
2 unusual facts about cells


Since commencing production in 2001, Q-Cells now employs about 1500 people at its site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

Reiner Lemoine

In 1996 he co-founded Solon AG, followed in 1999 by the solar cell manufacturer Q-Cells.

Anthony A. Hyman

Hyman has worked on creating parts lists for cell division among human cells as part of the EU funded project Mitocheck.

Aspergillus ochraceus

Ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin produced by A. ochraceus, contaminates food and initiates apoptosis of plant cells.

Atomic battery

; Thermophotovoltaic cells: Thermophotovoltaic cells work by the same principles as a photovoltaic cell, except that they convert infrared light (rather than visible light) emitted by a hot surface, into electricity.


The technology is zero-generation (0G), since although it had cells, moving between them was not seamless.


However, the genus has an anatomical feature, laterocytic stomata (having 3 or more parallel specialised subsidiary cells), which it shares with the Platanaceae (next closest relatives to the Proteaceae) and no other Proteaceae, which indicate it diverged from all other members of the family first.

Birdshot chorioretinopathy

Birdshot chorioretinopathy is associated with IL-17, a hallmark cytokine of TH17 cells that play an important role in autoimmunity .

Cancer cell

However, Sir Rudolf Virchow, a German biologist and politician, is generally credited with discovering the first cancer cells.


These metabolically active B cells proliferate in the germinal center of a secondary lymphoid follicle following exposure to follicular dendritic cell cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-15, 8D6, and BAFF.


Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd - Australian company producing solid oxide fuel cells

Christian Keysers

He then started his research career at the University of St Andrews by investigating cells in the Temporal cortex with David Perrett, and described cells that respond when the monkey views particular faces in a way that correlates with conscious perception.

Cord blood

In 2005, University of Toronto researcher Peter Zandstra developed a method to increase the yield of cord blood stem cells to enable their use in treating adults as well as children.

Dan Druff

Dandruff, excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp

Enter Life

Featuring anthropomorphic amino acids and cells and a light-hearted touch, with music by Elizabeth Swados, the film has shown considerable durability, still being shown on continuous loop at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, which sponsored the original production.


More recently a study using transgenic/knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human osteosarcoma cells (U2OS) has shown that FOXM1 regulates expression of a large array of G2/M-specific genes, such as Plk1, cyclin B2, Nek2 and CENPF, and plays an important role in maintenance of chromosomal segregation and genomic stability.

Granule cell

There are two types of excitatory inputs received by GABAergic granule cells; those activated by an AMPA receptor and those activated by a NMDA receptor.


Histone H2B, one of 5 main histone proteins involved in the structure of chromatin in eukaryotic cells


HIF-1α causes the production of vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet derived growth factor B, erythropoietin and transforming growth factor alpha, which act to stimulate growth of cells within the tumour.

High endothelial venules

HEV cuboidal endothelial cells express the adhesion molecules GlyCAM-1 (in mucosal HEV this is MAdCAM-1), ICAM-1 and CD34.

Hydrogen ship

In 2005 the first example of the Type 212 submarine, which is powered underwater by fuel cells, went into service with the German navy.

I. M. Dharmadasa

His recent scientific breakthroughs 1-2, which are fundamental to describing the photovoltaic activity of CdTe/CdS solar cells, were summarised in a "new theoretical model for CdTe”.


Interleukin 4, a cytokine that stimulates the proliferation of activated B-cells


-- Really "the best"? Or just good, on a disease that's easily treated? --> These patients were treated with the recombinant immunotoxin, BL22, which targets the CD22 cell surface receptor, which is highly expressed on these leukemic cells.

Interferon gamma

Cause normal cells to increase expression of class I MHC molecules as well as class II MHC on antigen presenting cells—specifically through induction of antigen processing genes, including subunits of the immunoproteasome (MECL1, LMP2, LMP7), as well as TAP and ERAAP in addition possibly to the direct upregulation of MHC heavy chains and B2-microglobulin itself


IRF8 mediates the expression of Fas, Bax, FLIP, Jak1 and STAT1 to mediate apoptosis in non-hemotopoietic cancer cells.

