
unusual facts about wikt:seminal

A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake

A third edition was published in 2005 by New World Library as part of the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell series; this edition, edited by Joyce scholar Edmund Epstein, featured a new introduction, corrections, and editorial additions to keep this seminal critical work current and useful to Joyce scholars and readers.


The same words were used by Sigmund Freud as the dedicatory motto for his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams, figuring Acheron as psychological underworld beneath the conscious mind.

Aleksandar Bačko

Aleksandar Bačko is descendent of Nikanor Grujić, Orthodox Bishop of Pakrac and locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, by his brother Dragutin Grujić, archpriest of Mohacs, parish priest of Kacsfalu and assessor of Buda bishopric consistory.

Aloe perfoliata

A very tough and compact species, it looks good growing on embankments, rocky slopes and walls, and it easily survives through both baking summers and snow in the winter.


Based on the advancing progression of a seminal idea from "point to line to area", he summarises the cumulative generational advance in teaching, according to the Habad conception that in each generation the teachings of Jewish mysticism ascend in depth, progressively drawing down from a higher source in Divinity to prepare for the Messianic era.

Baby-led weaning

Initial self-feeding attempts often result in very little food ingested as the baby explores textures and tastes through play, but the baby will soon start to swallow and digest what is offered.

Barney Coombs

The main thrust of this group was that a return of the 'charismatic gifts' (i.e. prophecy and speaking in tongues) to the traditional denominations was not sufficient, and that the church needed to be restored to the New Testament forms of church government as described in St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Pastor/Teacher (Eph 4:11).

Centro Cultural la Azotea

The Centro Cultural la Azotea ("La Azotea" Cultural Center) is a cultural center and museum complex, located in the township and municipality of Jocotenango in Guatemala's Sacatepéquez Department.

Charles DeLisi

DeLisi is recipient of numerous awards including the Presidential Citizens Medal, awarded to him by President Clinton for his seminal role in initiating the Human Genome Project.

Colman Andrews

In 1978, Andrews, was hired as an associate editor at New West magazine, a bi-weekly California publication started by Clay Felker as a parallel to his seminal New York magazine.

Conan the Mercenary

Conan the Mercenary is a fantasy novel written by Andrew J. Offutt and illustrated by Esteban Maroto featuring Robert E. Howard's seminal sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian, the second volume in a trilogy beginning with Conan and the Sorcerer and concluding with The Sword of Skelos.

Darwin Ortiz

Ortiz is a contemporary and close friend of the influential US coin magician, David Roth, and was initially mentored by the seminal British/US close-up performer, Derek Dingle.


Other vehicles in this US Patent Class are mostly invented by Dean Kamen or his associates, like the Segway PT, a balancing dicycle.

Donna Dresch

Dresch has been actively involved in the queercore scene since the 1980s, as the creator of the fanzine Chainsaw and contributor to several other seminal zines such as Outpunk and J.D.s, as well as contributing and being featured on the front cover of issue five of Deke Nihilson and Tom Jennings' zine Homocore.

Dudu Pukwana

The second was Spear, with whom he recorded the seminal afro-jazz album In The Townships in 1973 for Virgin Records at The Manor Studio.

Edgar H. Sturtevant

Besides research on Native American languages and field work on the Modern American English dialects, he is the father of the Indo-Hittite hypothesis, first formulated in 1926, based on his seminal work establishing the Indo-European character of Hittite (and the related Anatolian languages), with Hittite exhibiting more archaic traits than the normally reconstructed forms for Proto-Indo-European.

Emergent organization

Alternatively, James R. Taylor wrote in 2000 his seminal book, The Emergent Organization, where he suggests that all organizations emerge from communication, especially from the interplay of conversation and text.

Finger counting

This system remained in use through the European Middle Ages, being presented in slightly modified form by Luca Pacioli in his seminal Summa de Arithmetica (1494).

