
99 unusual facts about Moon.

2685 Masursky

Since Cassini passed the asteroid at a distance of 1.6 million kilometres (about four times the EarthMoon distance), the images it returned showed nothing more than a dot.

Advanced Gemini

The Lunar proposals ranged from reusing the docking systems developed for the Agena target vehicle on more powerful upper stages such as the Centaur, which could propel the spacecraft to the Moon, to complete modifications of the Gemini to enable it to land on the Lunar surface.

Akilam two

Ravana ordered the Sun and Moon to bow their heads when they approach his nation or

The Sun, Moon and all celestial objects should revolve around my forts.

Alexander Abian

Abian gained a degree of international notoriety for his claim that blowing up the Moon would solve virtually every problem of human existence.

American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac

Between 1855 and 1881 it had two parts, the first for the meridian of Greenwich contained data on the Sun, Moon, lunar distances, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which was published separately as The American Nautical Almanac.

Anthony W. England

England helped develop and use radars to probe the Moon on Apollo 17 and glaciers in Washington and Alaska.

Apollo 15 postage stamp incident

The crew of Apollo 15 took 398 unauthorized commemorative postage stamp covers with them on their trip to the Moon (400 were printed, but two were damaged and destroyed prior to being packaged), with the understanding that, when they returned, 100 of the covers were to be sold to the German stamp dealer who provided them.

Astronauts in Trouble

The first story arc is set in 2019, 50 years after the first Moon landing.


In Turkish, "Ay" means Moon, and the suffix, "-tek" originally comes from Old Turkic suffix "-teg", which gives the meaning of "-like".


兩儀生四象: 即少陰、太陰、少陽、太陽、

The Limitless (Wuji) produces the delimited, and this is the Absolute (Taiji)
The Taiji produces two forms, named yin and yang
The two forms produce four phenomena, named lesser yin, great yin (taiyin also means the Moon), lesser yang, great yang (taiyang also means the Sun).

Blue Highways

Blue Highways is an autobiographical book by William Least Heat-Moon, born William Trogdon.

Bo Schack

On 5 January 2010 he was appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General in the Central African Republic.

Building printing

It is also a potential way of building extraterrestrial structures on the Moon or other planets where environmental conditions are less conducive to human labor-intensive building practices.

Potential applications of this technology include constructing lunar structures of a material that could consist of up to 90-percent lunar material with only ten percent of the material requiring transport from Earth.

Byron Chief-Moon

Chief-Moon has made appearances in several well-known American and Canadian TV shows (such as MacGyver, North of 60, Stargate SG-1, Da Vinci's Inquest, Highlander: The Series, and appeared on Walker, Texas Ranger, as well as several feature films.


Chandravākyas are a collection of numbers, arranged in the form of a list, related to the motion of the Moon in its orbit around the Earth.

While Vararuci's Vākyas contain a list of 248 numbers, another set of Vākyas relating to Moon's motion contains 3031 numbers.

Contour crafting

Khoshnevis stated in 2010 that NASA was evaluating Contour Crafting for its application in the construction of bases on Mars and the Moon.

Potential applications of this technology include constructing lunar structures of a material that could be built of 90-percent lunar material with only ten percent of the material transported from Earth.

Cylinder van Troffa

Instead of reaching Earth, they are communicated by people living in the Moon's underground colony, and convinced to land there.

Danjon scale

The Danjon Scale of lunar eclipse brightness is a five-point scale useful for measuring the appearance and luminosity of the Moon during a lunar eclipse.

Delta Geminorum

Wasat is only two-tenths of a degree south of the ecliptic, and therefore is occasionally occulted by the Moon and, more rarely, by a planet.

Dinsmore Alter

His earlier studies had focused on solar observation, but after the war he became increasingly concentrated on the Moon.

Earth-Moon-Earth communication

Earth-Moon-Earth communication, also known as moon bounce, is a radio communications technique which relies on the propagation of radio waves from an Earth-based transmitter directed via reflection from the surface of the Moon back to an Earth-based receiver.

