
3 unusual facts about BIND


The Network kit provides either a rudimentary (BeOS R5 and lower) or almost complete (BeOS Dano and higher) implementation of Berkeley sockets and BIND as well as "native" functions based on the Nettle C++ networking library.

Bind, Torture, Kill

The album title and song is in reference to the BTK killer (a.k.a. Dennis Rader), and the album ends with a song titled "Rader".


In most Unix-like operating systems and others that implement the BIND Domain Name System (DNS) resolver library, the resolv.conf configuration file contains information that determines the operational parameters of the DNS resolver.

Alanna Schepartz

Her research has contributed to three different areas of chemical biology: protein-DNA recognition and transcriptional activation; the development of miniature proteins that bind specifically and with high affinity to protein and DNA; and the development of β-peptides as protein ligands and as building blocks of protein-like architectures.

Alternative complement pathway

CFHR5 (Complement Factor H-Related protein 5) is able to bind to act as a cofactor for factor I, has decay accelerating activity and is able to bind preferentially to C3b at host surfaces.


Antagonism (pharmacology), when a substance binds to the same site an agonist would bind to without causing activation of the receptor

APC/C activator protein CDH1

Cdh1 also contains a C-terminal Ile-Arg (IR) dipeptide motif at residue 565 and 566, which is suggested to bind to the Cdc27 subunit of APC.


This protein contains a BAG domain near the C-terminus, which could bind and inhibit the chaperone activity of Hsc70/Hsp70.

Carry On Spying

Albert R. Broccoli, the producer of the James Bond film series, objected to the character name "James Bind agent 006½" (intended for Charles Hawtrey) and threatened legal action.

Cholesterol-dependent cytolysin

For example, perfringolysin O will preferentially bind to cholesterol-rich membranes composed mainly of phospholipids containing 18-carbon acyl chains.


Fascia of Colles, serves to bind down the muscles of the root of the penis

David Lohr

Lohr gained national prominence in 2003 when a long-elusive serial murderer read one of the writer’s articles about the decades-long mystery of the BTK murders in Wichita, Kansas (BTK refers to writings of the killer saying "bind, torture, kill").

DNA methylation

ChIP-on-chip assays, which is based on the ability of commercially prepared antibodies to bind to DNA methylation-associated proteins like MeCP2.

Epithelial–mesenchymal transition

SNAI1/Snail 1, SNAI2/Snail 2 (also known as Slug), ZEB1, ZEB2, E47 and KLF8 (Kruppel-like factor 8) can bind to E-cadherin promoter and repress its transcription, whereas factors such as Twist, Goosecoid, E2.2 (also known as TCF4), homeobox protein SIX1 and FOXC2 (fork-head box protein C2) repress E-cadherin indirectly.

Escherichia coli sRNA

From this set of candidate genes, microarray analysis and northern blotting confirmed the existence of 17 previously undescribed sRNAs, many of which bind to the chaperone protein Hfq and regulate the translation of RpoS (Sigma 38).

Five prime cap

The enzymes for capping can only bind to RNA polymerase II ensuring specificity to only these transcripts, which are almost entirely mRNA.

Fruit tree propagation

Bind with raffia or polythene tape or wind around with a 5mm wide strip of elastic band (this is particularly successful because it keeps pressure on the cambium layers to be joined and eventually falls away without cutting into the bark as the tree grows) and seal with grafting wax.


It has been shown that all three forms of GadY bind to the Hfq protein.

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase

The study demonstrated that GAPDH is S-nitrosylated by NO in response to cell stress, which causes it to bind to the protein SIAH1, a ubiquitin ligase.

Hes3 signaling axis

In canonical Notch signaling, ligand proteins bind to the extracellular domain of the Notch receptor and induce the cleavage and release of the intracellular domain into the cytoplasm.


Jose Donoso's magical realist book The Obscene Bird of Night reinterprets imbunche folklore as a way to bind a male child in a sack to prohibit escape and bodily growth.

Imperial Federation

While Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies from 1895 to 1903, was sympathetic to the idea, his proposals for a permanent Imperial Council or Council of the Empire which would be a kind of Imperial Parliament passing policies that would bind colonial governments, was rejected at the 1897 Colonial Conference and 1902 Colonial Conferences due to fears that such a scheme would undermine the autonomy of colonies.

