
unusual facts about phenomena

Abdelfattah al-Banna

He was engaged in studying the deterioration phenomena, their effective factors and treatments by the consolidation techniques of Karnak Temple at Luxor.

AC power

Major delineations of the concept are attributed to Stanley's Phenomena of Retardation in the Induction Coil (1888) and Steinmetz's Theoretical Elements of Engineering (1915).

Acoustical Intelligence

Acoustical Intelligence (ACOUSTINT, sometimes ACINT) is an intelligence gathering discipline that collects and processes acoustic phenomena.

Albert Eichhorn

Albert Eichhorn (Karl Albert August Ludwig Eichhorn, 1 October 1856-3 August 1926), the author of Das Abendmahl im Neuen Testament, was one of the founders of the history of religions school, an approach that sought to understand all religions, including Christianity and Judaism, as socio-cultural phenomena that developed in comparable ways.

Alexa Hepburn

She has become expert in transcription and has developed Gail Jefferson's basic system for transcribing talk to encompass phenomena associated with crying and upset (sobbing, sniffing, tremulous delivery).

Anna Mary Howitt

This reflected a new-found interest in spiritualism, to which her parents had turned in the early 1850s, as did her book Pioneers of the Spiritual Reformation (1883), which consisted of biographical sketches of the German poet Justinus Kerner and of her father William Howitt, but whose other purpose was to promote spiritualism, mesmerism and similar phenomena.

Aristides Leão

In collaboration with his supervisors, Arturo Rosenblueth and Hallowell Davis, he analyzed the cycle of excitability of cortex neurons (nerve cells) after the convulsive phenomena, and was the first to identify an important phenomenon, that of a decrease of the excitability which spread in increasing circles around the initial focus, which he named spreading depression.

Arkady Aronov

Hewlett Packard Europhysics Prize, 1993, shared with Boris Altshuler, David Khmelnitsky, Anatoly Larkin, and Boris Spivak, awarded for "Theoretical Work on Coherent Phenomena in disordered Conductors".

B.M.C. Durfee High School

Jerome Namias - (1928) - Prominent American meteorologist; former Chief of the Extended Forecast Division of the National Weather Service and was involved in the research of both the Dust Bowl and El Niño phenomena.

BCS: 50 Years

John Swain writing for CERN Courier describes the book as a wonderful review of a powerful unifying concept which covers an enormous range of phenomena.

Bell–Magendie law

The nature and the physiology of the phenomena were described independently by the British anatomical scientist Sir Charles Bell and the French physiologist François Magendie, later confirmed by the German physiologist Johannes Peter Müller.

Canfranc Underground Laboratory

The laboratory is mainly devoted to study rarely occurring natural phenomena such as the interactions of neutrinos of cosmic origin or dark matter with atomic nuclei.

Computational physics

Computational astrophysics is the application of these techniques and methods to astrophysical problems and phenomena.

David Pirie

In it he analyzes the films of Hammer and Amicus, as well as other British horror phenomena, including the works of Michael Reeves as well as what Pirie referred to as Anglo-Amalgamated's "Sadean Trilogy", beginning with Horrors of the Black Museum in 1959.

Dean Radin

Radin was elected President of the Parapsychological Association in 1988, 1993, 1998, and 2005 and has published a number of articles and parapsychological papers supporting paranormal phenomena, as well as two books directed to a popular audience: The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds.

DinI-like protein family

The SOS response, a set of cellular phenomena exhibited by eubacteria, is initiated by various causes that include DNA damage-induced replication arrest, and is positively regulated by the co-protease activity of RecA.

Diogenes Club series

The stories in this collection focus on 'Most Valued Member' Richard Jeperson, who is notable for his flamboyant dress sense and sensitivity to psychic and paranormal phenomena, a homage to various television characters from the Seventies, in particular Jason King (of Department S and Jason King), John Steed and the Third Doctor.

Douglas Osheroff

He then worked at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey for 15 years, continuing to research low-temperature phenomena in 3He.

Economic globalization

Nevertheless, Princeton University professor Robert Gilpin argues that though economic globalization seems to be irreversible, nations' various economic policies have suppressed the impetus for their own economies to move forward, which he states has been shown in the past, thus debunking Shanquan's theory of economic globalization as a primarily irreversible phenomena.


Originally designed by Herbert A. Simon and Edward Feigenbaum to simulate phenomena in verbal learning, it has been later adapted to account for data on the psychology of expertise and concept formation.

Eric Kripke

In 2005, Kripke created the series Supernatural, which is about two hunter brothers'(Sam and Dean Winchester) personal battle against demons, poltergeists and other supernatural phenomena.

Haim Gaifman

Gaifman's recent work include logical systems that formalize aspects of natural reasoning (pointer logic for solving the semantic paradoxes, contextual logic for handling vagueness and the Sorites paradox), phenomena of self-reference, metaphysical realism, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, Frege, Russell, and the early Wittgenstein.

Hans Guido Mutke

Only after learning about the supersonic flights of Chuck Yeager in 1947 did he attribute these phenomena to the effects of supersonic flight and claim to have broken the sound barrier—years before Yeager did.


