
28 unusual facts about orthodox Judaism

Adam's Wall

Adam fears that his orthodox Rabbi grandfather, who he’s lived with since his parents were killed in Israel, will stop at nothing to end his relationship with “the Arab girl”.

Avnei Eitan

Avnei Eitan is an Orthodox Jewish agricultural community in Gush Hispin, a bloc of religious communities in the southern Golan Heights.

Beit Yehoshua

According to the Jewish National Fund, the original settlers were orthodox and were engaged in intensive farming and citrus.

Český Těšín

The Maschike Hatora (Upholding the Law) Orthodox society built its own prayer house on the Felix Dahn Street shortly after the Schomre Schabos synagogue began operating.


Today the moshav consists of 140 families with over 700 residents, including ultra-orthodox and orthodox Jewish residents of both Sephardic and Ashkenazi backgrounds who lead a "religious-Zionist lifestyle".


As it turns out, the real force behind Bobby Starr's curious invitation to this “Orthodox otherworld” is the hotel owner's persuasive daughter Rebekka Hershenfeld (Amy Davidson), who has harbored a huge crush on Bobby since childhood.

Har Brakha

Currently, over 170 families live in this Orthodox Jewish community which is within the municipal jurisdiction of the Shomron Regional Council.


Three months after the re-founding of the village, a religious pre-military academy was established called Hemdat Yehuda.

Isaac Edward Ferguson

Isaac Edward Ferguson, known to his friends as "Ed," was born November 23, 1888 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, the son of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi.


Before the school opened, several Orthodox rabbis expressed concern over JCoSS's compatibility with their faith.

Karl Fiehler

Amongst other things it was no longer allowed to wear Protestant vestments at a funeral in a Jewish-orthodox graveyard.

Larry Yudelson

Although educated within the Orthodox Jewish tradition, his publications include a range of alternative and non-Orthodox Jewish materials.

Meir Zlotowitz

Meir Zlotowitz is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, author, and founder of ArtScroll Publications.

Metropolitan Jewish Hospice

Because Orthodox Jewish patients look to Jewish law (Halakha) and tradition for guidance and answers regarding hospice care, Metropolitan Jewish Hospice created the Halachic Pathway that enables Orthodox Jewish patients to sign a Halachic Living Will if they so choose.


Migdalim was first established on 1984 as a pioneer Nahal military outpost, and demilitarized when turned over to residential purposes in 1986 to non-Orthodox Jewish Israelis.

Monsey Church

Along with a rising trend in the cost of living, an increasing number of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews have settled in Monsey and the immediate area.

Naftoli Shapiro

Rabbi Naftoli Shapiro (1906–1981) was an Orthodox Talmudic scholar and rosh yeshiva in Glasgow for 40 years.

Nir Jacob Kaplan

He was raised as an Orthodox Jew, under the strict rule of his religious father.

Orthodox Judaism

Notable examples include acceptance of rules permitting farming during the Shmita year and permitting the advanced religious education of women.

Samuel Bookatz

Samuel Bookatz (October 3, 1910 – November 16, 2009) was a prolific painter who defied the demands of his blue collar, Orthodox Jewish upbringing to study art in the United States and Europe.


The mixed community of religious and non-religious families are slated to receive land nearby on which a new village called "Mirsham" will be built.


In the early nineties, the kibbutz renovated a small former residential apartment building and turned it into a bed and breakfast, mainly geared for the Orthodox Jewish market.

Tav HaYosher

In 2009, the Tav HaYosher was announced by Uri L'Tzedek as the Orthodox Jewish community's response to these legal and ethical offenses.

Telem, Har Hebron

In 2004, a group of about twenty religious families joined the village in order to strengthen and build a mixed community.

The Yiddish King Lear

The husbands of the daughters among whom David Moishele divides his "kingdom" are, respectively a Hasid, an Orthodox Jewish businessman, and an apikoyres (a secular Jew: the word derives from Epicurean).

Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men

Lead musician and singer Moshe Tanenbaum is a Hasidic Orthodox Jew who stars as "Uncle Moishy" who leads his "Mitzvah Men" in song and verse that expresses the observant religious lifestyle of Orthodox Judaism.

Yeshiva World News

It is known for providing news of interest to the Orthodox Jewish community.

Zdenka Rubinstein

Her husband's Orthodox Jewish family believed it unacceptable that their daughter-in-law performed in theatres.

Alexander S. Gross

Rabbi Alexander S. Gross (1917 – March 10, 1980), was an American Orthodox rabbi who established the Hebrew Academy of Greater Miami, the first Jewish day school in the south.

Arnold Zweig

In a quite literal effort to put a face to the hated 'Ostjude' (Eastern European Jew), due to their Orthodox, economically depressed, "unenlightened", "un-German" ways, Zweig published with the artist Hermann Struck Das ostjüdische Antlitz (The Face of East European Jewry) in 1920.

