
unusual facts about Activation-synthesis hypothesis

26th Reconnaissance Squadron

The 416th Flight Test Squadron, constituted as the 26th Reconnaissance Squadron (Heavy) in January 1942 but redesignated 416th Bombardment Squadron( Heavy) before activation


4CAPS (Cortical Capacity-Constrained Concurrent Activation-based Production System) is a cognitive architecture developed by Marcel A. Just and Sashank Varma at Carnegie Mellon University.

Alanna Schepartz

Her research has contributed to three different areas of chemical biology: protein-DNA recognition and transcriptional activation; the development of miniature proteins that bind specifically and with high affinity to protein and DNA; and the development of β-peptides as protein ligands and as building blocks of protein-like architectures.


Antagonism (pharmacology), when a substance binds to the same site an agonist would bind to without causing activation of the receptor

Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A

The AVPR1A is endocytosed by binding to beta arrestin, which dissociates rapidly from AVPR1A to allow it to return to the plasma membrane; however, upon activation, AVPR1A can heterodimerize with AVPR2 to increase beta-arrestin-mediated endocytosis (and intracellular accumulation) of AVPR1A, since AVPR2 is far less likely to dissociate from beta-arrestin.

Avenir Telecom

They consist in the distribution and sale of a wide variety of communication products, especially mobile phones, activation of service, accessories, answering and fax machines, phone cases, phone chargers, phone soxs, plastic shelves, 3D phone stickers for mobiles and laptops, earkits, hands-free kits, portable headsets, and USB Bluetooth dongles under the OXO name.

Behavioral activation

Behavioral activation owes its basis to Charles Ferster's Functional Analysis of Depression (1973) which developed B.F. Skinner's idea of depression, within his analysis of motivation, as a lack of reinforcement.

Bengt Nordén

He has developed novel DNA-binding ligands, such as bis-intercalating compounds and peptide nucleic acids (PNA), and demonstrated DNA-ligand reorganisations between groove-binding and intercalation binding geometries involving extreme activation energies and recognition due to kinetic (in contrast to thermodynamic) selection.

Cadherin–catenin complex in learning and memory

E-cadherin binding to p120ctn may activate SRC leading to activation of Rac1 which results in phosphorylation of LIMK1 and LIMK2 to deactivate cofilin causing G-actin polymerization.

César Milstein

In 1958, funded by the British Council, he joined the Biochemistry Department at the University of Cambridge at Darwin College to work for a PhD under Malcolm Dixon on the mechanism of metal activation of the enzyme phosphoglucomutase.


Cinacalcet (INN) is a drug that acts as a calcimimetic (i.e. it mimics the action of calcium on tissues) by allosteric activation of the calcium-sensing receptor that is expressed in various human organ tissues.

Cognitive neuroscience of dreams

Cholinergic activation of these higher areas was thought to result in the meaningless images that make up our dreams.

Complement component 5a

The latter interaction leads to receptor activation, and the transduction of the ligand binding signal across the cell plasma membrane to the cytoplasmic G protein GNAI2.

David Swinney

The Cross-Modal Priming Task (CMPT), developed by David Swinney, is an online measure used to detect activation of lexical and syntactic information during sentence comprehension.


The DEFCON level is controlled primarily by the U.S. President and the U.S. Secretary of Defense through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combatant Commanders, and each DEFCON level defines specific security, activation and response scenarios for the troops in question.


Both drugs increased diuresis and natriuresis - effects that are thought to be due to the activation of renal D1 receptors.

Dialog TV

Dialog TV recently Launch A PVR service Which allow customer's to record TV Programes on selected TV channels and also gives the ability to pause' Rewind and fast forward Live TV the product is currently marketed as "Dialog TV PVR" the service is used by connecting a USB Stick or External hard disk via a USB cable to a USB port of the back of the Receiver and by calling the Dialog TV Customer technical support hotline (Activation Fees of Rs 250.00 on top of the monthly subscription apply)

Education in Lower Dir District

This project is the combination of some activities, like the Development of District Education Planning, reactivating, strengthening and capacity building of PTAs, EFA forum activation and strengthening, educational budget tracking and Education Facilitation Center establishment, functionalization of the middle and primary schools.

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis

In EG cytokines IL-3, IL-5 and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) may be behind the recruitement and activation.

Far East Air Force

Pacific Air Forces, a United States Air Force major command known historically as Far East Air Forces from its activation in 1944 until 1945 and again from 1947 to 1957

FGF and mesoderm formation

Activation of FGF by two ligands that function together, FGF4 and FGF8 (17) in Xenopus and FGF8 and FGF24 in zebrafish (18), is necessary for mesoderm formation.

GAL4/UAS system

Gal4 is a modular protein consisting broadly of a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain.


The receptor activates insulin gene expression by activation of MAPK through a mechanism dependent on MEK but independent of both Raf and Ras3.

