
unusual facts about Kafka's Breakfast

Kafka's Breakfast

Loren Nerell – recording on "More Fact Than Figure", "A Way of Life", "Tangerine Rabbit Jam" and "Night Scenes"

A Report to an Academy

In 2009, a theatrical adaptation of Kafka's story by Colin Teevan opened at the Young Vic in London.

Achmat Dangor

His most important works include the novels Kafka's Curse (1997) and Bitter Fruit (2001), but he is also the author of three collections of poetry, a novella and a short-story collection.

Alexei Rodriguez

In 2002 he also contributed lead and backing vocals to Finnish hardcore/punk band, Endstand on two tracks from their split EP with Kafka.

Antonio Saura

Starting in 1959 he began creating a prolific body of works in print, illustrating numerous books including Cervantes’s Don Quijote, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, Nöstlinger’s adaptation of Pinocchio, Kafka’s Tagebücher, Quevedo’s Three Visions, and many others.

Anxious Pleasures: A Novel After Kafka

Anxious Pleasures: A Novel After Kafka is a postmodern novel by Lance Olsen, published in 2007 by Shoemaker & Hoard (now Counterpoint).

Břetislav Kafka

Some results of Kafka's experiments in hypnosis are very similar to the knowledge in a later popular book of Raymond Moody Life after Life.

Bruce Rowland

Some of his early work was in television, where he was musical director for ATV0's The Go!! Show, Fredd Bear's Breakfast-A-Go-Go and the Magic Circle Club, then Adventure Island for the ABC.

Catherine Mack-Hancock

Mack-Hancock is best known for her roles on Australian and international television shows such as Channel 9's Pig's Breakfast, Jasper and Travail

Cliff Martinez

Martinez’s longstanding relationship with Soderbergh has continued through the years and they have worked together on ten theatrical releases including Kafka, The Limey, Traffic, Solaris and 2011’s Contagion.

Cretan lyra

Lyra has a body (kafka, or kafki) with a pear-shaped soundboard (kapaki), or one which is essentially oval in shape, with two small semi-circular soundholes.


Notable landmarks include the Dinky Dome (a former theological seminary converted to a food court), the Loring Pasta Bar (formerly Gray's Drug and also the building where Bob Dylan lived in Minneapolis), and Al's Breakfast (arguably the city's smallest restaurant).

Felice Bauer

The engagement took place on Pentecost Sunday 1914, in the presence of Kafka's parents and sister Ottla, but was broken a few weeks later, in August.

In the 2012 BBC radio play Kafka the Musical, Felice was played by Jessica Raine.

Françoise Taylor

As well as producing engravings for works by Kafka, Dostoievski and Conrad, she drew illustrations for Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge) and Morte d'Arthur (Malory).

Franz Kafka and Judaism

Beginning with the correspondence between Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem (or possibly before that, when Martin Buber became one of Franz Kafka's first publishers) interpretations, speculations, and reactions to Kafka's Judaism became so substantial during the 20th century as to virtually constitute an entire minor literature.

Fredd Bear's Breakfast-A-Go-Go

The only footage from Fredd Bear's Breakfast-A-Go-Go believed to exist is a performance by former Seekers member Bruce Woodley of his advertising jingle The ANZ Bank Travelling Man.

The show was hosted by Fredd Bear (Tedd Dunn), a lively non-speaking character first seen on the Magic Circle Club, and Judy Banks.

Bruce Rowland was the musical director and wrote the theme tune.

In 1969, Sydney's Good Morning!!! breakfast show on TEN-10 was renamed Breakfast-a-Go-Go, bringing it into line with the Melbourne program.

Ignacio Solares

In Anonimo (Anonymous Note, 1979), a work that has been compared to Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” for its protagonist’s metamorphosis into another person, we see Solares’ rejection of much organized religion (especially the Roman Catholic Church), but his simultaneous search for the transcendent and religious on the borders of human experience.

Introducing Kafka

Crumb's Kafka, is an illustrated biography of Franz Kafka by David Zane Mairowitz and Robert Crumb.

The book includes comic adaptations of some of Kafka's most famous works including The Metamorphosis, "A Hunger Artist", "In the Penal Colony", and "The Judgment", as well as brief sketches of his three novels The Trial, The Castle, and Amerika.

Jana Sterbak

It is worth noting the intense Czech culture that Sterbak was surrounded by and continues to appreciate (for example the works of Kafka, Kundera and Capek) as strong buttressing references in her ironic and often pessimistic artwork.