Environmental impact of electricity generation

Tidal power is also renewable, in the sense that it will continue for as long as the Moon orbits the Earth.

Fighting Yank

In Tom Strong #12 (June 2001), he revealed the Fighting Yank as a member of SMASH, a superhero group that had been placed in suspended animation after an alien invasion from the Moon in 1969.

First planet

Moon, the first planet from Earth in the Ptolemaic geocentric model

Flint Hills

William Least Heat-Moon wrote a tribute to the Flint Hills and the Kansans who live there in his book PrairyErth.

Forest Ray Moulton

The crater Moulton on the Moon, the Adams-Moulton methods for solving differential equations and the Moulton plane in geometry are named after him.

Friendship Tree

Among these people was the three time Olympic Golden Medalist in figure skating Irina Rodnina and eighth and current Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.


Such CRSs may include both other terrestrial systems and those for non-terrestrial coordinates such as those on the Moon or Mars.

Georg von Tiesenhausen

He would later be transferred to NASA, where he would work on various spaceflight programs, including the Apollo program which would land men on the Moon.

Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex

Goldstone antennas have also been used as sensitive radio telescopes for such scientific investigations as mapping quasars and other celestial radio sources; radar mapping planets, the Moon, comets and asteroids; spotting comets and asteroids with the potential to strike Earth; and the search for ultra-high energy neutrino interactions in the moon by using large-aperture radio antennas.

Goodbye Dear Moon

The crew of the Estanislao ship are left on their own, flying without control or ground support towards the Moon.

Hazel Stone

Hazel's first published appearance was as Hazel Stone in The Rolling Stones (1952), where she lives in the Moon with her son, his wife, and their four children.

HD 36960

Assuming this event is identical to SN 1054, it would shine with an apparent magnitude of -8.71, about 1/40 as bright as the full moon despite its distance of over 1,800 light years.

Henry More Smith

On one occasion he was asked where he had come from, he laughed and pointed outside to the full Moon.


During the cruise phase of MRO, HiRISE took multiple test shots including several of the Moon and the Jewel Box cluster.

History of Gmail

However, they explained that their real joke had been a press release saying that they would take offshoring to the extreme by putting employees in a "Google Copernicus Center" on the Moon.


The game is set in six locations: Kenya, defending the ADATA facility; the Arctic, attacking an alien base while defending a human one; the North Atlantic Ocean, where the player must defend oil rigs and attack a second alien base; California, where parts of a fleet to invade the alien's moon base must be defended; the Moon, attacking a further alien base; and a planet in the Crab Nebula, assaulting the planet from which the alien attackers came.

Iron Sky: Invasion

A tactical space map can be used to spot the positions of Nazi forces or ongoing battles, with the destruction of the secret Nazi base hidden on the Dark Side of the Moon set as the ultimate goal.

Izabella Teixeira

On 24 September 2012, Teixeira was appointed by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on his High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

James F. Bell, III

Bell has also written and edited several books about Mars and the Moon.

Johann Georg Tralles

The crater Tralles on the Moon is named after him, as is the alcoholmeter he invented.

Julius Heinrich Franz

He is most noted for his measurements of features near the lunar limbs.

Kurdish calendar

Thus, the Babylonian calendar until the end preserved a vestige of the original bipartition of the natural year into two seasons, just as the Babylonian months to the end remained truly lunar and began when the New Moon was first visible in the evening.

It has been documented that the Babylonian calendar preserved a vestige of the original bipartition of the natural year into two seasons, just as the Babylonian months to the end remained truly lunar and began when the New Moon (a Shabattu) was first visible in the evening.


There are many examples of possible laccoliths on the surface of the Moon.

Lawrence Parsons, 4th Earl of Rosse

Although overshadowed by his father (when astronomers speak of "Lord Rosse", it is almost always the father that they refer to), he nonetheless pursued some astronomical observations of his own, particularly of the Moon.

