
3 unusual facts about Heinrich von Ahaus

Heinrich von Ahaus

He was born in 1371, the natural son of Ludolf, Lord of the principality of Ahaus, and Hadwigis of Schöppingen.

He accompanied Johann Vos of Huesden, rector of Windesheim, to the Council of Constance (1414-18), to refute the charges lodged against the Brethren by the Dominican Mathüus Grabow, and of which they were triumphantly cleared.

Heinrich also founded houses of the congregation at Cologne (1416), Wesel (1435) and Osnabrück, and the communities of sisters at Borken, Coesfeld, Lippstadt, Wesel and Bodeken, labouring all the while in the face of continuous opposition from both priests and laymen.

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