
7 unusual facts about north Africa

2011–13 Mauritanian protests

The 2011–13 Mauritanian protests are a series of protests in the North African country of Mauritania that started in January 2011, concurrent with the Arab Spring, and continued into 2012.

5th North African Infantry Division

The Tirailleurs Regiments were made up of native troops from North Africa.

Dougie Sharpe

However the war meant his football career was put on hold as he joined the RAF serving in North Africa.


After the Reconquest, Moors were not allowed to live near the coast so as to be unable to communicate easily with their kinsmen in nearby North Africa.

Military history of Chad

In addition to the wages paid its forces, Chad received economic benefits from three years of use as a major route for Allied supply convoys and flights to North Africa and Egypt.

Military history of Morocco

It interacts with multiple military events in a vast area containing North Africa and the Iberian peninsula.


During the Early Middle Ages the Islamic polities of the Middle East and North Africa and the Christian kingdoms of Europe often banned each other's merchants from entering their ports.

62nd Punjabis

During the Second World War, 1/1st Punjab initially served in Iraq and then moved to North Africa in November 1941 to join the 5th Indian Division, only to take part in the British withdrawal following Rommel's offensive in January 1942.

Abu Bakr Ibn Sayyid al-Nās

Ibn Sayyid al-Nas spent a brief period of time in Aznalcázar before moving to North Africa and accepting positions as the imam of mosques in Tangier and later Béjaïa.

Africa 24

In January 2013, Arab Satellite Communications Organization (Arabsat) announced that it would be making Africa 24 available to satellite subscribers in the Middle East and North Africa, intending to reach a core audience of immigrants to the region from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Arnold Book of Old Songs

He had been taken prisoner-of-war by German forces in Tunis in North Africa.

Barbary Wars

The Barbary Wars were two wars fought at different times over the same reasons between the United States of America and the Barbary states (the de jure Ottoman Empire possessions of, but de facto independent, Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli) of North Africa in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.


In the early campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean theatre, British troops wore khaki drill (KD) shorts or slacks with long sleeved Aertex shirts.

Berber Jews

Franz Boas wrote in 1923 that a comparison of the Jews of North Africa with those of Western Europe and those of Russia "shows very clearly that in every single instance we have a marked assimilation between the Jews and the people among whom they live" and that "the Jews of North Africa are, in essential traits, North Africans".

Carthage, Maine

The town was incorporated on February 20, 1826 and named after Carthage, the ancient Mediterranean city in what is today Tunisia in North Africa.


The principal livelihood was fishing and maritime trade with North Africa and the Middle East.


According to the Sefer Ha-Kabbalah of Abraham ibn Daud, Chushiel was one of the four scholars who were captured by Ibn Rumaḥis, an Arab admiral, while voyaging from Bari to Sebaste to collect money "for the dowries of poor brides." Ḥushiel was sold as a slave in North Africa, but he and the other three rabbis were ransomed by Jewish communities in Alexandria, Cordoba, and Kairouan.

Dély Ibrahim

Those soldiers were from the island of Corfu and Vido transported for further treatment in the Allied military hospital in North Africa.

Earle Bunker

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Moore had been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for leading his battalion against Erwin Rommel's Panzers in North Africa.

Erbo Graf von Kageneck

In December 1941, Kageneck was transferred back to the Mediterranean theatre with Staffel 9, JG 27 and gained his last two victories against British Commonwealth fighters over the deserts of North Africa.

Ernest Benjamin

After commanding the Group in North Africa during its completion of formation and training, he served with the British Eighth Army in the Faenza Area, Italy from 7 March until the end of the war.


The Fihrids (also known as Oqbids) were an illustrious Arab family and clan, prominent in North Africa and Muslim Iberia during the 8th century.

Forward Music

In 2007, one of Forward’s artists, Ghada Shbeir, received The BBC Awards for world music for the region of North Africa and the Middle East for her album Al Muwashahat.

Fouad Elkoury

a non-profit organization whose mission is to collect, preserve and study photographs from the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab diaspora.

French North Africa

French North Africa was a collection of territories in North Africa controlled by France and centering on French Algeria.

George Francis Lyon

Wearing Arab/Muslim dress and learning fluent Arabic he managed to blend in with the inhabitants of North Africa; he was tattooed by the Inuit in the Arctic, using needle and sooty thread, and ate raw caribou and seal meat with them.

Hunslet Austerity 0-6-0ST

After D-Day they were used on Continental Europe and in North Africa as well as at docks and military sites in Britain.

Imperial Glory

Imperial Glory is set in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, between 1789 and 1815, and allows the player to choose one of the great empires of the age–Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia or Prussia–on their quest of conquering Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Lancia 3 RO

In North Africa and Sicily with the top of the cab cut away and lower sideboards the Lancia 3 Ro became well suited for desert warfare serving as a self-propelled gun porting the Cannone da 90/53 as well as the 100/17 howitzer.

