
unusual facts about masculine


Accusative case

in exclamations, such as me miseram, "wretched me" (spoken by Circe to Ulysses in Ovid's Remedium Amoris; note that this is feminine: the masculine form would be me miserum).

Aramaic of Hatra

A weakening of the laryngeal ‘ayn; in one inscription, the masculine singular demonstrative adjective is written ‘dyn (‘dyn ktb’ "this inscription") which corresponds to Mandaic and Babylonian Talmudic Aramaic hādēn.

Bayanaul National Park

Guided tours are offered in many areas of the park, where for a relatively small fee (around 500 tg as of 2007), one can see the main attractions of the park- a "holy cave", a "stone head", the rock "masculine dignity," and others.

Catalina de Erauso

Pietro Della Valle described her in a 1626 letter sent from Rome to Mario Schipano as fond of conversation, tall and strong with masculine looks and childlike breasts after the application of an Italian remedy.

Cher Ami

Cher Ami (French for "dear friend", in the masculine) was a homing pigeon which had been donated by the pigeon fanciers of Britain for use by the U.S. Army Signal Corps in France during World War I and had been trained by American pigeoneers.


Contimporanul (antiquated spelling of the Romanian word for "the Contemporary", singular masculine form) was a Romanian (initially a weekly and later a monthly) avant-garde literary and art magazine, published in Bucharest between June 1922 and 1932.

Cream Abdul Babar

In 1997, Cream Abdul Babar entered the studio with Tallahassee-based recording engineer, Tommy Hamilton, and exited with their first full-length record, "The Backwater of Masculine Ethics." The band toured the entire US several times on this release, including 10–15 shows in Atlanta, GA alone.


Cronobacter (Cro.no.bac'ter) is from the Greek noun Cronos (Κρόνος), one of the Titans of mythology, who swallowed each of his children as soon as they were born, and the New Latin masculine noun bacter, a rod, resulting in the N.L. masc.


Darion is a masculine name; variants include Darian and Darien.

Elo Viiding

When her poetry is compared with that of other Estonian writers, it seems to be more masculine than feminine.


Fabia (given name), an Italian feminine given name derived from masculine Fabio


the Fonds national d'art contemporain, a French public cultural foundation (in French, masculine: le Fnac)

Friulian language

In Friulian as in other Romance languages, nouns are either masculine or feminine (for example "il mûr" ("the wall", masculine), "la cjadree" ("the chair", feminine).

Gender neutrality in English

The use of the generic he was approved in an Act of Parliament, the Interpretation Act 1850 (the provision continues in the Interpretation Act 1978, although this states equally that the feminine includes the masculine).

Gender of God

Hinduism, especially of the Samkhya school, views the creation of the cosmos as the result of the play of two radically distinct principles: the feminine matter (Prakriti) and the masculine spirit (Purusha).

He Will Have His Way

The album's title is a masculine adaptation of She Will Have Her Way, which in turn took its name from Neil Finn's single, "She Will Have Her Way", from his album Try Whistling This.

History of Swedish

The gender system resembled that of modern German, having the genders masculine, feminine and neuter.

Hunterian Psalter

These prayers were written for a female reader, but the singular feminine Latin endings were first overwritten with singular masculine endings, and then still later, plural masculine ones.


Anttishirt (Finnish: anttipaita), after Finnish masculine name Antti, is a shirt where wine red is replaced by blue.


Kosciuška is the masculine form of a Lithuanian family name.


This was in the 19th century emended to an, also incorrect, masculine priscus and in 1971 by Pierce Brodkorb to prisca.


Marichi, masculine Sanskrit term for one of the Saptarshis

Mark Read

Mary Read (1685–1721), Caribbean pirate in her masculine guise

Mazalozo / mazaloza

mazalozo (masculine) / mazaloza (feminine) are Judaeo-Spanish words meaning “lucky” and is used as is Mazal bueno or the Yiddish expression of Mazel tov.

Melissa Ludtke

"Women Sportscasters: Navigating a Masculine Domain." Journal of Gender Studies 19.1 (2010).

My Master

Sidi, a masculine title of respect in Western Arabic language and Egyptian Arabic


Nafees is the masculine equivalent and also used for family names.

Nick Youngquest

In 2013, he became the face of the new masculine fragrance INVICTUS by Paco Rabanne.

Old Saxon grammar

Nouns, pronouns, adjectives and determiners were fully inflected with five grammatical cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and instrumental), two grammatical numbers (singular and plural) and three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter).


Ordgar or Ordgarius is also an Anglo-Saxon masculine personal name (borne for example by Ordgar, Ealdorman of Devon, 10th century).

Patrick Earl Hammie

He characterizes it as “an effort to reconcile inner duality, transcend typical masculine ideals and yield to new realities that require constant compromise and change.”


The genus name has traditionally been treated as feminine (giving name endings such as cincta); however, this was not specified by the original genus author Johann Jakob Kaup, and under the ICZN the genus name must therefore be treated by default as masculine, giving name endings such as cinctus.


In German the two sets of forms are quite similar (for example, the genitive of ich "I" is meiner, the corresponding possessive pronoun is also meiner in the masculine singular nominative, and the possessive determiner is mein with various endings).

Punjab gharana

#The exclusive techniques from the Pakhawaj in playing certain Bols thereby giving a very virile and masculine tonal quality.

Sexuality of William Shakespeare

:Since modern readers are unused to such ardor in masculine friendship and are likely to leap at the notion of homosexuality (a notion sufficiently refuted by the sonnets themselves), we may remember that such an ideal, often exalted above the love of women, could exist in real life, from Montaigne to Sir Thomas Browne, and was conspicuous in Renaissance literature.

Slovak declension

Exceptions are pluralia tantum (Vianoce - Christmas) and words that are drifting into other gender and are currently in the neuter (knieža - Fürst), and masculine animals that are animate in singular and mostly inanimate in plural.


Spassky (masculine) or Spasskaya (feminine) is a common Russian surname, usually of descendants of Russian Orthodox clergymen.

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

In Tom Wolfe's novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, Larry Kramer, a Bronx District Attorney and one of the novel's main protagonists, prides himself on his strong sternocleidomastoids, which he "fans out" in front of women to help give himself a more tough, masculine appearance.

The Mother/Child Papers

The next work is a prose piece titled “The Seven Samurai, The Dolly, and Mary Cassatt.” Ostriker remembers an evening watching Akira Kurosawa’s The Seven Samurai, trying to compare it to other masculine art works in an attempt to come to a better understanding of the male perspective.


Vítor is a Portuguese and Brazilian masculine given name, equivalent to Victor in English and Víctor in Spanish.


Yordanov (masculine) or Yordanova (feminine) is one of the most popular surnames in Bulgaria.


The name was, at least for decades, best known as a masculine nickname for "Zachary" or "Zechariah", from its use by J. D. Salinger for his character Zooey Glass.

see also