He differentiated between both phenomena as follows: The term historicism is used in his influential books The Poverty of Historicism and The Open Society and Its Enemies to describe “an approach to the social sciences which assumes that historical prediction is their primary aim, and which assumes that this aim is attainable by discovering the 'rhythms' or the 'patterns', the 'laws' or the 'trends' that underlie the evolution of history”.

Horoscopic astrology

Many modern and ancient mundane astrologers also believe correlations exist between geological phenomena (such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) and astronomical phenomena (the movement of celestial bodies in relation to the Earth).

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Located in Barcelona, one of the international capitals of Urbanism, the institution develops a multidisciplinary program that explores urban and international territorial phenomena, placing especial emphasis on the opportunities that emerges from developing countries and the cultural, economic and social values that architecture may contribute to society.

Italian classical music

Yet, it was inevitable that Italian composers would respond to the fading values of Romanticism and the cynicism provoked in many European artistic quarters by such things as World War I and such cultural/scientific phenomena as psychoanalysis in which—at least according to Robert Louis Stevenson—"all men have secret thoughts that would shame hell."

Joan Bresnan

Since then, Bresnan's work has focused on LFG analyses of various phenomena, primarily in English, Bantu languages, and Australian languages.

Leonid Mandelstam

This paradigm-altering discovery (together with G. S. Landsberg) had occurred at the Moscow State University just one week earlier than a parallel discovery of the same phenomena by C. V. Raman and K. S. Krishnan.


This part of the site has seen the development of LOLyoaks based on the internet phenomena of LOLcats and the UK Soap Hollyoaks, receiving spotlight in the UK Media.

Marsden Grotto

Local DJ and TV presenter, Alan Robson drank from the tankard during one of his live Metro Radio shows, allegedly sparking off a series of supernatural phenomena that eventually forced the then landlord to quit.

Mechanical Spin Phenomena

Mechanical Spin Phenomena is the first album released by Danish industrial metal band Mnemic.

Middle range theory

Middle range theory (sociology) - as discussed by Robert K. Merton is a theory with limited scope, that explains a specific set of phenomena, as opposed to a grand theory like that proposed by Talcott Parsons that seeks to explain phenomena at a societal level.

New literacies

In the Handbook of New Literacies Research, Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, and Leu (2008) note that all these terms “are used to refer to phenomena we would see as falling broadly under a new literacies umbrella” (pg. 10).

Particle physics in cosmology

Cosmological observations of phenomena such as the cosmic microwave background and the cosmic abundance of elements, together with the predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics, place constraints on the conditions of the early universe.

Pierre Jean Édouard Desor

After spending a few years in the north of Europe, especially in Scandinavia, investigating the erratic phenomena peculiar to that region, Desor accompanied Agassiz in 1847 to the United States, found employment in the coast survey, and made with Whitney, Foster, and Rogers a geological survey of the mineral district of Lake Superior.

Political religion

Scholars who have studied these phenomena include William Connolly in political science, Christoph Deutschmann in sociology, Emilio Gentile in history, Oliver O'Donovan in theology and others in psychology.


The idea that phenomena such as emergence and work within the field of complex systems theory pose limits to reductionism has been advocated by Stuart Kauffman.


## Nirvitarka-samāpatti (firm acquisition of the truths about the physical phenomena without whatsoever doubts, samśaya).

Sexual fetishism

In 1951, Donald Winnicott presented his theory of transitional objects and phenomena, according to which childish actions like thumb sucking and objects like cuddly toys are the source of manifold adult behavior, amongst many others fetishism.

Society for Scientific Exploration

The Skeptical Inquirer published an article by Robert Sheaffer who wrote that the SSE was a non-mainstream organization that was biased towards uncritically believing UFO phenomena, that the panel included many scientists that were UFO advocates but no scientists that were skeptics of UFO claims, and that all the uphold cases were old cases that had failed to convince any skeptic of its accuracy or veracity.

Sun dog

The 2nd century Roman writer and philosopher Apuleius in his Apologia XV says "What is the cause of the prismatic colours of the rainbow, or of the appearance in heaven of two rival images of the sun, with sundry other phenomena treated in a monumental volume by Archimedes of Syracuse."

Sven Lindqvist

His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology.

Technology in Star Trek

Physicist Lawrence Krauss has written The Physics of Star Trek, a book which postulates what phenomena might make some Star Trek technology feasible, while detailing the blunders the show has made.

Ulas family

However, Nicholas Humphrey, John Skoyles, and Roger Keynes have argued that their gait is due to two rare phenomena coming together.


The nearby Capilla del Monte and the base of Uritorco attract many New Age supporters and tourists interested in the alleged mystical/energetic qualities of the mountain and other paranormal phenomena, and a local artisan industry has developed around this topic.

Watts and Strogatz model

Consequently, the model is able to at least partially explain the "small-world" phenomena in a variety of networks, such as the power grid, neural network of C. elegans, and a network of movie actors.

Weld quality assurance

The idea of using electrical data analyzed by algorithms to assess the quality of the welds produced in robotic manufacturing emerged in 1995 from research by Associate Professor Stephen Simpson at the University of Sydney on the complex physical phenomena that occur in welding arcs.

see also