Hes3 signaling axis

:* Activation of the signaling pathway by Delta4, Angiopoietin 2, insulin, or a combination of the three and a JAK inhibitor induces motor skill improvements in adult rat models of Parkinson's disease (6-hydroxydopamine model).

History of HIV/AIDS

Non-human SIVs contain a nef gene that down-regulates CD3, CD4, and MHC class I expression; most non-human SIVs, therefore, do not induce immunodeficiency; the HIV-1 nef gene, however, has lost its ability to down-regulate CD3, which results in the immune activation and apoptosis that is characteristic of chronic HIV infection.

Integrated stress response

ISR is a common denominator of different types of cellular stresses resulting in activation of at least one of the eIF-2 alpha (EIF2S1).

Interpeduncular nucleus

Activation of the GAD2 expressing sub-population of the IPN produced the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal suggesting that the misfunction of this region may be an active component of withdrawal.


Also, KSCS, and sister station WBAP-AM are responsible for activation of the North Texas Emergency Alert System when hazardous weather alerts, Disaster area declarations, and child abductions are issued.


Millsport became the sports sponsorship and motorsports consulting and activation division of fellow Omnicom agency The Marketing Arm in 2004, a move that triggered several personnel moves within the agency.

Ming-Ming Zhou

The current focuses of his laboratory include the roles of the Trithorax protein complexes and the Polycomb repressive complexes in gene activation and silencing in human biology of health and disease such as stem cell self-renewal and lineage commitment, cancer and inflammation.

No. 381 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron RAAF

To date 381ECSS has assisted in Operations Warden/Stabilize (East Timor), Gold (Sydney Olympics), Relex (bare base activation to support maritime interdiction operations), Gaberdine (Immigration Support), Guardian (CHOGM Support), Slipper (Global War on Terrorism), Bastille and Falconer (Iraq War).


p14ARF inhibits mdm2, thus promoting p53, which promotes p21 activation, which then binds and inactivates certain cyclin-CDK complexes, which would otherwise promote transcription of genes that would carry the cell through the P53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis

When the inhibition of these is lifted, they result in the translocation of Bax and activation of mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in release of mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins cytochrome c, SMAC, and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) leading to caspase activation and cell death.


It was the group of the Nobel prize laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini who in 1993 first presented evidence supporting that lipid amides of the N-acylethanolamine type (such as PEA) are potential prototypes of naturally occurring molecules capable of modulating mast cell activation, and her group coined the acronym ALIA in that paper.

Peripheral chemoreceptors

AMPK activation is also a more appealing candidate because it can activate both of the two most common types of potassium channels.

Postmodern marketing

With the accelerated growth of account activation amongst the 55+ age cohort according to leading marketing research firms like Forrester, eMarketer, comScore and Nielsen, the idea of social media belonging to only the young is an inaccurate statement of fact.


MicroPsi extends the representations of the Psi-theory with taxonomies, inheritance and linguistic labeling; MicroPsi's spreading activation networks allow for neural learning, planning and associative retrieval.

Radial glial cell

Another radial glia-specific protein is the brain lipid binding protein (FABP7), expression of which could be induced by Notch-1 activation,


In his own researches Jovan Ajduković reinterpret and innovate the "theory of transfer" of lexical borrowing (е.g., Rudolf Filipović 1986, 1990) and introduce the "theory of approximate copying and activation" of contact-lexemes.


The transcriptional activation domain of SAP1a resides within the C-terminal region, the function of which may be impeded by the N-terminus.

Shortcode activation protocol

Shortcode activation protocol is a programming device that allows mobile phone users to send a short activation word to a premium rate phone line operated via SMS.

Strictly standardized mean difference

In an HTS assay, one primary goal is to select compounds with a desired size of inhibition or activation effect.

The size of the compound effect is represented by the magnitude of difference between a test compound and a negative reference group with no specific inhibition/activation effects.

The Primordial Emotions: The Dawning of Consciousness

Denton distinguishes between primordial emotions, "imperious states of arousal and compelling intentions to act" (p.7) driven by activation of interoceptors and involving ancient, lower brain regions such as the medulla, midbrain and hypothalamus, and "classic" emotions, such as anger, fear and love, driven by distance receptors (vision, hearing, olfaction) and mediated by higher, more recently evolved brain regions.

Unfolded protein response

It has been argued that the genetic and structural evidence supporting the model simply shows BiP dissociation to be merely correlated with Ire1 activation, rather than specifically causing it.

Vellore Airport

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has embarked on an "idle airports activation programme" in the Southern region that includes Vellore.

Windows Activation Services

Windows Process Activation Service (also known as WAS) is the process activation mechanism introduced within Internet Information Services v7.0.


Zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated family member C (ZXDC) is a human CIITA-binding protein involved in the activation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II.

see also