Folk Songs of the Hills

A seminal work in his career, it brought him fame as an interpreter of traditional American folk music, as a brilliant finger-style guitarist, and as a folk-inspired composer whose songs "Dark as a Dungeon" and "Sixteen Tons", included in all editions of this album, have become classics of folk, country and popular music.

Harith al-Dhari

His father and grandfather killed British Colonel Gerard Leachman and played a part in the 1920 revolution against British imperial rule, which was the fiercest in the Shi'ite south, and was a seminal moment of unity between Iraq's Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Kurds that forced the British to allow a form of self-rule.

Henry Karnes

Karnes is the great great uncle of Patsy Yvonne Karnes aka Patsy Swayze, the mother of actors Patrick Swayze and Don Swayze.

Heteropatric speciation

The importance of behavioral separation as a mechanism for promoting sympatric speciation in a heterogeneous or patchwork landscape is highlighted in John Maynard Smith's seminal paper on sympatric speciation.

Ilona Kickbusch

She was responsible for the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986, a seminal document in public health, as well as for the subsequent global conferences in health promotion.

Intellectual history

A famous example of an intellectual history of a non-canonical thinker is Carlo Ginzburg's study of a 16th-century Italian miller, Menocchio, in his seminal work The Cheese and the Worms.

James Fei

James Cheng Ting Fei (Chinese name: ; pinyin: Fèi Zhèngtíng; b. Taipei, Taiwan, 1974) is a composer and performer working in the fields of contemporary classical music and electronic music.

Joseph Graves Olney

On one such drive, Olney, John Ringo, Ike Clanton, and Al Turner hurrahed the town of Safford, Arizona, a typical cowboy behavior.

Lucien Sanial

Sanial would publish on the theme in 1901 in a seminal pamphlet entitled Territorial Expansion, anticipating the work of John A. Hobson (1902) and Vladimir Ul'yanov (Lenin) (1916).

Marie Vassilieff

It became the nexus for those at the cutting-edge of art at the time, when Erik Satie, Henri Matisse, Nina Hamnett, Amedeo Modigliani, Ossip Zadkine, Juan Gris, and Chaim Soutine started dropping by in the evenings for conversation and occasionally to draw.

Marie-Agnès Courty

This cataclysm led to a great deal of incandescent material, which could explain myths such as the Apocalypse and Sodom and Gomorrah.

Mixed-income housing

They draw on the seminal work of sociologist William Julius Wilson and describe the ways that adults serve as role models for children and youth through demonstrating work skills and the value of education.

Motz's problem

In mathematics, Motz's problem is a problem which is widely employed as a benchmark for singularity problems to compare the effectiveness of numerical methods.

Music of Brisbane

Brisbane punk rock, has information on Brisbane's seminal punk history from 1975 to 1984.

Nepenthes izumiae

Nepenthes izumiae may also bear a resemblance to N. bongso and N. ovata, but both of these species have entirely infundibular upper pitchers and often have spathulate laminae with glabrous margins.

Nepenthes naga

In their description of N. naga, the authors compared it to the Sumatran endemics N. ovata and N. spathulata, contending that it can be distinguished from these species on the basis of its dichotomous lid appendage and frilled lid.

Nicholas Conyngham Tindal

His great-grandfather, Rev Nicolas Tindal, was the translator and continuer of the History of England by Paul de Rapin — a seminal work in its day — and he was also the great great grandnephew of Dr Matthew Tindal, the deist and author of 'Christianity as Old as the Creation' (known as the 'deist's bible') and descendant of Thomas Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh.

Occupation of the Falkland Islands

During the 74-day occupation, 114 inhabitants of Goose Green, considered to be potential troublemakers, were imprisoned and 14 residents of Stanley were sent to Fox Bay East and placed under house arrest.


His name appears very variously as Onuphrius, Onouphrius, Onofrius; and in different languages as Humphrey (English), Onofre (Portuguese, Spanish), Onofrio (Italian), etc.


Bel canto vocal music also frequently uses ossia, also called oppure, passages to illustrate a more embellished version of the vocal line (Fallows 774).