Little Brothers of Jesus

Founded in 1933 in France by five seminarians with the assistance of Louis Massignon, a scholar of Islam and contemporary of Foucauld, the congregation took root in El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh District in French Algeria, North Africa.

Ludwig Hans Fischer

A pupil, at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, of Eduard von Lichtenfels in painting, of Louis Jacoby in engraving, and of William Unger in etching, he completed his studies traveling in Italy, Spain, North Africa, Egypt, and India, and afterwards settled in Vienna.


Over 80% of the residents were Jewish refugees from across Arab and Muslim countries in Middle East and North Africa.

Maghreb Association of North America

The Maghreb Association of North America (MANA), also called Assembly of the Maghreb is an North African-American organization Chicago-based whose goal is help new immigrants from Maghreb (North Africa) to adapt to American life and maintain, in turn, the principles of Sunni Islam.

Mediterranean race

Giuseppe Sergi's much-debated book The Mediterranean Race (1901) argued that the Mediterranean race had in fact originated in Africa, probably in the Sahara region, and that it also included a number of dark-skinned peoples from the African continent (North Africa and the Horn of Africa), such as Ethiopians and Somalis.

Middle East

These were followed by the Hittite, Greek and Urartian civilisations of Asia Minor, Elam in pre-Iranian Persia, as well as the civilizations of the Levant (such as Ebla, Ugarit, Canaan, Aramea, Phoenicia and Israel), Persian and Median civilizations in Iran, North Africa (Carthage/Phoenicia) and the Arabian Peninsula (Magan, Sheba, Ubar).

Middle East Theatre of World War II

The British Middle East Command was based in Cairo with responsibility for Commonwealth operations in the Middle East and North Africa, and also those in East Africa, Persia, and the Balkans, including Greece.

Mona Amarcha

Mona was born and raised in a Riffian family in Casablanca, Morocco 1988, and was discovered in MBC's singing competition "Album 5 : Noujoum El Arab" in which she represented North Africa alongside Moroccans, Tunisians, Egyptians and Sudaneses contestants against the teams "Levant" and "Gulf".


Bede records that he was a Greek-speaking Berber from North Africa, who was abbot of a monastery near Naples (non longe a Neapoli).

No. 232 Squadron RAF

It moved to North Africa in early December under the command of Archibald Winskill and immediately began undertaking ground attack and fighter operations in support of 1st Army, continuing this task until the end of the North African campaign.

Operation Harling

Operation Harling was conceived in late summer 1942 as an effort to stem the flow of supplies through Greece to the German forces under Erwin Rommel in North Africa.

Operation Matterhorn

That same month, the first Superfortresses arrived in India, having flown across the Atlantic Ocean using the South Atlantic Transport route from Morrision Field, Florida to Natal, Brazil then across to North Africa, then to Arabia, and Persia.

Our Lady of Bethlehem

Those converting to Christianity were given a mixture of milk and honey to drink, which in the early churches of Egypt, Rome, and North Africa was solemnly blessed at the Easter and Pentecostal vigils.

Robert Wesley Colglazier, Jr.

He attained the rank of Colonel while carrying out engineer staff officer assignments in Northern Ireland, England, North Africa Italy and France.

Rupert Brabner

He served with 806 Squadron (November 1940), 805 (early 1941), 806 Squadron (March 1941) & 801 Squadrons FAA at HMS Illustrious (aircraft carrier), HMS Heron (RN Air Station, Yeovilton, Somerset), HMS Eagle (aircraft carrier), HMS Victorious (aircraft carrier), HMS Indomitable (aircraft carrier) and at Crete and North Africa.


Modern sabkhas are present in varying form along the coasts of North Africa, Baja California, and at Shark Bay in Australia.


In mid-June, with German task forces closing in, the aircraft was flown to the Gulf of Bougie in North Africa.

Tim Rayborn

Tim Rayborn is a American-born musician and singer who has accomplished himself in the music of the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Turkey, Iran, and the Balkans.

United States Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs

The Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs is responsible for United States relations with the countries of the Middle East and all of the countries of North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea from Egypt to Morocco.

Usnea rubicunda

Usnea rubicunda (Red beard lichen), is a type of arboreal lichen native to temperate regions in North, Central and South America, as well as Europe, Eastern Asia, and North Africa.

Vandal Kingdom

It was originally created by the settlement of the Vandals in the province of Numidia and Mauretania by the Roman government and then extended by conquest further into North Africa and the Mediterranean.

Zenith Oilfield Technology

Zenith was founded in 2003 and has headquarters in Inverurie, United Kingdom as well as offices in the Middle East, North Africa, China and Southeast Asia.

see also

1943–1944 Italian campaign medal

Composed in part of Frenchmen from North Africa and in part with colonial troops, the CEF covered itself with glory during this long campaign and especially during the battle of the Garigliano.

