
3 unusual facts about Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg

Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg

On 17 Feb., 1817, seven days after the death of Dalberg, the chapter of Constance elected Wessenberg as Vicar capitular and Diocesan administrator, but his election was invalidated by Pius VII in a Brief of 15 March 1817.

Joseph Heinrich Aloysius Gügler

The methods of the new teachers brought them into conflict, as well with the supporters of the old school, as with the followers of Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg and the "Illuminati" of Switzerland who accused the professors of unchristian mysticism.

Joseph Widmer

In connection with Joseph Heinrich Aloysius Gügler Widmer did good service in opposing the teachings of Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg, and in reviving ecclesiastic life in Switzerland.

see also