
unusual facts about Poetry.com


In April of 2011, Poetry.com was purchased by a group of investors (Scott Tilson, Jeffrey Franz) from Lulu.com for undisclosed terms.

1588 in poetry

Angel Day, Daphnis and Chloe, prose and poetry, translated from the French of Jacques Amyot


Some programs also allow for less traditional publishing opportunities; in both 2008 and 2009, student poetry was displayed on the walls of the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority bus fleet.

A Lecture on Modern Poetry

A Lecture on Modern Poetry was a paper by T. E. Hulme which was read to the Poets' Club around the end of 1908.

Al-ssadiq Al-raddi

Al-ssadiq contributed by recited his poetry in Abu Dhabi International for Book Fair in April 2004.Al-ssadiq has poetry translated to English by The Centre of Poetry Translation CPT, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and the translation had done by Sudanese poet Hafiz Kheir, poet Sarah Maguire and poet Mark Ford.

Alistair Paterson

By 2004, Paterson had opened a Poetry NZ office in Palm Springs, California.

Andrew Waterhouse

He lectured at Kirkley Hall Agricultural College.Drawing on his background in this semi industrial town his early poetry reflects on the town and his family and is evocative of the period (1970s) and the place.

Barbara Hofland

She went to live with her mother-in-law in Attercliffe, and supported herself partly from generous subscriptions given for a book of her poetry.


During the mid to late 1970s, the then-owners of Booches's edited and published four issues of the Review la Booche, a literary journal featuring poetry, prose, sketches and photographs by contributors of such prominence as John Ciardi, William Stafford, Elton Glaser, Frank Stack and Richard Eberhart, along with local and regional contributors.


Fantuzzi, M. & Hunter, R. Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry (CUP, 2004).

Cheikh Tidiane Gaye

His poems won prizes in poetry competition Sulle orme di Ada Negri in Lodi and he received a special mention at the IX International Contest di Trieste Scritture di Frontiera, the Literary Award dedicated to Umberto Saba.

Cynthia Huntington

Other awards include: the Robert Frost Prize from The Frost Place in Franconia, New Hampshire, the Jane Kenyon Award in Poetry, and the Emily Clark Balch Prize.

David R. Knechtges

An expert on Han dynasty and Six dynasties period literature, Knechtges' studies of Chinese fu poetry are largely responsible for the revival of Western academic interest in the subject, a major genre which had become largely neglected until the mid-20th century.

Demetris Th. Gotsis

Songs of Theodore Oesten (Του Έστεν τα τραγούδια), Children's poetry for Oesten's music in Greek, Nicosia, 1991.

Dody Weston Thompson

Dody went on to develop her other artistic skills as a drama and poetry major at Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University in New Orleans in 1940.

Dorothee Sölle

Sölle studied theology, philosophy and literature at the University of Cologne, earning a doctorate with a thesis on the connections between theology and poetry.

Eavan Boland

The Poetry of Eavan Boland: A Postcolonial Reading. Bethesda, MD: Academica Press, 2008.

Edouard Roditi

In addition to his poetry and translations, Roditi is perhaps best remembered for the numerous interviews he conducted with modernist artists, including Marc Chagall, Joan Miró, Oskar Kokoschka, Philippe Derome and Hannah Höch.

Elisabeth Eybers

Her poetry was mainly in Afrikaans, although she has translated some of her own work (and those of others) into English.

Fausto Cercignani

Cercignani’s literary interests have at first been directed towards the poetry of Karl Krolow, with essays published in “Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift”, “Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch”, and other journals (1984–1986).

Generación decapitada

They all read this poetry in the original language, by authors including Baudelaire, Hugo, Rimbaud, and Verlaine.

Hebrew poetry

Hebrew poetry is poetry written in the Hebrew language.


He sent letters and poetry to Adela of Normandy advising her on clemency, and praised her regency of Blois.

Jack Dash

Dash, who was interested in poetry and would quote Samuel Butler or Robert Browning in his speeches, was often invited to address prestigious bodies: he spoke at 40 student meetings, and opposed the motion 'This House would outlaw unofficial strikes' at the Oxford Union debating society.

Jakob Twinger von Königshofen

He possessed a good knowledge and availed himself freely of the sources of medieval prose and poetry (particularly Ekkehard, but also Eusebius, Bede, Hermannus Contractus, Martinus Polonus, and others).

Janet Elaine Paul

Booksellers and publishers Blackwood and Janet Paul Ltd. had, by the mid 1960s, overtaken Caxton as New Zealand’s leading publishers of poetry, and in 1968 Janet had published Glover’s Sharp Edge Up: Verses and Satires.

Jem Poster

Poster's poetry and prose have attracted widespread critical acclaim and he has won both the Cardiff Academi International Poetry Competition and the Peterloo Open Poetry Competition.

Jeremy Adler

He published alongside experimentalists like Bob Cobbing, Cris Cheek, Lawrence Upton and Bill Griffiths, bringing out over a dozen poetry books and pamphlets.