Kunjin virus

In 2005, scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and the University of Queensland found that modified Kunjin virus particles injected into mice were able to deliver a gene into the immune system targeting cancer cells.

LED lamp

Tests performed at the Complutense University of Madrid indicate that prolonged exposure to the shorter blue band spectrum LED lights may permanently damage the pigment epithelial cells of the retina.

Limb bud

This FGF10 expression stimulates WNT3 expression in the above ectodermal cells – resulting in formation of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) as well as inducing FGF8 expression.

Lobster Liberation Front

The group uses the same leaderless-resistance model as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Earth Liberation Front (ELF), which consists of small, autonomous, covert cells acting independently.


Lubiprostone is a bicyclic fatty acid derived from prostaglandin E1 that acts by specifically activating ClC-2 chloride channels on the apical aspect of gastrointestinal epithelial cells, producing a chloride-rich fluid secretion.

Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency

Lysosomes are found in the body’s cells and play an important role in digesting nutrients and other materials.


Christian de Duve, then chairman of the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, had been studying the mechanism of action of a pancreatic hormone insulin in liver cells.

Marc Sageman

Bunch of Guys, counter-terrorism term referring to self-organizing terrorist cells

Mariazell Basilica

The territory around Mariazell was given to the Monastery of St. Lambrecht around 1103, and the monks built cells there in order to serve the local residents.

Marie Taylor

She briefly taught at Cardozo High School, and later started up summer science institutes for high school science teachers, bringing new methods of how to teach science, such as using light-microscopes to study cells.


One hypothesis is that these fetal cells might trigger a graft-versus-host reaction leading to autoimmune disease.

NASA Pathfinder

The new center section was topped by more-efficient silicon solar cells developed by SunPower Corporation of Sunnyvale, California, which could convert almost 19 percent of the solar energy they receive to useful electrical energy to power the craft's motors, avionics and communication systems.

Oligodendrocyte progenitor

OPCs are a subtype of glia cells in the central nervous system, characterized by expression of the proteoglycan PDGFRA, and, in the case of polydendrocytes, CSPG4.

Paul Douglas Tougaw

Recently, Dr. Tougaw has developed a Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) device having normal QCA cells laid out in a planar structure, having a set of input lines and a set of orthogonal output lines.

Paul Luzio

Luzio's research is largely concerned with intracellular membrane traffic pathways in mammalian cells and his research group is funded by a programme grant from the Medical Research Council and project grant support from the Wellcome Trust.

Peripheral chemoreceptors

However, AMPK is an enzyme found in many more types of cells than chemoreceptors because it helps regulate metabolism.

Peripheral tolerance

Peripheral tolerance is immunological tolerance developed after T and B cells mature and enter the periphery.

Peter Borovsky

He microscopically examined sections of sores excised in their early stages, before they ulcerated, and was able to detect oval bodies with a nucleus and a small process, which were usually located inside host cells, and made the correct conclusion that the observed organisms are the causative agents of this disease, and correctly ascribed it to Protozoa.

Proteolipid protein 1

In melanocytic cells PLP1 gene expression may be regulated by MITF.

Richard E. McCarty

McCarty is the son of Maclyn McCarty, American geneticist who found that the genetic material of living cells is composed of DNA.

Sertoli cell

Sertoli cells are called so because of their eponym Enrico Sertoli, an Italian physiologist who discovered them while studying medicine in the University of Pavia, Italy.


CD2, a cell adhesion molecule found on the surface of T cells and natural killer (NK) cells


Stamina therapy, a controversial alternative medical treatment based on stem cells


In melanocytic cells VAT1 gene expression may be regulated by MITF.

Voltage-gated potassium-channel Kv1.4 IRES

This region has been shown to mediate internal ribosome entry in cells derived from brain, heart, and skeletal muscle; tissues known to express mRNA species.

see also