
27 unusual facts about Latin

Alan Statham

He can also do several bird impressions, and can sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" in Latin.

Arabic parts

Beginning in the tenth century, many Arabic manuscripts were translated into Latin, becoming the means by which Classical astrology found its way back to Europe.

Basil Helmore

Born at Newcastle to company secretary Ernest Arthur James Helmore and Gertrude, née Allbon, he attended local state schools and in 1913 was first in the state in French and Latin for the Leaving certificate.

Caput Draconis

The phrase caput draconis means "dragon's head" or "head of the dragon" in Latin.

Dimissorial letters

Dimissorial letters (in Latin, litterae dimissoriae) are testimonial letters given by a bishop or by a competent religious superior to his subjects in order that they may be ordained by another bishop.


Felicissima is a Latin female name meaning "most happy".


However it must be mentioned that the Gheisari version of the name, found in its Arabic and Persian forms are irrelevant from its Latin etymology due to its own etymological root from Arabic.


Gromatici (from Latin groma or gruma, a surveyor's pole), or agrimensores, was the name for land-surveyors amongst the ancient Romans.

Guillaume Le Bé

1540 to 1550, where he produced Hebrew, Latin and Greek types for various printer/publishers, notably Marc'Antonio Giustiniani, Carlo Querini and Meir di Parenzo.

Hermannus Alemannus

Hermannus Alemannus (Herman the German) translated Arabic philosophical works into Latin.


St Gildas, the Welsh author of the De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae, is also credited with the Lorica, or Breastplate, an apotropaic charm against evil that is written in a curiously learned vocabulary; this too probably relates to an education in the Irish styles of Latin.

History of the Bosniaks

Latin-speaking settlers from all over the empire settled among the Illyrians at this time.

International Commission on English in the Liturgy

The International Commission on English in the Liturgy is a commission set up by a number of episcopal conferences of English-speaking countries for the purpose of providing English translations of the liturgical books of the Roman Rite, the originals of which are in Latin.

Jean Taisner

Jean Taisner (Taisnier) (Latin: Johannes Taisnerius; 1508, Ath, Habsburg Netherlands – 1562, Cologne) was a priest.

Konrad Ruhland

He studied history, medieval Latin, theology, and liturgical history which helped him to gain extensive background knowledge for his musicological research.


Founded before 1280 as Schola Duisburgensis, the school was transformed into a Latin school in 1559, which today's Landfermann-Gymnasium acknowledges as its official founding year.

Latin! or Tobacco and Boys

While the audience is walking in, a teacher (Dominic) is seen on stage marking exercise books 'with three different coloured biros'.

Ludwig Haetzer

Born in Bischofszell, Thurgau, Switzerland, he wrote an article against the uses of images in worship, translated some Latin evangelical texts regarding the conversion of Jews, together with Hans Denck he translated the prophets of the Bible into German (1528) and wrote a booklet discouraging the consumption of alcohol.

Mario Esposito

Mario Esposito (7 September 1887 - 19 February 1975) was an Irish-born scholar who specialised in Hiberno-Latin studies.

Mass of Paul VI

In his 1962 apostolic constitution Veterum sapientia on the teaching of Latin, Pope John XXIII spoke of that language as the one the Church uses: "...the Catholic Church has a dignity far surpassing that of every merely human society, for it was founded by Christ the Lord. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular."

Oratio Imperata

Oratio Imperata (Latin: Obligatory Prayer) is a set of Roman Catholic invocative prayers consisting of a liturgical action and a short, general prayer which the local ordinary or prelate of the church may publicly pray when a grave need or calamity occurs.

Ordines Romani

The Ordines Romani (Latin for Roman Orders) are collections of documents that are the rubrics for various liturgical services, including the early Medieval Mass, of the Roman Rite.


Pig Latin - a language game of alterations played in English

Sacraments of the Catholic Church

The other Last Rites are Confession (if the dying person is physically unable to confess, at least absolution, conditional on the existence of contrition, is given), and the Eucharist, which when administered to the dying is known as "Viaticum", a word whose original meaning in Latin was "provision for a journey".


The word is a compound of "sebastos" ("venerable", the Greek equivalent of the Latin Augustus) and "kratōr" ("ruler", the same element as is found in "autokratōr", "emperor").

Tropicália: ou Panis et Circencis

Tropicália ou Panis et Circencis (Latin for Bread and Circuses) is a 1968 collaboration album by artists including Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Tom Zé, Os Mutantes and Gal Costa.


Umbral is derived from the Latin umbra, meaning "shadow".

21 meses, 1 semana y 2 días

# "Sigo Aquí" (from the Treasure Planet Latin and Spanish soundtrack / Spanish version for I'm Still Here)

Adriana Kugler

Market Reforms, Factor Reallocation, and Productivity Growth in Latin America, (with Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, and Maurice Kugler), in Norman Loayza and Luis Serven, eds.

