
2 unusual facts about binding


Although the original show is not specifically mentioned, the reference to a Wellington bomber, Sam Costa's catchphrase "Good morning, sir, was there something?" and the response of the audience are obvious references to Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh.


Disc-bound notebooks remove the open or closed operation by modifying the pages themselves.


A common use for it is in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect for binding of molecules to each other.

AfaR small RNA

It is an Hfq-dependent RNA which downregulates AfaD-VIII invasin translation by binding to and initiating cleavage of its mRNA.

Agenda 21

The United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, but because Agenda 21 is a legally non-binding statement of intent and not a treaty, the United States Senate was not required to hold a formal debate or vote on it.

Ahto Buldas

Buldas was a leading contributor to the Estonian Digital Signature Act and ID-card from 1996 to 2002, currently the only national-level public-key infrastructure (PKI) which has achieved widespread adoption by a country's population for legally binding digital signatures.

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

The song was heavily altered for the Unitarian hymnal, which was also licensed to the hymnal of the Unity Church: "All Hail the Power of Truth to Save from Error's Binding Thrall."

Allosteric enzyme

Allosteric enzymes are enzymes that change their conformational ensemble upon binding of an effector, which results in an apparent change in binding affinity at a different ligand binding site.

Alternative complement pathway

Factor I requires a C3b-binding protein cofactor such as complement factor H, CR1, or Membrane Cofactor of Proteolysis (MCP or CD46)

Apolipoprotein A1

Apolipoprotein A-I binding precursor, a relative of APOA-1 abbreviated APOA1BP, has a predicted biochemical interaction with Carbohydrate Kinase Domain Containing Protein.

Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A

The AVPR1A is endocytosed by binding to beta arrestin, which dissociates rapidly from AVPR1A to allow it to return to the plasma membrane; however, upon activation, AVPR1A can heterodimerize with AVPR2 to increase beta-arrestin-mediated endocytosis (and intracellular accumulation) of AVPR1A, since AVPR2 is far less likely to dissociate from beta-arrestin.

ATP-binding motif

An ATP binding site is a protein micro-environment where ATP is captured and hydrolyzed to ADP, releasing energy that is utilized by the protein to "do work" by changing the protein shape and/or making the enzyme catalytically active.

BEN domain

SMAR1 (Scaffold/Matrix attachment region-binding protein 1; also known as BANP), a tumour-suppressor MAR-binding protein that down-regulates Cyclin D1 expression by recruiting HDAC1-mSin3A co-repressor complex at Cyclin D1 promoter locus; SMAR1 is the target of prostaglandin A2 (PGA2) induced growth arrest.

Breast binding

Several famous women have used binding to help pass as male in their male-dominated societies, and even (as in the case of Joan of Arc) to be accepted as a soldier.

Btz domain

In molecular biology, the Btz domain (CASC3/Barentsz eIF4AIII binding domain) is a protein domain found on CASC3 (cancer susceptibility candidate gene 3 protein) which is also known as Barentsz (Btz).


CRHBP is a corticotrophin releasing hormone binding protein which could possibly play a role in a signal cascade that involves or activates C11orf73.


Experiments in a rat neuronal cell culture model suggested that this gene may be regulated directly or indirectly by MEF2 site binding proteins.

Catalan independence referendums, 2009–11

The Catalan independence referendums were a series of non-binding and unofficial referendums, "popular votes" (consultes populars), held in municipalities around Catalonia, in which voters indicate whether they support Catalan independence from Spain.

Collagen, type I, alpha 1

A specific variation at Sp1 binding site is shown to be associated with increased risk of low bone mass and vertebral fracture, because of the changes the COL1A1 protein produced from one copy of the gene.

Complement component 5a

The latter interaction leads to receptor activation, and the transduction of the ligand binding signal across the cell plasma membrane to the cytoplasmic G protein GNAI2.


Accordingly, CtBPs have been found to be important in fat biology, binding to key proteins such as PRDM16, NRIP, and FOG2.

Cushing's syndrome

Plasma CRH levels are inadequate at diagnosis (with the possible exception of tumors secreting CRH) because of peripheral dilution and binding to CRHBP.

Discovery and development of triptans

This energetically favorable position of the agonist makes it possible for additional binding of the ligand to other Ser in the binding site, along with additional anchoring between Phe in the pocket of the binding site and the indole of the agonist.