Joe Cardarelli

Over the years, Allen Ginsberg, Amiri Baraka, Ted Berrigan, Alice Notley, Anne Waldman, Maureen Owen, Ed Sanders, and many other representative writers of The New American Poetry were frequent visitors to the Institute — thanks to Joe Cardarelli.

Kostas Krystallis

He was born an Ottoman subject in Epirus, but escaped to Greece after being denounced to the authorities for writing a patriotic collection of poetry.

Latino poetry

Latino poetry is best characterized by the works of Lorna Dee Cervantes,Cuban-American award winning Carlos Pintado, Giannina Braschi, Pedro Pietri, Martín Espada, and Alurista.

Los Angeles Review of Books

Section editors include Cecil Castellucci (Young Adult Fiction), Gabrielle Calvocoressi and Claudia Rankine (Poetry), Arne De Boever (Philosophy & Theory), Costica Bradatan (Religion & Comparative Studies), Rob Latham (SF), Michele Pridmore-Brown and Ross Andersen (Science), Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Megan Shank (Asia), Ben Schwartz (Comics), Franklin Bruno (Music), and Boris Dralyuk (Noir).

Lyn Coffin

Major and Minor Hopwood Awards in every category (Drama, Short Fiction, Long Fiction, Poetry, and Essay).

Manuel Cepeda Vargas

While imprisoned in La Modelo, he wrote the poetry book Vencerás Marquetalia ("You will overcome Marquetalia"), a tribute to the Marquetalia Republic.

Maria Laina

She was awarded the State Prize for Poetry for her collection, Ρόδινος φόβος in 1993 and the Cavafy, together with Giorgos Markopoulos in 1996.

Maria Novaro

Novaro has said that the work of Andrei Tarkovsky, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Theodoros Angelopoulos inspired her narrative style particularly the way she sees her film story as poetry and not dramaturgy.

Modern Drunkard Magazine

The theme of the magazine − a celebration of alcohol and the seemingly bohemian lifestyles of functional alcoholics − runs counter to the message of moderation commonly found in mainstream America: regular features include "Alcocomics − Cartoons for the sober challenged," "Post Cards from Skid Row" (featuring poetry written by and/or for the inebriated), "Wino Wisdom," and "You Know You're a Drunkard When..."

Modern Swedish

An early linguist and author was Georg Stiernhielm, who is today almost universally labelled "Father of Swedish Poetry".

Moira Linehan

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross could not have more accurately transferred the stages of grief into poetry.

Nader Khalili

Khalili wrote books on his architectural philosophy & techniques as well as translations of poetry from Rumi, the poet he considered instrumental in his design inspiration.

Nanos Valaoritis

He was also writing poetry, and in 1939 when he was barely eighteen, he saw himself published in the pages of George Katsimbalis’ review Nea Grammata alongside contributions from Odysseas Elytis and George Seferis, and was immediately taken into their literary circle.

Nosratollah Noohian

His literary compilations include "Biographies of Poets of Semnan" (1958), which was republished in the US in 2001, "Shining Stars" (1959) a collection of published articles relating to Persian poetry, and "Works of Raf'at Semnani" (1960) (رفعت سمنانی) with an introduction by Zabihollah Safa.

People of Earth

People of Earth (poetry), a 2011 book of poetry by Christopher Edwards, see ALS Gold Medal

Philip Schultz

He is the author of several collections of poetry, including The God of Loneliness, Selected and New Poems (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010); Failure (Harcourt, 2007), winner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry; Living in the Past (Harcourt, 2004); and The Holy Worm of Praise (Harcourt, 2002).

Roger Elkin

He has reviewed for Stand, Outposts and Envoi and his critical articles on Ted Hughes's poetry have appeared in collections of essays edited by Keith Sagar (1995) and Joanny Moulin (1999); and also on the "Earth-Moon, Ted Hughes" and the "Ted Hughes Society" websites.

Ruby Ross Wood

After moving to New York City and later Boston in the early 1900s and using the byline Ruby Ross Goodnow (her first married name), she wrote fiction, poetry, and articles about interior design for The Delineator, a popular women's magazine, where her editor was Theodore Dreiser.

Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century

It covers classical Japanese literature from the Kojiki through the Tale of Genji and major waka poets like Fujiwara no Teika or Ki no Tsurayuki, through the Kamakura period and up to the beginnings of No plays and renga, in 1175 pages of text and endnotes (excluding the bibliography, index, and glossary).

Shazia Khushk

Shazia as Sindhi folk singer; having been an avid fan of folk-songs of Sindh about Marvi and poetry of renowned poet of Sindh Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.

The Porcupine's Quill

Early in The Porcupine's Quill's history, Tim Inkster contacted friends he met during his time at the University of Toronto to publish their work, such as collections of poetry by Ed Carson and Brian Henderson.

Vietnamese poetry

Imagery, or the use of words to create images, is another fundamental aspect of Vietnamese poetry.

Zvi Mazel

The work further consisted of plaques with poetry on the surrounding walls and music by J.S. Bach.

see also