
3 unusual facts about Kant

Jill Metzger

Batmirza Dzhailobayev, head of the Kant police department, said, "It seemed to me that her testimony was little believable; she was confused in her evidence".

Kant, Kyrgyzstan

The Kant Air Base near the city is now host to the Russian Air Force's 5th Air Army's 999th Air Base positioned in Kyrgyzstan in response to the United States presence at Manas Air Base.

Stadion Sportkompleks Abdysh-Ata

Stadion Sportkompleks Abdysh-Ata is a multi-use stadium in Kant, Kyrgyzstan.

Adi Ophir

Analyzing seminal works by modern and postmodern philosophers such as Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Sartre, Arendt, Foucault, and Derrida, Ophir submits that to be moral is to care for others, and to be committed to preventing their suffering and distress.


Poet Kant- Kavi Kant, famous poet haild from Chanvand village of Amreli district.

Antonio Millán-Puelles

In all these works he studies and comments Brentano, Aristotle, Aquinas, Husserl, Kant, Hartmann, Meinong, Sartre, Heidegger, and many other ancient, medieval, and modern philosophers.

Aslan Maskhadov

Aslan (Khalid) Aliyevich Maskhadov (Chechen: Аслан Али кӏант Масхадан, Latin: Aslan Ali kant Masxadaŋ, Russian: Аслан Алиевич Масхадов) (21 September 1951 – 8 March 2005) was a leader of the Chechen independence movement and the third President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Ausonio Franchi

Combining Kant's phenomenalism and Comte's positivism, he falls into a sort of relativism and agnosticism.

Bruno Bauch

Bauch was an influential figure in the Kant-Gesellschaft (Kant Society) and helped publish the Prussian Academy's edition of Kant's collected works.

Categorical imperative

Peter Corning suggests that, "Kant's objection to the Golden Rule is especially suspect because the categorical imperative (CI) sounds a lot like a paraphrase, or perhaps a close cousin, of the same fundamental idea. In effect, it says that you should act toward others in ways that you would want everyone else to act toward others, yourself included (presumably). Calling it a universal law does not materially improve on the basic concept.".

Charles de Villers

He portrayed the revolution in ideas produced by Kant as being as important in its significnace as that produced by Descartes, Lavoisier and Copernicus.

Critique of Judgment

The most popular English translation is the one by James Creed Meredith, though recently Paul Guyer's translation, part of the new Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant in Translation, has gained some ground.


This featured new paintings, an installation and two prints — of Kurt "Kant Complain" and Cli-Che.

Dirty hands

Sissela Bok writes that Machiavelli maintains in The Prince that rulers who cling to moral principles in order to avoid dirty hands, no matter the cost, are weak and invariably end up defeated, a view opposed by Erasmus and Kant.

Epistemological particularism

Since the question "What do we know" implies that we know, particularism is considered fundamentally anti-skeptical, and was ridiculed by Kant in the Prolegomena.

François Picavet

François Picavet (17 May 1851, Petit-Fayt, Nord – 23 May 1921, Paris) was a French philosopher, translator and authority on Kant.

German idealism

George Santayana had strongly–held opinions regarding this attempt to overcome the effects of Kant's transcendental idealism.

Grace Lee Boggs

She studied at Barnard College on a scholarship and graduated in 1935 where she was influenced by Kant and especially Hegel.

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus

His first published work, Historische Entwicklung der spekulativen Philosophie von Kant bis Hegel (1837, 5th ed. 1860), which still ranks among the best expositions of modern German thought, has been twice translated into English, by Alfred Tulk (London, 1854), and by Alfred Edersheim (Edinburgh, 1854).


The term "henology" distinguishes the discipline that concerns The One, as in the philosophies of Plato and Plotinus, from disciplines that concern Being (as in Aristotle and Aquinas) and also from those that seek to understand Knowledge and Truth (as in Kant and Descartes).

Iain Hamilton Grant

Grant views Plato and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling as his major allies among classic philosophical figures, and generally opposes both Aristotle and Kant for what he sees as their tendency to reduce reality to its expressibility for humans.


Kant focused on ideas drawn from British philosophers such as Locke, Berkeley and Hume but distinguished his transcendental or critical idealism from previous varieties;

Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition

Kant and the Platypus : Essays on Language and Cognition (ISBN 0-15-601159-X) is a book by Umberto Eco which was published in Italian as Kant e l'ornitorinco in 1997.

