
unusual facts about pseudo-domains


Legal issues regarding domains are to be handled by the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) arm of the Government.


After Serbia and Montenegro acquired separate .rs and .me domains in 2007, a transition period started, and the .

Address space

Some nested domains hierarchy appears in the case of directed ordered tree as for the Domain Name System or a directory structure; this similar to hierarchical design of postal addresses.

Adversus Haereses

Most scholars, however, believe that the appendix is not by Tertullian but was added later; it is therefore attributed to a Pseudo-Tertullian.


In Germany, the title of Vogt (advocatus or "advocate") was given not only to the advocati of churches and abbeys but also, from early in the Middle Ages, to officials appointed by the Holy Roman Emperor to administer lands directly under his dominion, as opposed to the comital domains, owned by counts who had become hereditary princes of the Empire.

Bioresorbable stents

Many researchers prefer to use in vitro corrosion simulations using pseudo-physiological solutions such as EMEM or HBSS.

Charles McVety

During the 2006 election, McVety registered several domains which bore the names of Liberal candidates, such as "josephvolpe.com" (a reference to Joe Volpe), and published pro-Conservative material there.

Cyclic di-GMP

Many proteins with GGDEF, EAL or HD-GYP domains are found with other domains that can receive signals, such as PAS domains.

Directed algebraic topology

Its applications deal with domains where privileged directions appear, like concurrent processes, traffic networks, spacetime models, noncommutative geometry, rewriting systems and the modelling of biological systems.


For its libretto, Felice Romani reused some of the pseudo-druidical background of La Sacerdotessa to provide colour to a standard theatrical conflict of love and duty.

Dutch Brazilian

The Dutch West India Company was established in Amsterdam in 1621 and soon came into contact with the overseas domains of Portugal and Spain.

Federal Zionism

Federal Zionism may also call for the granting of certain jurisdictional powers of autonomy to regions within the State of Israel's Jewish majority areas, akin to the pseudo-federal structure of the Twelve Tribes of the ancient Israelites.

Filippo Scannabecchi

His father was Dalmasio Scannabecchi (sometimes referred to as pseudo-Dalmasio), a Bolognese painter from a minor noble family who migrated to Pistoia during a period of Guelph rule in Bologna.


This article presents the mathematical formalism involved in defining, finding, and proving the existence of geodesics, in the case of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.

Isomeric shift

Under its Mössbauer variant, the isomeric shift has found important applications in domains as different as Atomic Physics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Geology, and Lunar research.

J. Comyns Carr

Carr's Tristram and Iseult (1906), a pseudo-medieval drama, was produced at the Adelphi Theatre starring Matheson Lang, Lily Brayton and Oscar Asche.

Janice Erlbaum

In 1996, she was hired at noted dot com art factory Pseudo.com (subject of the documentary We Live in Public), and rose to the position of Executive Producer before departing in 1999.

Kellogg's theorem

Kellogg's theorem is a pair of related results in the mathematical study of the regularity of harmonic functions on sufficiently smooth domains by Oliver Dimon Kellogg.


The most famous ruler of Khotogoids probably was Ubashi Huang Taizi also known as Altan Khan of Khotogoid (not to be confused with Altan Khan of Tumed) who was successful in subjecting Yenissei Kyrgyz and pushing Oirats out of their domains in western Mongolia.

Liber de Causis

Otto Bardenhewer, Die pseudo-aristotelische Schrift ueber das reine Gute bekannt unter dem Namen Liber de Causis: Arabic text, German translation

Master of Business Systems

Important application domains of Business Systems may be investigated in courses like enterprise resource planning, E-Commerce, SAP and e-business networking, industrial information systems, or electronic finance/electronic banking, web security, simulation models etc.

MATH domain

The MATH domain, in molecular biology, is a binding domain that was defined originally by a region of homology between otherwise functionally unrelated domains, the intracellular TRAF-C domains of TRAF proteins and a C-terminal region of extracellular meprins A and B.

Michael Ayrton

Beginning in 1961, Michael Ayrton wrote and created many works associated with the myths of the Minotaur and Daedalus, the legendary inventor and maze builder, including bronze sculpture and the pseudo-autobiographical novel "The Maze Maker" (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967).

Neo-Tiwanakan architecture

The Neo-Tiwanakan or Pseudo-Tiwanakan architecture is a style developed by the architect Emilio Villanueva Peñaranda between the years 1930 and 1948 inspired in the designs of the Pre-Columbian archeological site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia.

Networked advocacy

Walter Lippmann coined the phrase "pseudo-environment" in his 1922 book Public Opinion to refer to the ways people make sense of their worlds based on what they have individually experienced, what he called "the pictures in our heads".

Ōi River

During the Edo period, the Tōkaidō developed as the major highway linking Edo with Kyoto, and daimyo from the western domains were forced to travel on a regular basis to Edo to attend to the Shogun in a system known as sankin kōtai.