Luna 3

Though it returned rather poor pictures by later standards, the historic, never-before-seen views of the far side of the Moon caused excitement and interest when they were published around the world, and a tentative Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon was created after image processing improved the pictures.

Man in Space Soonest

:Flew on Gemini 8 and Apollo 11 missions; performed the first docking of two spacecraft, was the first -- along with Buzz Aldrin -- to land on the Moon, and was the first person to set foot on the Moon

Another, Neil Armstrong, became a NASA astronaut in 1962 and became the first person to walk on the Moon in 1969.

Maqsood Ahmad

On 26 August 2013, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the appointment of Lieutenant General Maqsood Ahmad as Military Adviser for Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations.

Marcus O'Day

The crater O'Day on the Moon is named after him, as is the "Marcus D. O'Day award".

Michał Dymitr Krajewski

In 1785 he published another book, the Wojciech Zdarzyński życie i przypadki swoje opisujący (Wojciech Zdarzynski - life and adventures of himself describing) - about the adventures of a young Pole who uses a balloon to visit a utopian country on the Moon.

Mieczysław G. Bekker

Bekker co-authored the general idea and contributed significantly to the design and construction of the Lunar Roving Vehicle used by missions Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 on the Moon.

Moon Impact Probe

The Moon Impact Probe (MIP) developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India's national space agency, was a lunar probe that was released by ISRO's Chandrayaan-1 lunar remote sensing orbiter which in turn was launched, on 22 October 2008, aboard a modified version of ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.


The game's soundtrack was primarily composed by Shinji Orito, with two tracks composed by YET11, and one track each composed by Maeda and Ishisan.

NASA Astronaut Group 2

:Apollo 11 - July 1969 - Commander - First manned lunar landing; first person to walk on the Moon

The first episode, "Can We Do This?", of the HBO miniseries, From the Earth to the Moon depicts the first meeting of the New Nine.


The original goal of Nautilus-X is to be a stopover to long term missions for the Moon or Mars.

News from the New World Discovered in the Moon

The masque refers to the discoveries of features on the Moon made by contemporaneous astronomers — Galileo Galilei most famous among them — using the earliest telescopes.

Nikolay Mladenov

On 2 August 2013 Nikolay Mladenov was appointed as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moons Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq.

On 2 August 2013 Nikolay Mladenov was appointed as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq.

O'Neill cylinder

O'Neill proposed the colonization of space for the 21st century, using materials extracted from the Moon and later from asteroids.

Paul Van Hoeydonck

He also created "Fallen Astronaut", an aluminium statue about 8.5 cm long that is the only piece of art on the Moon.

Paul Werner Gast

In 1969 Paul Gast assumed leadership of the geo-science management of the Manned Spacecraft Center in preparation for Apollo mission sample return from the Moon.


With the aim to research and explore techniques for building an underground base on the moon.

Prince Albert Radar Laboratory

For this event, a recorded message by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was to be broadcast from the Millstone Hill site, reflected off the Moon, and received at PARL.


Of the brightest stars in the sky, Regulus is closest to the ecliptic, and is regularly occulted by the Moon.

Renel Brooks-Moon

Sherry Davis, who announced for the team for its last seven seasons at Candlestick Park (1993–1999), preceded Brooks-Moon, who took over for Davis when the Giants moved from Candlestick to AT&T Park in 2000.

Rhodhiss, North Carolina

The material of the U.S. flag that astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin erected on the first visit to the Moon in 1969 was woven at Burlington Mills in Rhodhiss.

Roald H. Fryxell

In 1971 he was selected to be part of the team of geologists in Houston who examined rocks brought back from the Moon during the Apollo program.

Robert Lusser

Based on these calculations, he was to pronounce that von Braun's ambitions of reaching the Moon and Mars were doomed to failure because of the complexity of the spacecraft required.

Robotic Lunar Observatory

Its purpose was to enable the Moon to be used as a radiance calibration source for Earth-orbiting remote-sensing spacecraft.

Selene Nunatak

The nunatak was named in association with nearby Lunar Crag by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1988 after Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon.