EU Anti-Corruption Report

The proposals suggest that starting in 2013 the non-binding report will act as a monitoring mechanism which according to Cecilia Malmström the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, will be capable of identifying “failures and vulnerabilities across the 27 EU Member States”.


The YXXP binding motif is required for the association of CRKL and GAB2.


This binding is dependent on binding to a protein called Hfq protein.

Growth hormone-binding protein

Normal serum levels of growth hormone Binding Protein 3 may rule out growth hormone insensitivities, like those seen in Laron syndrome.

Human rights in the United Kingdom

The initiative in producing a legally binding human rights agreement had already been taken by the International Council of the European Movement, an organisation whose cause had been championed by Winston Churchill and Harold Macmillan, and whose international juridical section (counting Lauterpacht and Maxwell Fyfe amongst its members) had produced a draft convention.

IGFBP7 RNA editing

Insulin like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) is a 282 amino acid long protein encoded by the IGFBP7 gene.


International Health Regulations, a set of legally binding regulations aimed at limiting the spread of disease


#INSIG1 plays an important role in the SREBP-mediated regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis: by binding to the sterol-sensing domain of SCAP (SREBP cleavage activating protein) it makes the SCAP/SREBP complex stay longer in the ER, thus prohibiting SCAP from carrying activated SREBP to the golgi complex.


RBP3 (Retinol-binding protein 3 = Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein = Interstitial retinol-binding protein), an eye protein commonly used as a phylogenetic marker.

ISO/IEC 18014

Time-stamp services produce time-stamp tokens, which are data structures containing a verifiable cryptographic binding between a data item's representation and a time-value.

John Danner

The top support suspension design addressed the binding and racking problems of previous bottom bearing Lazy Susan type bookcases.

Lee Binding

Lee Binding (born 1975) is a graphic designer, most notably working on Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA is a ncRNA that was identified by screening for RNA molecules which co-immunoprecipitated with the RNA chaperone Hfq.

Luishia Mine

In November 209 African Metals Corporation announced a binding letter of intent to buy Chevalier.


Human proteins MECP2 (this protein), MBD1, MBD2, MBD3, and MBD4 comprise a family of nuclear proteins related by the presence in each of a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD).

Methyl-CpG-binding domain

The MBD of MeCP2, MBD1, MBD2, MBD4 and BAZ2 mediates binding to DNA, and in cases of MeCP2, MBD1 and MBD2, preferentially to methylated CpG.


The S100 calcium-binding protein mS100a7a15 is the murine ortholog of human S100A7 (Psoriasin) and human S100A15 (Koebnerisin).

Non-coding RNA

For example, a riboswitch can directly bind a small target molecule, the binding of the target affects the gene's activity.


This protein has a C-terminal PDZ-binding domain that mediates interactions with nNOS and an N-terminal phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain that binds to the small monomeric G protein, Dexras1.


Principal types of binding are padding, perfect, spiral, comb, sewn, clasp, disc, and pressure, some of which can be combined.

Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate

In T-cells, two “downstream of tyrosine kinase” proteins DOK1 and DOK2 are proposed as PtdIns5P-binding proteins and effectors.

Plastic Ingenuity

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources acknowledged PI as a member of their Green Tier Program where qualified businesses make binding commitments to superior environmental performance.

Rabies virus

The exact molecular mechanism of this transport is unknown although binding of the P protein from rabies virus to the dynein light chain protein DYNLL1 has been shown.


Rac3 (Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3) is a small (~21 kDa) monomeric GTP-binding protein G protein and is an important component of intracellular signalling pathways.

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia

In former times, church law required members to believe that the Solemn League and Covenant were still binding and forbade them from participating in government because the Constitution does not explicitly make the Australia an officially Christian country; these provisions have been repealed.

The Woman Warrior

Although the story takes place in 1924 before the time of the Chinese Revolution, we get the sense that there are intense communal ties binding No Name Woman’s village together.


The lipophilicity of T3 and T4 requires their binding to the protein carrier thyroid-binding protein (TBG) thyroxine-binding globulins, thyroxine binding prealbumins, and albumins for transport in the blood.

U2 spliceosomal RNA

Complementary binding between U2 snRNA (in an area lying towards the 5' end but 3' to hairpin I) and the branchpoint sequence (BPS) of the intron results in the bulging out of an unpaired adenosine, on the BPS, which initiates a nucleophilic attack at the intronic 5' splice site, thus starting the first of two transesterification reactions that mediate splicing.


Zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated family member C (ZXDC) is a human CIITA-binding protein involved in the activation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II.

see also