Arthur Hertzberg

Hertzberg recalled that as a teenager in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland, he would not accept the notion that the literary world of talmudic learning, the kabbalistic books and the writing of the chasidim were less worthy as compared to the Iliad, the Odyssey or Dante's Inferno.

Bircas HaTorah

Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah is an orthodox yeshiva for Talmud professionals located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, founded by Rabbi Shimon Green in 1989, and currently is headed by Rabbi Nissim Tagger and Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit.


The community was divided between Orthodox and Neolog Judaism traditions and Aaron Pressburger was the chief Orthodox rabbi.

Dani Shapiro

In a 2011 interview with the Jewish Ledger, Shapiro described being raised in a family with an Orthodox Jewish father and a mother from South Jersey who had grown up in a non-Orthodox home.

Gedaliah Bublick

As a young man, Bublick drifted away from traditional Jewish life for the Haskalah (Enlightenment) Movement, but becoming convinced of its falsehood, he returned to become a staunch advocate for Orthodox Judaism.

Gender separation in Judaism

In Orthodox Judaism, many believe that men and women should not swim together.

In Judaism, especially in Orthodox tradition, there are a number of settings in which men and women are kept separate in order to conform with various elements of halakha and to prevent men and women from mingling.

Hyman Bloom

Bloom was born into an orthodox Jewish family in the tiny Jewish village of Brunavišķi, in the Bauska District of the Zemgale region of southern Latvia, near the town of Bauska and about 45 miles south of Riga near the Lithuanian border.

Isaac Bernstein

Isaac Bernstein (November 12, 1939 - August 29, 1994) was an Irish Orthodox rabbi well known for being a great orator of Jewish law and philosophy.

Jewish reactions to intelligent design

Moshe Tendler, an influential Orthodox rabbi and a professor of biology at Yeshiva University, urged his Orthodox scientific colleagues to examine the theory of intelligent design.


In modern Hebrew, the term Judaization is used to describe the cultural life of baalei teshuvah, or "returnees", and refers to a "process through which secular, non-observant, young (and not so young) Israelis who have grown up in Israel within the majority culture, have become practicing Orthodox Jews and have joined the minority subculture of Orthodoxy".

Making of a Godol

and of various other Jewish sages of the 19th and 20th centuries, who are revered by Orthodox (especially Haredi) Jews.

Meïr Aron Goldschmidt

He belonged to a strictly orthodox family but his meeting with classical Greek culture changed much of this attitude and made him hereafter trying to balance between Jewish and non-Jewish thoughts.

Meir Bar-Ilan

Gaining Semicha in 1902, he travelled to Germany where he became acquainted with a more modern form of Orthodox Judaism that had a more tolerant attitude to secular education and to political Zionism (although such attitudes were also present in the Lithuania of his youth, and in his grandfather).

Michoel Pressburger

Today, the Schiffschul is a much smaller synagogue serving the local Orthodox Jewish community while also serving as a sanctuary to Jewish refugees from Iran who transit through Vienna.

Michoel Pressburger (Michael Pressburger) is a leading Austrian haredi rabbi who heads the historic Schiffschul synagogue in Vienna's second district where a sizable (Ultra-)Orthodox Jewish community once thrived in the years leading to the Holocaust.

New York City College of Technology

Zev Brenner, an Orthodox Jewish radio host; president and founder of Talkline Communications

North Shore Hebrew Academy

North Shore Hebrew Academy (NSHA & NSHAHS) is a modern Orthodox yeshiva located in Great Neck, New York.

Oral Torah

Belief that the Oral Torah was transmitted orally from God to Moses on Mount Sinai during the Exodus from Egypt is a fundamental tenet of faith of Orthodox and Haredi Judaism, and was recognized as one of the Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides.

Soncino Press

They accept the Bible as Divine and the Biblical history of the Exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai as true, and have been widely regarded as Orthodox.

St Kilda East, Victoria

The Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah Zal), a tertiary institution for the training of Orthodox rabbis and religious functionaries in the Chabad-Lubavitch denomination, is located on Alexandra Street.

Torah Judaism

Torah Judaism is an English term used by a number of Orthodox Jewish groups to describe their Judaism as being based on an adherence to the laws of the Torah's mitzvot as expounded in Orthodox Halakha.

Union Prayer Book

Associate Rabbi Judah Leon Magnes of Manhattan's Congregation Emanu-El delivered a Passover sermon in 1910 in which he advocated changes in the Reform ritual to incorporate elements of traditional Orthodox Judaism, expressing his concern that younger members of the congregation were driven to seek spirituality in other religions that cannot be obtained at Temple Emanu-El.