The best-known and popular brands of raki, however, remain Yeni Rakı, originally produced by Tekel, which transferred production rights to Mey Alkol upon the 2004 privatization of Tekel, and Tekirdağ Rakısı from the region of Tekirdağ, which is famous for its characteristic flavor, believed to be due to the artesian waters of Çorlu used in its production.

Rock of Cashel

The Irish Abbot of Regensburg, Dirmicius of Regensburg, sent two of his carpenters to help in the work and the twin towers on either side of the junction of the nave and chancel are strongly suggestive of their Germanic influence, as this feature is otherwise unknown in Ireland.

Sanctum sanctorum

The Latin word sanctum may be used in English, following Latin, for "a holy place," or a sanctuary, as in the novel Jane Eyre (1848) which refers to "the sanctum of school room."


Shandar was a French record label specializing in avant-garde material that did seminal work during the 1970 releasing, among others, recordings by Albert Ayler, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Steve Reich, Sunny Murray, Philip Glass, Richard Horowitz, Charlemagne Palestine, La Monte Young, Alan Silva, Pandit Pran Nath, Terry Riley, Cecil Taylor and Sun Ra.

The Big Swallow

Although the director's, "purpose was primarily comic (and doubtless inspired by unwanted attention from increasingly savvy passers-by while filming his actuality shorts)," he creates, "one of the most striking genre entries," and, "makes imaginative use of an extreme close-up to create one of the seminal images of early British (and world) cinema, as effective in its way as the slashed eyeball of Un Chien Andalou (1929), and of just as much appeal to the Surrealist movement."

The Carrier

This style was used by the writers who took over the series, but has also been parodied, most explicitly in Garth Ennis' Kev Hawkins mini-series, the first description being: "The Carrier. Transcending the Arse of Reason in time for last orders" and later, discarding any pretence at imitation: "The Carrier. Flubbity-wub-wub Flubbity-wub-wub-flub-wub."

The Diary of Ma Yan

The Diary of Ma Yan: The Struggles and Hopes of a Chinese School Girl (马燕日记) is the diary of Chinese schoolgirl Ma Yan (), edited and published in the West by French journalist Pierre Haski.

The Giancana Story

Steve "Flash" Juon of RapReviews rated The Giancana Story at 7½ out of ten, noting "This album is not quite as strong as 1998's highly slept on Roots of Evil CD or seminal classics like Live and Let Die, but if you want to get your first taste of the Mario Puzo of hip-hop, it's a great place to start".

Theory of conjoint measurement

Whilst the German mathematician Otto Hölder (1901) anticipated features of the theory of conjoint measurement, it was not until the publication of Luce & Tukey's seminal 1964 paper that the theory received its first complete exposition.

TV Scoreboard

The TV Scoreboard is a Pong-like game console manufactured from 1976 through the early '80s and made by Tandy. Distribution was handled exclusively by Radio Shack. The machines were constructed in Hong Kong. The TV Scoreboard consisted of a left and right player, with dials or paddles on the hand held piece, and had multiple Pong era games.

William O. Wallace

He was Oscar-nominated in 1948 for Jean Negulesco’s Johnny Belinda, and also worked on Young Man with a Horn (1950), Battle Cry (1955) and Nicholas Ray’s seminal Rebel Without a Cause in 1956.

Zhu Faya

The Chinese surname Zhu , which originally meant "a kind of bamboo" and was later used for "India (abbreviating Tianzhu 天竺)" and "Buddhism", was adopted by many early Buddhist monks, such as the polyglot translator Zhu Fahu 竺法護 or Dharmarakṣa (c. 230-316).

see also

Mosaic: Pieces of My Life So Far

Included are stories of the recording of four of her seminal albums (Age to Age, A Christmas Album, Straight Ahead, Unguarded) and a number of outings with other celebrities and political figures, including President George H. W. Bush.

Orbit Jet

It strongly resembled a V-2 rocket in overall form, with a very prominent exhaust plume when flying, but had wings in addition to tailfins (even its radio callsign, "XV-2" relates it to that seminal World War II design).