L1 family

L1 family members also bind "heterophilically" to members of the contactin or CNTN1 family.

ML domain

Epididymal secretory protein E1 (also known as Niemann-Pick C2 protein), which is known to bind cholesterol.


For all nectins the intracellular domain can bind a scaffold protein named afadin (the product of the MLLT4 gene).

Nicky Hager

The book contained two forewords; one written by former New Zealand Prime Minister, David Lange and one by Jeffrey T. Richelson, a leading author on U.S. intelligence agencies and the author of the books America's Secret Eyes in the Sky and The Ties That Bind.

NMDA receptor antagonist

NMDAR antagonists fall into four categories: Competitive antagonists, which bind to and block the binding site of the neurotransmitter glutamate; glycine antagonists, which bind to and block the glycine site; noncompetitive antagonists, which inhibit NMDARs by binding to allosteric sites; and uncompetitive antagonists, which block the ion channel by binding to a site within it.

Non-coding RNA

For example, a riboswitch can directly bind a small target molecule, the binding of the target affects the gene's activity.


It is known to bind both the GLP-1 receptor and the glucagon receptor, but it is not known whether the effects of the hormone are mediated through these receptors or through an unidentified receptor.


This allows those who already own Spektrum brand transmitters to link or "bind" their transmitter to the aircraft and fly without needing to purchase an additional transmitter or receiver crystal.

Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein

This subfamily consists of PCTP, StarD7, StarD10 and collagen type IV alpha-3-binding protein or StarD11, all of which bind phosphatidylcholine except for StarD11 which prefers ceramide.

Phyllopod bed

The preservation of the fossils – and their pre-burial livelihoods – was likely facilitated by mats of the cyanobacterium Morania, which served to bind the sediment and allow anoxic conditions to quickly form.

Plains pocket mouse

Some food found in their cheek pouches are: seeds of needle grass (Stipa), bind weed, sandbur grass, a small bean (probably Astragulus), and sedge (Cyperus).

Polony sequencing

Streptavidin has a very strong affinity for biotin, thus the forward primer will bind firmly on the surface of the beads.


That is, individual PEG molecules bind to the matrix within a chromatography column at differing affinity depending on their molecular weight.


The cytoplasmic tail of PVRL1 can bind the protein afadin which is a scaffolding protein that binds actin.


In the first season episode, Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions of the American television series, Millennium, Raziel is referred to in the quote, "By Uriel, and by Raziel, powers, principalities, thrones and dominions, I bind and command you: Stand!"

Richard Muenz

In 1986 he was a guest star on Highway to Heaven in the episode To Bind the Wounds and the following year he appeared on Kate & Allie in the episode Ted's Fix-Up.

Robert Beattie

It is about BTK, a serial killer in Wichita, Kansas who created the name BTK after his modus operandi, "Bind Them, Torture Them, Kill Them".


Other than SV2A and the high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, seletracetam does not significantly bind to other CNS receptors, ion channels, or uptake mechanisms.


The encoded nuclear protein belongs to the splicing factor SR family and has been shown to bind with and modulate another member of the family, SFRS12.

Spiral Binding Company Inc

Western Pad and Tablet (now MeadWestvaco) becomes another of Spiral Binding's big clients, who hired Spiral Binding to bind their school notebooks.

String figure

The figure is described as a sling to set and bind a broken jaw, with the chin being placed in the center of the figure and the four loops tied near the top of the head.

Stringent response

(p)ppGpp is thought to bind RNA polymerase and alter the transcriptional profile, decreasing the synthesis of translational machinery (such as rRNA and tRNA), and increasing the transcription of biosynthetic genes.


Monomer, a molecule that may bind chemically to other molecules to form a polymer


The hydrochloride salt of triethylenetetramine, referred to as trientine hydrochloride, is a chelating agent, and is used to bind up and remove copper in the body to treat Wilson's disease, particularly in those who are intolerant to penicillamine.


In this legend, Vasuki allowed the devas (gods) and the asuras (demons) to bind him to Mount Mandara and use him as their churning rope to extract the ambrosia of immortality from the ocean of milk.

see also