Smith Island, Maryland

One visitor, the author William Least Heat-Moon, described his conversations with islanders in his best-selling book Blue Highways.


In spaceflight, especially for NASA's Constellation Program, the term sortie has been used for a flight of the Orion spacecraft beyond the confluence of low-Earth orbit, such as a flight to the Moon or to the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange Point.

Stefanía Fernández

On her return to New York, she was in a press conference about HIV, in which she appeared with Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and with recognised Venezuelan fashion designer Carolina Herrera.

The Eclipse, or the Courtship of the Sun and the Moon

The class rushes to an observation tower to witness the event, which features an anthropomorphic Sun and Moon coming together.

Three Moons Over Milford

Shortly before the series begins, an asteroid hits the Moon, shattering it into three fragments, threatening to eventually fall to Earth and end life.

TKS-based spacecraft

In March 2005, Khrunichev enterprise, Russia's major developer of rocket technology and spacecraft, unveiled plans for the country's participation in the exploration of the Moon.


In the long term, the results from TROPI will help in the development of future space, Moon, and Mars life-support systems, in which plants are used to help remove carbon dioxide and generate oxygen via photosynthesis for maintenance of atmospheric and other conditions, reducing the need for very expensive re-supply from Earth.


Moon: all the bosses from the previous worlds must be fought again.


Assuming a stellar luminosity of 0.042 percent that of Sun, the habitable zone where an Earth-like planet may retain liquid water at comfortable temperatures would be located within 0.02 Astronomical Units (roughly 10 times the distance of the Moon from Earth).

TWA Moonliner

It resembled von Braun's V-2 rocket design but depicted what a commercial spaceliner might look like for traveling to the Moon in the faraway year of 1986.

Urania Sternwarte

The observatory offers guided tours – Moon, Solar System objects, stars, star clusters, interstellar clouds, and galaxies – and special events for a wide audience, as well as individual tours for schools and groups.

Vasilis Kanatas

In this he introduces a new, speculative astrological theory which includes Ophiuchus to employ 13 zodiac constellations and proposes the replacement of the ascendant with the place of the Moon on the ecliptic.

Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio

Among the Worlds are an underwater scene, a scene inside a house, a jungle, and the Moon.

Waking Moments

Before entering a dream state, Chakotay provides himself with a trigger image, Earth's Moon that will remind him that he is still dreaming and can use it to restore himself to a conscious state.

Where Is Everybody?

The man is really a training astronaut named Mike Ferris, confined to an isolation room located within an aircraft hangar for 484 hours and 36 minutes, testing to see if he can stay sane cooped up in a small spacecraft for the duration of a trip to the Moon.

White Sulphur Spring

Luther operated excursion boats on Saratoga Lake between the hotel and the "Trolley Park", later Kaydeross Park, and Moon's Lake House at the west (that is, north) end of the lake.

Wilhelm Beer

Together with Johann Heinrich Mädler he produced the first exact map of the Moon (entitled Mappa Selenographica) in 1834-1836, and in 1837 published a description of the Moon (Der Mond nach seinen kosmischen und individuellen Verhältnissen).

Wilhelm Gotthelf Lohrmann

In 1821 he made observations of the Moon, enabling him to produce a Mondkärtchen (lunar map).

William F. Bottke

They also propose that Tycho crater on the Moon was created by an object produced in the same collision.

Windows XP themes

Luna (the Moon in Latin, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovene, Serbian and Russian) is the codename for the default visual theme of Windows XP.

Władysław Dziewulski

The crater Dziewulski on the Moon is named after him, as is the Wladyslaw Dziewulski Planetarium in Toruń.

Zeta Leporis

For comparison, this is more than half the total mass of the Moon.

Angry Candy

The title comes the last line of the poem "the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls" by E. E. Cummings, "...the/ moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy."

Aristarkh Belopolsky

The crater Belopol'skiy on the Moon, the asteroid 1004 Belopolskya and an award of the Russian Academy of Sciences are named after him.