824th Bombardment Squadron

It also engaged in transport operations from North Africa to the Azores or Dakar in French West Africa where personnel were eventually transported to Florida.


Muhammad I al-Mustansir (r. 1249-1277), Hafsid ruler of North Africa and self-declared Caliph

Alan Moorehead

A journal of his experiences, while General Claude Auchinleck was in command, during the second year of WW II, mostly in the Western Desert of North Africa.

Alfonso d'Avalos

In July 1535 he was part of the naval troops reconquering the city of Tunis in North Africa.

Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Jr.

He accompanied U.S. troops in their landing in North Africa in 1942 and soon began to form views on the French colonial administration and the beginnings of Arab nationalism.

Aymeric Chauprade

Aymeric Chauprade co-organized with Jacques Frémeaux and Philippe Evanno in February 2013 a conference at the Sorbonne (University of Paris IV), entitled Menaces en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel et sécurité globale de l'Europe (Threats in North Africa and in the Sahel and overall security of Europe), the proceedings of which were published in April 2013 Ellipses Editions.

Black Sheep Astray

In terms of plot, "Black Sheep Astray" is the last in a sequence of near-future stories set in North Africa, which also includes Black Man's Burden (1961-2), Border, Breed nor Birth (1962), and The Best Ye Breed (1978).

C. trifolii

Coleophora trifolii, the trefoil thick-horned tinea or large clover case-bearer, a moth species found in Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, Afghanistan and North America

Cacela Velha

Archeological excavations conducted from May 7 to July 4, 2007, determined the village was the Medina of Qast’alla Daraj (Ibn Darradj al-Qastalli), an Islamic town dating back to the 10th century, when much of the Iberian peninsula was controlled by the Moors and Berbers who arrived from North Africa.


Qaid (also caid or kaid), various forms of responsible official found in places ranging from the Kingdom of Sicily to rural North Africa

Ceuta Heliport

Destinations include more than one hundred cities in Europe (mainly in the United Kingdom, Central Europe and the Nordic countries) but also the main cities of Eastern Europe: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Budapest, Sofia, Warsaw, Riga and Bucharest), North Africa, the Middle East (Riyadh, Jeddah and Kuwait) and North America (New York, Toronto and Montreal).

Charles Marcus Mander

He was commissioned in the Coldstream Guards in World War II, serving in North Africa, Belgium, Germany and Italy where, following the Salerno landings, he was gravely wounded in the fierce fighting at Calabritto on the slopes of Monte Camino, in October 1943.

Claude Buckle

He found time to travel in France, Spain and North Africa using Tramp Steamers recording scenes that later formed many of the ideas for his water colours paintings.

Dade City, Florida

The prisoners were German soldiers who were in Rommel's Afrika Korps and were captured in North Africa.

Dennis Herod

From 1943 Herod saw action in North Africa and Italy and narrowly escaped with his life when his tank received a direct hit in Normandy in August in 1944, receiving only a fractured jaw.

Dog fennel

Anthemis cotula, an annual plant up to about 60 cm tall, native to Europe and North Africa but naturalized in other parts of the world as well

Ellery Huntington, Jr.

In World War II, Huntington worked directly for William J. Donovan in the Office of Strategic Services and was instrumental in secret work for the Allies, especially during the invasion of North Africa.

Eric Carbonara

Recent years have revealed a departure from his psych/krautrock-influenced work to a kaleidoscopic realm of minimalism, electro-acoustic improvisation, free noise guitar thrashing, the folk music of North Africa and Andalusia and Hindustani classical music.

ESA Television

It is a satellite-only broadcast network which periodically transmits programming via Eutelsat's Eutelsat 9A satellite to Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East as part of the Europe by Satellite public information service.

H. vulgaris

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, the marsh pennywort, a small creeping perennial herb species native to North Africa, Europe, Florida and west to the Caspian region

History of Darfur

This area known as the Bahr el Ghazal had long been the source of the goods that Darfur would trade to Egypt and North Africa, especially slaves and ivory.

History of the Jews in Nigeria

Igbo oral legends also state that certain Nri families may be descendants of Levitical priests who migrated from North Africa.

History of Western Sahara

In pre-colonial times, the tribal areas of the Sahara desert was generally considered bled es-Siba or "the land of dissidence" by the authorities of the established Islamic states of North Africa, such as the Sultan of Morocco and the Deys of Algeria.

HMS Royal Scotsman

From January 1942 she took part in extensive exercises for amphibious operations, and on 26 October sailed to Gibraltar as part of military convoy KMF1 for the invasion of North Africa in "Operation Torch".