Alberto Gollán

Through Televisión Litoral, Gollán started in 1977 the Ibero-American Advertising Festival (Festival Iberoamericano de Publicidad, or FIAP), which has continued to be celebrated annually, with the participation of producers from Spain, Portugal and several Latin American countries.

Alfonso Joseph

Candido, the great Cuban Latin-Jazz percussionist, also personally coached and trained Joseph on Cuban bass rhythms and syncopation.


The commentary itself was written during the papacy of Pope Damasus I, that is, between 366 and 384, and is considered an important document of the Latin text of Paul before the Vulgate of Jerome, and of the interpretation of Paul prior to Augustine of Hippo.

Andrés Iduarte

Between 1928 and 1930, Andrés Iduarte travelled to Paris and he joined the Latinamerican Student Association (Asociación de Estudiantes Latinoamericanos, AGELA) where he met other Latin American personalities such as Carlos Quijano, Miguel Ángel Asturias, César Vallejo, Gustavo Machado, Eduardo Machado, Manuel Ugarte and Gabriela Mistral.


The word is derived from Anglia, the Latin name for England, and still the modern name of its eastern region.

Anne Aghion

In 1996, her first documentary Se le movió el piso: A portrait of Managua won the Coral Award for "Best Non-Latin American Documentary on Latin America" at the Havana Film Festival in Havana, Cuba.

Canons of Hippolytus

Attention was called to the book by Vansleb and Ludolf towards the end of the 17th century, but it was only in 1870 that it was edited by Daniel Bonifacius von Haneberg, who added a Latin translation, and so made it generally accessible.

Clan name

Roman clan name, a common element of Latin names, usually the second name following the praenomen and before the cognomen

Codex Legionensis

The Codex Legionensis, designated l or 67 (in the Beuron system), is a 7th century Latin script of the Old and New Testament.

Dependency theory

Matias Vernengo, a University of Utah economist, identifies two main streams in dependency theory: the Latin American Structuralist, typified by the work of Prebisch, Celso Furtado and Anibal Pinto at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC, or, in Spanish, CEPAL); and the American Marxist, developed by Paul A. Baran, Paul Sweezy, and Andre Gunder Frank.

Dictator novel

In 1967 during a meeting with Alejo Carpentier, Julio Cortázar, and Miguel Otero Silva, the Mexican author Carlos Fuentes launched a project consisting of a series of biographies depicting Latin American dictators, which was to be called Los Padres de la Patria (The Fathers of the Fatherland).


United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, also abbreviated by UNECLAC or ECLAC now, previously called "United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America", or UNECLA.

Emilio Romano

Romano was a member of the Board of Directors for Univision Communications between 1995 and 1998, where he was responsible for leading numerous high profile transactions, including the sale of PanAmSat to Hughes Electronics; the formation of Via Digital DTH venture for the Iberian Peninsula; and the Sky Latin America joint venture with The News Corporation, Organizacoes Globo and TCI.

Enough Is Enough

¡Ya basta!, slogan for several Latin American insurgent groups

Eustachy Trepka

There, Trepka was tasked by the Duke with carrying out translations of religious work from Latin into Polish, and he was employed in the print shop of Hans Daubmann.

French Skyline

The opening track, "Latin Sirens Face The Wall," was recorded at Klaus Schulze Studios in Hambühren, West Germany, and was engineered by Klaus Schulze.

Heinrich Schenker

Based on conversation with an unnamed Latin scholar, William Helmcke added that it could also be based on a passage from Irenaeus's Adversus Haereses (Against Heresies): sine initio et sine fine, vere et semper idem et eodem modo se habens solus est Deus ("Without beginning and without end, only God continues truly and always the same and in the same way").

Islam in Peru

The Latin American Muslim Unity (LAMU) organization, based in Fresno, California, United States, has drawn up a proposal for the first Islamic orphanage in Peru, although it has not yet materialized.

Joel Casique

He has exhibited his work in galleries and museums in Venezuela, the United States, and Aruba; he has also participated in national and international fairs, including the sixteenth and seventeenth Ferias Iberoamericanas de Arte (FIA) in Caracas; the 2007 Latin American Art Fair in Miami; and the 2006 Feria Internacional de Arte de Bogotá (ARTBO) in Bogotá, Colombia.

John Percival Postgate

John Percival Postgate (24 October 1853 – 15 July 1926) was an English classicist, professor of Latin at the University of Liverpool from 1909 to 1920.

John Siberch

John Fisher's Contio, delivered on the day of the public burning of the writings of Martin Luther, translated into Latin by Richard Pace, 1521 1522.