Asura's Wrath

The game also featured Antonín Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 in E Minor From the New World in the set piece battle between Asura and Augus on the moon.

Betty Moon

Betty Moon garnered a regional top ten hit in Canada with a cover version of David Essex's "Rock On", four CASBY Award nominations, opened for Pink Floyd and has made numerous appearances on Canadian television.

Command module

The Apollo Command Module, the crew cabin of the Apollo Command/Service Module, used in the Apollo program to send men to the Moon and low Earth orbit, designed specifically to return through the atmosphere to a water landing

Cosmic Zoom

The continuous zoom-out takes the viewer on a journey from Earth, past the Moon, the planets of the Solar System, the Milky Way and out into the far reaches of the known universe.

Dallam School

A crater on the moon - the Whewell (crater) - is named after a Heversham old boy, the distinguished polymath William Whewell (1794–1866).

ECWA Hospital Egbe

Tommy and wife arrived Egbe two days before Christmas 1915 from their honey moon, they didn’t realise how exciting Christmas Day was going to be.

Edwin Moon

As well as the DSO, Moon was awarded the Royal Humane Society's silver medal for his attempts to save Bridgeman's life and The Legion of Honour – Croix de Chevalier.

Esther Regina

Her presence has stood out in numerous television series, as " Moon, Calenda's mystery ", close to Belén Rueda.


The story takes place in the year 2097, on a colonised Callisto (one of Jupiter's moons).

Gerald Hawkins

He fed the positions of standing stones and other features at Stonehenge into an early IBM 7090 computer and used the mainframe to model sun and moon movements.

Hollow Moon

That Hideous Strength (1945) by C. S. Lewis takes place on Earth, but a hollow Moon is an important part of the novel's background, and is known by its inhabitants as "Sulva."

Hope This Finds You Well

This version of "Say It Ain't So" was recorded with Carabba for the compilation Rock Music: A Tribute to Weezer and was previously included as a bonus track on the vinyl LP version of The Moon is Down.

Horse goddess

Góntia, a Celtic moon goddess, considered a horse goddess by the Cantii, the Cantabri and the Ghent in Belgium.

Jean Ven Robert Hal

It is a song entirely dedicated to the first "Moon Landing" in 1969, Apollo 11, where you can listen to the voices of the Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, processed electronically.

Jean-Gaspard Deburau

Albert Giraud's Pierrot lunaire (1884) marked a watershed in the moon-maddening of Pierrot, as did the song-cycle that Arnold Schoenberg derived from it (1912).

John Adams Whipple

Between 1847 and 1852 Whipple and astronomer William Cranch Bond, director of the Harvard College Observatory, used Harvard's Great Refractor telescope to produce images of the moon that are remarkable in their clarity of detail and aesthetic power.

Klaus Wiese

He collaborated with Deuter on his "Silence is the Answer" album in 1980 and East of the Full Moon in 2005.

Lisa Gottlieb

She went on to direct the films Across the Moon (1995) starring Christina Applegate and Elizabeth Peña and Cadillac Ranch (1996) starring Christopher Lloyd and Suzy Amis.

Luna 15

Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin had already set foot on the Moon when Luna 15 fired its main retrorocket engine to initiate descent to the surface at 15:47 UT on 21 July 1969.

Marissa Faireborn

Marissa debuted in the 5-part mini-series "Five Faces of Darkness", travelling to Jupiter's moon, Io, in order to rescue the stranded Autobots Blurr and Wheelie.


It is even more dramatic when done in an environment that naturally has a vacuum, as David Scott did on the surface of the Moon during Apollo 15.

Ming Cho Lee

Lee's first Broadway play as Scenic Designer was "The Moon Besieged" in 1962; he went on to design the sets for over 20 Broadway shows, including Mother Courage and Her Children, King Lear, The Glass Menagerie, The Shadow Box, and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf.

Moon Mullen

He received the nickname "Moon" after the popular comic strip character "Moon Mullins".