Hot Bird

Hot Bird 10 was launched by Ariane 5 ECA in February 2009 with NSS-9, Spirale A and Spirale B. The EUTELSAT HOT BIRD 13D satellite is located at 13° East, Eutelsat’s premium video neighbourhood for cable and satellite broadcasting in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Ibn Hamdis

"Abd, al-Jabbar Ibn Hamdis left his native Sicily in 1078 at the age of twenty-four, and for the rest of his long life wandered in al-Andalus and North Africa as a court poet, singing the praises of his Arab hosts and lamenting the loss of his home and the demise of Muslim culture in the wake of the Norman invasion of Sicily and the Reconquista in Spain." (Gabriel Levin, To These Dark Steps, 2012, p.77)

Jack Reiter

He had an interest in flying and during World War II Colonel Reiter served as a B-24 Liberator Consolidated B-24 Liberator pilot in the Army Air Forces, flying over North Africa and Italy.

Jerry Yulsman

Serving in North Africa during World War II, he was promoted to Master Sergeant, and on August 1, 1943, he flew in Operation Tidal Wave, a bombing raid on the Romanian oil refineries of Ploeşti, which were a major source of oil for the Nazi war machine.

Khalil Bendib

In addition to his work as a cartoonist, Bendib also co-hosts a weekly one-hour radio program called Voices of the Middle East and North Africa on Pacifica Radio station KPFA (94.1 FM), in Berkeley, California.


Hamsa, a popular amulet in the Middle East and North Africa, also romanized as khamsa


The city was named after the Portuguese colony Mazagão in North Africa, now El Jadida, which the Portuguese abandoned in 1769 after some 250 years of occupation.

Medina Azahara

Abd ar-Rahman III ordered the construction of this city at a time when he had just finished consolidating his political power in the Iberian Peninsula and was entering into conflict with the Fatimid dynasty for the control of North Africa.

N. alba

Nymphaea alba, the European white waterlily, white lotus or nenuphar, a freshwater aquatic flowering plant species found all over Europe and in parts of North Africa and the Middle East

No. 166 Squadron RAF

142 Sqn and 150 Sqn were sent to North Africa but had enough surplus crews and equipment left behind at RAF Kirmington that they were re-formed on 27 January 1943 as 166 Squadron equipped with the Vickers Wellington.

Paolo Caccia Dominioni

His book on the Italian Campaign in North Africa, Alamein 1933-1962, was translated into English and published by Allen & Unwin in 1986 as Alamein 1933-1962: An Italian Story.

Polish Fighting Team

Formed at Northolt on 5 February 1943 as the Polish Fighting Team, initial preparations for overseas service took place at RAF West Kirby, and the unit embarked on 24 February, arriving in North Africa on 13 March 1943.

Pope Pius XII Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

At that time, German troops under General Rommel had conquered strategic parts of North Africa while advancing towards the Suez Canal and in Russia fighting continued against an expanding German invasion.

Ramcke Parachute Brigade

After arriving in North Africa in July 1942, the brigade performed excellently, providing a counter to Stirling's Special Air Service, which had been wreaking havoc with the Axis command, control and logistical system.

Robert Matthew-Walker

After leaving the Army in 1962, following service at the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre (JARIC), the War Office and in North Africa, he studied composition privately with the French composer Darius Milhaud in Paris in 1962-63.

Robert Murdoch Smith

Smith was very interested in archaeology and he decided to fund another two-year expedition to excavate the lost settlements of Cyrenaica in North Africa.

Rubicon Group Holding

Headlining the new partnership with Turner is an agreement to broadcast Rubicon’s own Ben & Izzy and Tareq wa Shireen animated series on Cartoon Network Arabic in the Middle East and North Africa.

Sabiha Al Khemir

Between 1991–1992 Al Khemir was a consultant for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York for the exhibition ‘Al-Andalus: Islamic Arts of Spain.’ She traveled in Europe and North Africa in search of objects and history that would provide the basis for the show.


There is a Christian basilica of the time of Justinian and also remnants of some of the mosaic floors that enriched elite dwellings of Roman North Africa (for example, at the Villa Sileen, near Khoms).

Saint Fulgentius

Fulgentius of Ruspe (462 or 467 — 527 or 533), bishop of the city of Ruspe, North Africa

The Desert Song

Many tales romanticizing Arab North Africa were in vogue, including Beau Geste and The Son of the Sheik.

Uwe Topper

Topper has also written about the Book of Revelation (Das letzte Buch, 1993), about Reincarnation believings from a historical and ethnological perspective (Wiedergeburt, 1988), Sufism in North Africa (Sufis und Heilige im Maghreb, 1984/1991) and similar subjects.

Willie Lewis

When Cook's band was taken over by Sam Wooding, Lewis traveled with him on his tours of Europe, South America, and North Africa, remaining until Wooding disbanded the orchestra in 1931.