The practice was later adopted by new converts to the Roman Catholic faith who associated the event of the Twelve Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Upper Room as they prayed for nine days until the Holy Spirit descended on the Feast of the Pentecost.
There is a Catholic Holy Spirit Church and also a Lutheran church in the village.
Verbal dictation describes a theory about how the Holy Spirit was involved with the people who first physically indited the Bible.
Holy See | Holy Roman Empire | Holy Roman Emperor | Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor | Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor | Holy Week | Holy Land | Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor | Holy Orders | Holy Spirit | Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor | Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor | Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor | Holy Trinity | Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor | Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor | Spirit of St. Louis | Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Holy Grail | Spirit | Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor | Order of the Holy Sepulchre | Holy Trinity Church | Holy Cross | Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor | Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor | Holy Synod | Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor | Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor | Smells Like Teen Spirit |
Referring to the constitution Dei Verbum the document emphasizes that all Christian prayer and meditation should "proceeds to converge on Christ" and be guided by the gift of the Holy Spirit.
From the mid-1920s onward Watchman Nee, strongly influenced by Plymouth Brethren ideas (especially premillennialism) but also by a stress on the Holy Spirit derived from the Holiness tradition, was an inspiring and compelling teacher.
This negation is subsequently itself negated at the Crucifixion of Jesus, resulting in the emergence of the Holy Spirit, God as both concrete (the church) and absolute (spiritual community).
Divino Afflante Spiritu ("Inspired by the Holy Spirit") is a Papal encyclical letter issued by Pope Pius XII on September 30, 1943 calling for new translations of the Bible from the original languages, instead of the venerable Latin Vulgate of St Jerome, revised multiple times, which had formed the textual basis for all Catholic vernacular translations until that time.
Twelve articles, adopted in 1969, are presented by the fellowship as their statement of faith on the following issues - the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Man, Salvation, the Church, the Christian life, Ordinances, Satan, Second Coming, and Future Life.
The pronoun He, with a universally capitalized H, is often used to refer to the Supreme Being, or in Christian contexts, to Jesus Christ; "It", with a capitalized I, is also used when speaking of the Supreme Being's nature or Godhead, or in Christian contexts, to refer to the Logos; capitalized "He" and "It" have both been used to refer to the Holy Spirit.
When Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a dove, Godwin viewed it as Osbourne's desire to destroy the Holy Spirit, which is often represented by a dove.
Lancaster County Christian School's faith-based curriculum includes the inerrancy of the Bible, the triune nature of God, creationism, the divinity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ, a sola fide soteriology, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
A major revival had recently taken place in Pyongyang, Korea in 1907 that involved more than 1000 people during a series of meetings where there was an emphasis of teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit.
He reached a wider audience with publications about the Spirit of God, creation (especially in dialog with the sciences), the role of the church in pluralistic societies, resurrection and the Protestant view of the Lord’s Supper, but also his work related to Alfred North Whitehead and process theology, to Niklas Luhmann and systems theory.
Paraclete comes from the Greek word meaning "one who consoles" and is found in the Gospel of John (16:7) as a name for the Holy Spirit.
Later, eleven of the disciples (minus Judas Iscariot) go to a mountain in Galilee to meet Jesus, who appears to them and commissions them to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to make disciples of all people, referred to as the Great Commission.
The cross is taken from the arms of the See of Trenton from which the diocese was formed; the tongue of fire refers both to "metachen," Lenni Lenape for firewood, and the descent of the Holy Spirit; the crowned M refers to the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the diocesan patron, founding bishop Theodore McCarrick's arms, and Pope John Paul II's arms.
It was established in 1353 together with the adjacent Augustinians cloister and a hospital of the Holy Spirit intra muros by Siemowit III duke of Masovia and his wife Eufemia.
Muslims, Jews, Unitarians and other nontrinitarians claim that the orthodox trinitarian Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitutes Tritheism, since these distinct "persons" are unified only by an impersonal substance ousia which does not transcend, or exist apart from, the persons.
Terce (9 a.m.) reminds us of three events, Christ’s trial by Pilate, his ascension to the heavens and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost.
This merged the hitherto independent Catholic parish of St. Mary in Bad Fallingbostel with the neighbouring parishes of St. Mary's Church in Walsrode and the Church of the Holy Spirit in Bomlitz-Benefeld as well as the Church of the Sacred Heart in Visselhövede.
In his opening comments the host, Abbot Alberto Morales, encouraged those present "to let the Holy Spirit guide us and show us the way that we should go...that as we face the new millennium we may present to the world a portion of the Anglican Communion reconciled and united, which in turn, may be an example to imitate for all good and faithful Anglicans and for the Church in general." The result of the meeting was the signing of a "Call to prayer" for unity and a determination to meet again.