Patria Onoguria, referred to as such by Agathius, Priscus Rhetor, Zacharias Rhetor, and Pseudo-Zecharias Rhetor, was a Hunno-Bulgar state around the Sea of Azov granted by Byzantium to the Onogurs in the 460s AD when, led by Attila's sons Dengizich and Ernakh, they overran Karadach's Akatziroi already settled in the region within the larger context of the Great Migrations and the Turkic expansion.

Oscar Kiss Maerth

Oscar Kiss Maerth (1914-1990) was the author of The Beginning Was the End (1971), a pseudo-scientific book which claims that modern humans are descended from a species of cannibalistic apes.

Pamphilus the Theologian

The work includes a number of quotations from standard authors such as the Cappadocians, John Chrysostom and Cyril of Alexandria, and also Pseudo-Dionysius, but also from a number of authors condemned at various councils (e.g. Apollinarius, Eunomius, Eutyches, Nestorius, Paul of Samosata, Valentinian).

Pierre Samuel

His lectures on unique factorization domains published by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research played a significant role in computing the Picard group of a Zariski surface via the work of Jeffrey Lang and collaborators.

PIN domain

In eukaryotes PIN domains are found in proteins involved in nonsense mediated mRNA decay, in proteins such as SMG5 and SMG6, and in processing of 18S ribosomal RNA.

Przemysł I of Greater Poland

Although he stopped the advance of Brandenburg's troops into his domains (Santok in 1247, Zbąszyń in 1251 and Drezdenko in 1252), the situation remained tense on the Brandenburg border.


Examples of books labeled Old Testament pseudepigrapha from the Protestant point of view are the Ethiopian Book of Enoch, Jubilees (both of which are canonical in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and the Beta Israel sect of Judaism); the Life of Adam and Eve and "Pseudo-Philo".


The Pseudo-Abdias was published in 1703 by Johann Albert Fabricius in the second volume of a collection he had compiled of apocryphal manuscripts.


Dr. Edward J. Petuch, author of Cenozoic seas: the view from eastern North America, refers to pseudo-atolls as pseudoatolls with the Everglades Pseudoatoll as an example.

Pseudo-Chalkidian vase painting

There is a single depiction of a chariot race, as well as one amphora with Odysseus and Kirke.

Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals

Much of the work is attributed to "Isidore Mercator", but this is almost certainly a pseudonym created by conflating the names of Isidore of Seville and Marius Mercator, both of whom were well-respected ecclesiastical scholars.

Pseudo-spectral method

Canuto C., Hussaini M. Y., Quarteroni A., and Zang T.A. (2006) Spectral Methods. Fundamentals in Single Domains. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg


The Catholic Encyclopedia describes it as "doggerel hexameters", and mentions two theories: that the poem was written by Commodian; and that Adversus Omnes Haereses was written by Victorinus of Pettau.

Saint Regis University

A few months later the domain administrator for .lr (Liberia) internet domains cancelled saintregis.edu.lr, in effect eliminating the World Wide Web presence of St. Regis.

The Ministry of Darkness

Led by The Undertaker, the Ministry was a controversial group with pseudo-Satanic themed storylines, that included rituals and sacrifices.

The Past Through Tomorrow

A revolution overthrows the theocracy and establishes a free society which, nonetheless, does not save the pseudo-immortal Lazarus Long and his Howard Families from fleeing Earth for their lives.

Thomas Rowley

the pseudonym of Thomas Chatterton (1752–1770), English poet and forger of pseudo-medieval poetry

Two Concepts of Liberty

He also defined it as a comparatively recent political ideal, which re-emerged in the late 17th century, after its slow and inarticulate birth in the Ancient doctrines of Antiphon the Sophist, the Cyrenaic discipleship, and of Otanes after the death of pseudo-Smerdis.


Further generalizations of undersampling for the case of signals with multiple bands are possible, and signals over multidimensional domains (space or space-time) and have been worked out in detail by Igor Kluvánek.

Vanity domain

Vanity domains may be compared with vanity car registration plates, which similarly identify their owner as an individual and not just someone relying on another organisation's services.


The film The Last Legion (2007), based in part on the novel of the same name (2002) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, features a highly fictionalized portrayal of Vortigern under the pseudo-authentic name Vortgyn.

William R. Newman

The history of medieval alchemy formed the central focus of Newman's early work, which included several studies of Roger Bacon and culminated in an edition, translation, and study of the Latin alchemist who wrote under the assumed name of "Geber" (a transliteration of "Jābir", from "Jābir ibn Hayyān"), probably Paul of Taranto.

see also


They agreed to share it, hiding from the users which network they were connected to, and nullifying the use of pseudo-domains like .uucp or second-level domains like gov.uk, thereby creating a practice that has been enforced ever since, and also applied in other countries.