Kantian ethics

Ethicist Tom Regan rejects Kant's assessment of the moral worth of animals on three main points: First, he rejects Kant's claim that animals are not self-conscious.

Karnatakada Haridasaru

He supports his views with relevant citations from the writings of eminent thinkers like Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Locke, Berkeley and others.

Leroy Searle

Specifically, Searle explores, and has published works on, philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kant, and Charles Sanders Peirce.

Ludwig Quidde

Das hat im Grunde genommen schon Kant vorausgesehen, der die Schaffung eines "ewigen Friedens" nicht etwa von einer Hebung der Moral erwartete, sondern vom Kriege, der so unerträglich werden würde, dass die Menschheit sich genötigt sehen würde, den Frieden zu sichern.

Marian Massonius

His writings included a collection of philosophical essays, and Polish translations of Western philosophers such as Kant, Tardieu and Schopenhauer.

Michael Allen Gillespie

He has published on medieval theology, Petrarch, humanism, Erasmus, Luther, Erasmus, Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, American political thought, the relation between religion and politics, and the role of sports in human life.


In addition to the work of Hermann von Helmholtz and Eduard Zeller, early fruits of the movement were Kuno Fischer's works on Kant and Friedrich Albert Lange's History of Materialism (Geschichte des Materialismus), the latter of which argued that transcendental idealism superseded the historic struggle between material idealism and mechanistic materialism.

The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger over the interpretation of Kant led the latter to formulate reasons for viewing Kant as a forerunner of phenomenology; this view was disputed in important respects by Eugen Fink.

Paul Carus

(Kant's phenomenal and noumenal realms of knowledge; Christianity's views of the soul and the body, and the natural and the supernatural).

Philosophy For All

Its bi-annual Public Lecture is often attended by more than 100 people and its monthly Kant's Cave talks, which are often given by notable academics, regularly draw 70 or so people to a room above a pub in Euston.

Rado Riha

“Plurale Subjekte als konkrete Endlichkeiten : oder Wie Laclau mit Kant gelesen werden kann”, in: Oliver Marchart (ed.), Judith Butler, Das Undarstellbare der Politik : Zur Hegemonietheorie Ernesto Laclaus.

Ralph Walker

Ralph C. S. Walker, former head of the Humanities Division at Oxford and Kant specialist

Rasul Bux Palejo

He got well versed in literature by reading Kant, Hegel, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Mohandas Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Salomon Maimon

By this critical scepticism Maimon takes up a position intermediate between Kant and Hume.

It was not until 1788 that he became acquainted with Kantian philosophy, and in 1790 he published the Essay on Transcendental Philosophy, in which he formulates his objections to Kant's system.

Samuel-Auguste Tissot

The authority with which the work was subsequently treated — Tissot's arguments were even acknowledged and echoed by luminaries such as Kant and Voltaire — arguably turned the perception of masturbation in Western medicine over the next two centuries into that of a debilitating illness.

Sasha Behar

Her theatre credits include The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant and The Island Princess, Eastward Ho and The Malcontent, with the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Small College

The course of the Small College mainly consists of the so-called classics; Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Arendt, Dostoyevsky, and so forth.

The Practice of Everyday Life

The Practice of Everyday Life re-examines related fragments and theories from Kant and Wittgenstein to Bourdieu, Foucault and Détienne, in the light of a proposed theoretical model.

Tom Regan

His philosophy aligns broadly within the tradition of Immanuel Kant, though he rejects Kant's idea that respect is due only to rational beings.

Triveni Sangam

On the bank of the Ganges at Daraganj, just before the confluence of ganga and Yamuna, the well known statistician Ravindra Khattree spent his early years when he attended Ewing Christian College, situated on the bank of Yamuna few miles before the confluence and the famous writer "Surya Kant Tripathi 'Nirala'" also spent his whole life at the same place (Daraganj).


Kant's distinction is similar to John Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities.

Werner Hamacher

He is the author of "Pleroma—Dialectics and Hermeneutics in Hegel" and "Premises: Essays on Philosophy from Kant to Celan" and the editor of the series Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics, published by Stanford University Press.

see also