There are two relics of St. Anthony of Padua, a Doctor of the Church and the patron saint of San Antonio; and a third relic is of Venerable Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, also known as Conchita, who inspired the formation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (Archbishop Garcia-Siller was ordained a priest to the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in 1984) as well as 16 other spirituality inspired Catholic organizations.
The large cross on the main dome (which has a metal bird attached to it, perhaps symbolic of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove) was removed by Spanish infantry.
The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, alternatively known as the St. Esprit Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Santo Spirito or Cattedrale dello Spirito Santo), located on Cumhuriyet Avenue, 205/B, in the quarter of Pangaltı in Şişli district, the former Harbiye, between Taksim Square and Nişantaşı, is one of the principal Catholic churches in Istanbul, Turkey.
"O God, by whose grace thy servants, the Holy Abbots of Cluny, enkindled with the fire of thy love, became burning and shining lights in thy Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and may ever walk before thee as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, now and for ever."
In November 1923, the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, Louis-Ernest Dubois, asked the Congregation of the Holy Spirit to assume charge of an orphanage in an arrondissement of Paris, the Orphan Apprentices of Auteuil.
Joseph P. Farrell translator The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit by St Photius Publisher: Holy Cross Orthodox Press Language: English ISBN 978-0-916586-88-1
He did his academic and spiritual formation at the Pontificio Collegio Beda in Rome, at St. Josaphat Seminary and Catholic University in Washington, DC, and at Holy Spirit Seminary and St. Paul University in Ottawa.
:the monuments within the Church of the Holy Spirit in Torremaggiore near Foggia, Italy;
Fullam is the author of seven books: Living the Lord’s Prayer (Ballantine Books); Fit for God’s Presence (Chosen Books); Facets of Faith (Episcopal Radio/TV Foundation); Riding the Wind – Your Life in the Holy Spirit (Creation House); How to Walk with God (Thomas Nelson); Thirsting – A Study on the Presence of God (Thomas Nelson); Your Body God’s Temple (Chosen Books).
Franciscan monastery of the Holy Spirit is a Bosnian Franciscan monastery in Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He has left a ‘‘St. Benedict’’ in the church of the convent at Sondrio, and a ‘‘Descent of the Holy Spirit’‘ in the church at Morbegno.
As a member of the Trinity, God the Father is one with, co-equal to, co-eternal, and con-substantial with the Son and the Holy Spirit, each Person being the one eternal God and in no way separated: all alike are uncreated and omnipotent.
The Holy Trinity of Christianity, consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is sometimes seen as roughly analogous to the Trimurti of Hinduism, whose members -- Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva -- are seen as the three principal manifestations of Brahman, or Godhead.
The Holy Spirit Grotto (La Gruta del Espíritu Santo in Spanish), in Corinto, Morazán, El Salvador, is a registered national monument of petroglyphs.
In Catholic theology, Christ and the Holy Spirit immanently reveal themselves; God the Father only reveals himself immanently vicariously through the Son and Spirit, and the Divine Nature, the Godhead is wholly transcendent and unable to be comprehended.
As a result of the movement of the Holy Spirit, several congregations and prayer fellowships evolved under various independent leaderships in Malankara.
Within Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is a single being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a communion of three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Farrell produced the first English translation of the "Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit" by Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople (9th century).
The Mother of God Community began in 1966 right after the close of Vatican II, when various housewives, particularly Edith Difato (1924 - ) and Judith Tydings, and other individuals within Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church in Potomac, Maryland, began experiencing a new awakening of the Holy Spirit and of God's love in their lives.
In 1992, the Jesus and the Children and the Holy Spirit stained-glass windows were restored, with a $22,000 donation from Esso Standard Oil Company.
Other works from Pere Serra include the Arrival of the Holy Spirit in the cathedral of Manresa (1394), considered his masterwork, an altarpiece with Saints in the Monastery of Sant Cugat (1375), a Virgin with Six Musician Angels and Annunciation in the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan.
At the time of this saint, a man by the name of Sabellius appeared in Alexandria who was teaching that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one person.
Sabellian, a believer in Sabellianism, the nontrinitarian belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one God, rather than three distinct persons in God Himself
St Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ, after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, set about the mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world.
He designed the Redemptorist Church of the Holy Spirit in Michalovce (1933-1934) and the Boiko-style wooden Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Nizny Komarnik, just south of the Dukla mountain pass (1937), both in Slovakia; the Ukrainian churches in Whippany, New Jersey (1949), and Pôrto Uniao, Brazil (1951); and the Orthodox cathedral in Montreal (1957).
On 1 February 2006, Clifton Kirkpatrick, president of the WARC, and Douwe Visser, president of the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC), said in a joint letter, "We rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit which we believe has led us to recommend that the time has come to bring together the work of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council into one body that will strengthen the unity and witness of Reformed Christians."
The great masters of Improvisation: György Faludy & Xaver Varnus in concert in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Budapest (DVD, Alexandra Publishing House, 2000)