Joachim Neugroschel

Neugroschel translated more than 200 books of numerous authors, including Sholem Aleichem, Bergelson, Chekhov, Dumas, Hesse, Kafka, Mann, Moliere, Maupassant, Proust, Schweitzer, Singer and modern writers such as Ernst Jünger, Elfriede Jelinek and Tahar Ben Jelloun.

Josef K

Josef K., the protagonist of The Trial, The Castle and A Dream which are novels and short stories by Franz Kafka

Kafka project

Kafka requested that all his extant writings be destroyed, however, Dora, following Kafka's express wish that his writings be burned, secretly kept them in her Berlin home.

Kate Hewlett

She also co-starred with him, again as his sister, in the 2006 film A Dog's Breakfast.

Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story

In a rented Ford Taurus, which he nicknamed "Tauntaun", Klosterman runs into a variety of interesting circumstances and people along the way, such as a teenager in Missoula, Montana, who asks Mr. Klosterman to sell her some cannabis or a Cracker Barrel waitress who reads Kafka.

Lech Mackiewicz

Cate Blanchett's first theatre production out of NIDA was Kafka Dances at the Stables Theatre (Sydney 1993) where Lech starred as Franz Kafka and Cate played his fiancée, Felice Bauer.

Letters to Felice

Bulgarian novelist Elias Canetti wrote about the correspondence in Kafka's Other Trial: The Letters to Felice.

Martin Kafka

In 2008, Kafka was selected to be a member of the American Psychiatric Association's Work Group on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder for the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition, due for publication in 2012.

Moshe Efrati

He draws inspiration from diverse influences ranging from Kafka's The Metamorphosis and Samuel Beckett's surrealism to the Old Testament and Jewish poets of Muslim Spain His dance is set to music ranging from traditional early Spanish rhythms to contemporary electronic music.

Naiyer Masud

He is the author of many scholarly books and translations (notably of Kafka), but is best known for his short stories, collected in the volumes Ganjifa, Simiya, Itr-e-kaafoor, and Taoos Chaman Ki Myna.

National Monument in Vitkov

It took Kafka a whole ten years to complete the sculpture, and an advisory board of nine people was established to supervise his work, consisting of specialists, historians and hippologists.

National Players

After 63 consecutive seasons of touring, this acting company has given approximately 6,600 performances and workshops on plays by Shakespeare, O'Neill, Molière, Shaw, Kafka, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Stoppard and Peter Shaffer.

Pietro Citati

He has written critical biographies of Goethe, Alexander the Great, Kafka and Marcel Proust as well as a short memoir on his thirty-year friendship with Italo Calvino.

Powers of Horror

According to Kristeva, the best modern literature (Dostoevsky, Proust, Artaud, Céline, Kafka, etc.) explores the place of the abject, a place where boundaries begin to breakdown, where we are confronted with an archaic space before such linguistic binaries as self/other or subject/object.

Reiner Stach

He discovered the estate of Kafka's fiancée Felice Bauer in the United States and showed it as an exhibit "Kafka's Bride" in Frankfurt, Vienna, and Prague, among other places, during 1998 and 1999.

Rooster's Breakfast

It is an adaptation of less known novel of the same name by Feri Lainšček.


Hungarian composer, György Kurtág references the style in a surprising way in his 1987 magnum opus, "Kafka-Fragmente" Op.24, for soprano and violin in the movement "Der Wahre Weg."

The Aeroplanes At Brescia

It describes an airshow in the Italian town Brescia, which Kafka saw with two of his friends (Max and his brother Otto Brod) during their journey to Italy.

The Professor of Desire

On a visit to Prague, birthplace of the equally sexually inexperienced Franz Kafka, he dreams of visiting the still-living prostitute of Kafka who invites him to look at her crotch; presuming he wants to see why it held Kafka's interest for so long.

Thirty Eight

The keywords upon publishing forums allude to the influence of Kafka and Pynchon.

Up in the Gallery

Broadly speaking, the story invokes the topsy-turvy relationship between “Sein” und “Schein” (being and appearance), a mainstay of 19th-century German idealism, that Kafka likes to complicate throughout his writng.

Verlag Die Schmiede

The publisher was the first to publish Kafka's story collection Ein Hungerkünstler in 1924 and his novel Der Process in 1925, after the author's death.

Words, Words, Words

Daniel Hagen played the role of Milton, Robert Stanton played Swift, and Nancy Opel played Kafka.

see also