Moon Shot

Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America's Race to the Moon is a book written by Mercury Seven astronaut Alan Shepard, with NBC News correspondent Jay Barbree and Associated Press space writer Howard Benedict.

Nicknames of Houston

The first words transmitted by Neil Armstrong from the moon, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed", are written in 15 languages on bronze plaques placed along the main entrance of Tranquility Park in downtown Houston.

Parametric determinism

Indeed postmodernism casts doubt on the existence of progress in history as such - if e.g. Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza in 2500BC, and Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969, this represents no progress for humanity.

Petya Miladinova

She has played in "Thessaloniki conspirators," "In the Moon Room", "Confusion", "That's absurd," "The Importance of Being Earnest", etc. and participated in numerous theatrical performances of festival projects in countries of Europe such as Hungary (Budapest and Szeged), Georgia, Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Russia (Yaroslavl) Italy (Urbino and Rome), France (Avignon) and Romania (Iași).


By nature the middle is first, and around it dance ten divine bodies - the sky, the planets, then the sun, next the moon, next the earth, next the counterearth, and after all of them the fire of the hearth which holds position at the centre.


Purpurmond (in English, Purple Moon) was the 6th studio album by Münchener Freiheit in their native language, reaching #17 in the German charts.


The fear of a interplanetary contamination by back contamination from the Moon was the main reason for quarantine procedures adopted for the early Apollo program.

Ricardio the Heart Guy

Ricardio is one of the few individuals in the Adventure Time universe to have a highly detailed face, which has been compared to the moon in 1902 silent film A Trip to the Moon.

Roger Elkin

He has reviewed for Stand, Outposts and Envoi and his critical articles on Ted Hughes's poetry have appeared in collections of essays edited by Keith Sagar (1995) and Joanny Moulin (1999); and also on the "Earth-Moon, Ted Hughes" and the "Ted Hughes Society" websites.

Scott Bernard

In the latest installment of the Robotech series, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, Ariel, after having a premonition, seeks out Scott on Moon Base ALUCE to warn him that the Robotech Expeditionary Force (REF) and humanity face a new alien threat.

Spin Aqua

The band debuted with the single Unchained, which was followed up with Spin Aqua's first concert was held in December at the Tokyo Bay NK Hall at the Devilock '02 concert. This single was followed up five months later with Mermaid and then three months after, the single PAPER MOON.


In chapter 42 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, High tells a story set "right at the beginning of the gods' settlement, when the gods at established Midgard and built Val-Hall" about an unnamed builder who has offered to build a fortification for the gods that will keep out invaders in exchange for the goddess Freyja, the sun, and the moon.

The C.H.A.O.S. Continuum

The game takes place in a parallel continuum during the year 2577 on Saturn's moon, Titan.

The Great Gig in the Sky

During 1972 performances of The Dark Side of the Moon song cycle (prior to the album being recorded), it was simply an organ instrumental accompanied by spoken word samples from the Bible and snippets of speeches by Malcolm Muggeridge, a British writer known for his conservative religious views.

The Long Watch

Originally named "Rebellion on the Moon", the story appeared in the December 1949 American Legion Magazine.

The Small Bachelor

A theatrical adaptation, entitled "Over the Moon", was written by American playwright, Steven Dietz.

The Toreador

For example Christie MacDonald performed "Moon, Moon" in the show, which was written by Nathaniel D. Mann.

Universal War One

Enormous, incomprehensible and terrifying, "the wall" is centered on Uranus's moon Oberon, cutting off access to any planet beyond Saturn.

Wet moon

The term "Cheshire moon" is a reference to the smile of the Cheshire Cat of Lewis Carroll's story Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

William Moon

He devised a new system, Moon type, based on a simplified Latin alphabet, which he designed to be easier to learn.

Yau Kung Moon

In 1924, Ha Hon Hung opened up the first Yau Kung Moon Academy at the Pearl River Martial Arts Club in Guangzhou (Canton) and formed the Ha Hon Hung Sports Association.