy

A number of mutations causing this disease have been described in the M1S1 (TACSTD2) gene encoding Tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2, but not all patients have these mutations, suggesting involvement of other genes.

Human Genome Sciences

HGS had a partnership for several years after its founding with Craig Venter and his non-profit TIGR to begin sequencing and submitting patents on hundreds of thousands of protein-encoding DNA fragments.

Idiopathic generalized epilepsy

Mutations in the calcium channel α subunit encoding gene CACNA1H and the GABA receptor γ subunit encoding gene GABRG2 yield susceptibility for CAE.

J. Heinrich Matthaei

Whilst a post-doctoral visitor in the laboratory of Marshall Warren Nirenberg at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, he discovered that a synthetic RNA polynucleotide, composed of a repeating uridylic acid residue, coded for a polypeptide chain encoding just one kind of amino acid, phenylalanine.


To engineer JX-594, human GMCSF gene (encoding granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor or GM-CSF; driven by a synthetic early/late promoter) and lacZ gene (encoding β-galactosidase or β-gal; driven by the p7.5 early/late promoter) were inserted into the TK gene (encoding thymidine kinase or TK) in the J segment of the Wyeth strain vaccinia virus.

Lattice corneal dystrophy

It is caused by mutations in TGFBI gene encoding keratoepithelin, which maps to chromosome 5q.


Mutations in LMAN1 gene (encoding ERGIC-53 or LMAN1) also cause F5F8D.

Michael Beddow

Michael Beddow is a British specialist in German literature, who is also a renowned expert in the application of XML technologies to web representations of literary corpora, and who is deeply involved with the work of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).

Mir-885 microRNA precursor family

Altered expression of multiple genes is observed with miR-885-5p, including the CDK2 and MCM5 genes encoding cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and mini-chromosome maintenance protein MCM5, and also with several p53 target genes.

Move-to-front transform

For encoding, no clear advantage is gained by using a linked list, so using an array to store the list is acceptable, with worst case performance O(nk), where n is the length of the data to be encoded and k is the number of values (generally a constant for a given implementation).


Medieval Unicode Font Initiative, a project which aims to coordinate the encoding and display of special characters in medieval texts written in the Latin alphabet, which are not encoded as part of Unicode


Key genes and enzymes for ergot alkaloid biosynthesis have been identified in epichloae and include dmaW, encoding dimethylallyl-tryptophan synthase and lpsA, a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase.

New Forest pony

DNA sequencing revealed that the affected foal was homozygous for a missense mutation in the gene encoding CLCN1, a protein which regulates the excitability of the skeletal muscle.


They negatively regulate the expression of several genes encoding outer membrane proteins, including cirA, CsgD, fecA, fepA and ompT by binding in the vicinity of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, suggesting the control of these targets is dependent on Hfq protein and RNase E.

Ontology learning

Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between those concepts from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval.

Performance Rating

Many experts argued that this made the PR-rated chips poor choices for games, streaming video, or encoding MP3 music.

Public health genomics

GJB2 is a gene encoding for connexin a protein found in the cochlea.


Punycode is intended for the encoding of labels in the Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) framework, such that these domain names may be represented in the ASCII character set allowed in the Domain Name System of the Internet.

RACE encoding

RACE encoding is part of the larger scheme of the Universal Character Set specifically the ISO/IEC 10646.


The RemoteFX Codec does not require any special hardware, and uses the CPU for encoding, with optional hardware-acceleration by either a GPU or ASIC.

Richard Blackmore

It told of the Celtic King Arthur opposing the invading Saxons and taking London, which was a transparent encoding of William III opposing the "Saxon" James II and taking London.


RNA, 5S cluster 1, also known as RN5S1@, is a human gene encoding the 5S subunit of ribosomal RNA.


Studies in 2006 showed evidence of a linkage between idiopathic scoliosis and three microsatellite polymorphisms in the MATN1 gene (encoding for Matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein), respectively consisting of 103, 101 and 99 base pairs, .

Seagate Technology

The hard disk, which used a Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM) encoding, was a hit, and was later released in a 10-megabyte version, the ST-412, with which Seagate secured a contract as a major OEM supplier for the IBM XT, IBM's first personal computer to contain a hard disk.

Small non-coding RNAs in the endosymbiotic diazotroph α-proteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti

Two complementary computational screens, eQRNA and RNAz, were used to search for novel sRNA-encoding genes in the intergenic regions IGRs of S. meliloti.

Standard streams

As they are used for input and output devices, they generally contain text, a sequence of characters in a predetermined encoding, such as Latin-1 or UTF-8.


This was made possible as the SuperDrive now utilitized the same MFM (Modified Frequency Modulation) encoding scheme used by the IBM PC, yet still retained backward compatibility with Apple's variable-speed zoned CAV scheme and Group Code Recording encoding format, so it could continue to read Macintosh MFS, HFS and Apple II ProDOS formats on 400/800 KB disks.


IBM iSeries systems designate code page CCSID 13488 for UCS-2 character encoding, CCSID 1200 for UTF-16 encoding, and CCSID 1208 for UTF-8 encoding.

WHEP-TRS protein domain

EPRS is a component of the interferon-gamma-activated inhibitor of translation (GAIT) complex, which interacts with stem-loop elements (GAIT elements) in mRNAs encoding proinflammatory proteins, for example, vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGFA).

see also