José Acosta

José de Acosta (1539-1600), Jesuit naturalist and missionary in Latin America

Julio Jaramillo

Jaramillo recorded with many other noteworthy Latin American artists including Puerto Rican singer, Daniel Santos; fellow Ecuadorian singer, Olimpo Cárdenas; and Colombian singer, Alci Acosta.

Kostel Castle

After the extinction of the Counts Ortenburg on 28 April 1418, the Counts of Celje inherited their area holdings, expanding the castle into a formidable fortress and renaming it Schloss Grauenwarth, although the surrounding settlement retained the Slavicised Latin name Kostel.

Latin American revolutions

Latin American wars of independence, the 18th- and 19th-century revolutionary wars against European colonial rule that led to the independence of the Latin American states.

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen

The intended answer had been "Out of Many, One" which is a translation of the Latin phrase E pluribus unum, which is not actually the current United States motto.

M. Margaret McKeown

She ruled that it was an impermissible governmental endorsement of religion: the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution bars the government from favoring any one religion, as it specifically applied to a white metal Latin cross in the Mojave National Preserve in southern California between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Marcelo Bonevardi

Bonevardi's work has been collected by many leading North American and Latin American museums, including the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City; the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Museo de Arte Moderno in Buenos Aires; the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade in São Paulo; and the Museo Rufino Tamayo in Mexico City.


The etymology of the term is the Latin word mātūtīnus, "of or pertaining to the morning" (from Mātūta, Roman goddess of the dawn + -īnus, "-ine") + -ālis, "-al".

Maurice Machenbaum

In 2000 he became Program Director for Latin America and the Caribbean for Terre des hommes Lausanne, Switzerland's largest independent child-focused NGO.

North Dumfries

The ethnic makeup of the township is 98.5% White, and 1.5% visible minorities, of which the largest groups are Black (0.4%), South Asian and Latin American (0.3% each).


Oppidum, a Latin word meaning the main settlement in any administrative area of ancient Rome

Panamericana Televisión

The early years also saw Panamericana define itself as the market leader; news programs such as El Panamericano, hosted by Humberto Martínez Morosini and Ernesto García Calderón among others, became highly-rated, while telenovelas such as Simplemente María and Natacha found success in the Latin American market.

Peter Kinoy

State of Fear: The Truth about Terrorism, which he co-wrote and edited, won the 2006 Overseas Press Club Award for "Best Reporting in Any Medium on Latin America".

Punctapinella paraconchitis

The species name refers to similarity with Punctapinella conchitis plus the Latin prefix para (meaning near, close).

Ricardo Ramírez

He attended Latin American School Jefferson Davis Grammar from 1942 to 1950, and Bay City High School from 1951 to 1955.

Rui Torres

Since October 2008, Neil Buchanan (program creator) has worked as presenter in the Latin American dubbed version by Disney Channel.

Saint Stephen Diocesan Seminary, Honolulu

Prior to his elevation to the episcopate as auxiliary bishop of Honolulu, Msgr. Joseph Ferrario, was a professor of Greek and Latin at Saint Stephen's.

Scott C. Johnson

In 2004, Johnson was awarded an Overseas Press Club honorable mention for his reporting on economics in Latin America.

Sebastian Castellio

Having been educated at the age of twenty at the University of Lyon, Castellio was fluent in both French and Italian, and became an expert in Latin, Hebrew and Greek as well.

Security policy of Enrique Peña Nieto

During an interview with PBS NewsHour as president-elect, Peña Nieto said that Mexico – along with Latin America and the United States – should have a debate about drug legalization and the regulation of drug sells in the country, an approach advocated by some Latin American leaders who want to reduce the revenues of the drug trafficking organizations by legalizing marijuana.

Spanish-based creole languages

Chavacano is also spoken in Cavite City and in parts of Ternate, Cavite and Sabah, Malaysia nearest to the Philippines, and even in Brunei and Latin America, because of recent migrations.

The Books of Homilies

Before the English Reformation, the liturgy was conducted entirely in Latin, to which the common people listened passively except twice a year during Communion, when only the consecrated bread was administered.

Thomas Zouch

The official verses on the accession of George III contained a Latin poem by him; to those on that king's marriage he contributed a Greek poem, and he supplied English verses for the sets on the birth of the Prince of Wales and the peace of Paris, which are quoted with praise in the Monthly Review (xxviii. 27–9, xxix. 43).

Ts'ao Yung-ho

Ts'ao has studied a number of languages in pursuit of his understanding of early Taiwanese history, meaning he can now make use of ten languages: Taiwanese, Japanese, English, German, Mandarin Chinese, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin.

Univision Music Group

In the second quarter of 2004, Univision Music Group recording labels held the #1 position in the U.S. Latin music industry with an estimated 45% market 10.

William Lilly

This was the first of its kind to be printed in the English language rather than Latin, and is said to have tutored "a nation in crisis in the language of the stars".