
unusual facts about socio-economic

A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights

At one stop on the book tour associated with the publication and release of the book at the David A. Clarke School of Law of the University of the District of Columbia, Jackson's message was perceived as saying that American history can be studied as an analysis of race, but that economics and the tension between states’ rights and federal rights are the true basis of a domestic history revolving around pursuit of economic development, political power, and personal freedom.

Albert Winsemius

During his term as Chief Economic Advisor from 1961 to 1984, Dr Winsemius worked closely with Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Keng Swee and later with Goh Chok Tong.

Anne E. DeChant

Examples include Girls and Airplanes (gender equality), Green Hand (supporting troops post-war), Swastika (Holocaust denial), 25 (imbalance in economic status), and Second Class Citizen (prejudice and intolerance toward the gay community).

Brahim Mojtar

Mokhtar grew up in El Aaiun and studied economic science at the University of Málaga, Spain.

Carlos Manzano

He worked as Executive Director of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Latin Media and Entertainment Commission developing business plans to spur economic development, enhance the culture of the city, and attract tourism.


Common European Economic Space or Common Economic Space (CES), one of four projected spheres of cooperation between the European Union and Russia

Charles Knickerbocker Harley

The Arthur H. Cole Prize for the outstanding article in the Journal of Economic History, Sept. 1981-June 1982 for “British Industrialization Before 1841.He is a Professor of Economic History and an Emeritus Fellow at St Antony's College both at the University of Oxford.

Colm Kearney

After serving as an economic advisor to the Australian government he took up the position of Professor of Finance and Economics at the University of Technology, Sydney, and continued with his research supported by a number of Australian Research Council awards.

Development anthropology

In this branch of anthropology, the term development refers to the social action made by different agents (institutions, business, enterprise, states, independent volunteers) who are trying to modify the economic, technical, political or/and social life of a given place in the world, especially in impoverished, formerly colonized regions.


Gioachino Rossini's opera La Cenerentola makes this economic basis explicit: Don Magnifico wishes to make his own daughters' dowry larger, to attract a grander match, which is impossible if he must provide a third dowry.


United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, also abbreviated by UNECLAC or ECLAC now, previously called "United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America", or UNECLA.

Edward Stamp

Edward Stamp (1814–1872) was an English mariner and entrepreneur who contributed to the early economic development of British Columbia and Vancouver Island.

Empire Building

Empire-building, tendency of countries and nations to acquire resources, land, and economic influence outside of their borders

Enric Llaudet

It was not until the eighties, under the command of Josep Lluís Núñez, when the club returned to chair the Committee on Economic and Statuary.


In some fisheries and aquacultural enterprises the mortality and morbidity among fish stocks can present serious economic and ecological problems.

Eva L. Baker

Baker has conducted studies of performance standards and national assessment policies for the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Education Forum Project, and the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association.

First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union

At a Central Committee plenum in June 1980, the Soviet economic development plan was outlined by Tikhonov, and not Kosygin.

Foreign relations of Tonga

Tonga's foreign policy as of January 2009 has been described by Matangi Tonga as "Look East" – namely, as establishing closer diplomatic and economic relations with Asia (which actually lies to the north-west of the Pacific kingdom).

Hubert Detremmerie

Together with Wilfried Martens, Alfons Verplaetse, and Jef Houthuys, he met at Poupehan between 1982 and 1987 to discuss the social and economic situation of Belgium.

Internet in Cuba

According to Boris Moreno Cordoves, Deputy Minister of Informatics and Communications, the Torricelli Act (part of the United States embargo against Cuba) identified the telecommunications sector as a tool for subversion of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the necessary technology has been conditioned by counter-revolutionaries, but is also seen as essential for Cuba’s economic development.

J. G. Myers

In 1937 Myers was appointed economic botanist to the government of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, his task being to survey the economic possibilities of the southernmost province of Equatoria with a view to its future agricultural development.

Jacek Rostowski

From 1989 to 1991 during Poland’s great economic transformation following the fall of communism, Vincent-Rostowski was an advisor to the Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Leszek Balcerowicz.

James A. Thurber

He was the principal investigator of a seven-year grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Campaign Management Institute to study campaign conduct and a four-year study of lobbying and ethics from the Committee for Economic Development.

Jean-Claude Trichet

In 2008, Trichet ranked fifth on Newsweek’s list of the world's most powerful along with economic triumvirs Ben Bernanke (fourth) and Masaaki Shirakawa (sixth).

Jeff Mullis

He currently serves as the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority Executive Director (NWGAJDA.COM)and the Top of Georgia Economic Development Chairman.

Jesse Colombo

In October 2013, Jesse issued a warning about Malaysia's economic bubble on his Forbes column, which made news headlines and prompted a response from the country's leaders, including Zeti Akhtar Aziz (the governor of Malaysia’s central bank), Mustapa Mohamed (International Trade and Industry Minister), and Lim Guan Eng (Chief Minister of the State of Penang).

Kai Tak Cruise Terminal

On 9 July 2008, the Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Frederick Ma announced that the Kai Tak cruise development project will be re-tendered as submissions received in the previous exercise did not conform with requirements.

Lewis A. Coser

In contrast, the non-coincidence of economic and political disenfranchisement among Quebecers reduces somewhat the severity of their conflict with English Canada, especially with the rising prosperity of the French Canadian new middle class operating in the public sector and corporate world.

Lost Decade

La Década Perdida or The Lost Decade, the economic crisis in Latin America in general, and specifically in Mexico, during the 1980s

Matthew Zook

His work as an economic geographer contributed to a greater understanding of the expansion and impact of WalMart in USA (History of Walmart.


In contrast, the power plant construction has brought an economic and demographic boom to the nearby town of Levice in the 1980s.


An economic assessment of the highly controversial issue of body image within the global fashion industry, along the lines of Alfred Marshall's supply-demand model.

Paseo Boricua

The Humboldt Park Paseo Boricua neighborhood is the flagship of all Puerto Rican enclaves, This neighborhood is the economic political and cultural capital of the Puerto Rican community in the Midwest and some say in the Puerto Rican Diaspora.

Pedro L. Marín

In June 2012, he joined the London office of The Brattle Group, a global economic consulting firm, as a principal.

Peter Newman

Peter Kenneth Newman (1928–2001), English economist, historian of economic thought


India's Supreme Court examined the facts related to the state government of Odisha's initiatives to enter into MoU to encourage economic growth in the state, and whether such development meets the intent of ecological and environmental laws of India.

Pouliadis Associates Corporation

Its main creditors are Alpha Bank, Cyprus Popular Bank, Eurobank EFG, and National Bank of Greece, and the company has now reached an agreement for a new 2 million euro loan from the banks to allow it to maintain its activities during its recent economic problems.

Public capital

Empirical models that attempt to estimate the public investment and economic growth link involve a wide variety including: the Cobb-Douglas production function; a behavioral approach cost/profit function which includes public capital stock; Vector Auto Regression (VAR) models; and government investment growth regressions.

Rainer Wend

According to Wend important elements of crisis management are besides budget discipline and structural reforms in the affected countries a greater convergence of economic and financial policies of the EU members towards a “political union”.

Richard Easterlin

He became interested in demography and population studies through his participation as a Research Associate from 1953 to 1955 in the landmark Study of population Redistribution and Economic Growth in the United States conducted by Simon Kuznets and Dorothy Thomas.

Robert W. Clower

"The Coordination of Economic Activities: A Keynesian Perspective," with Axel Leijonhufvud, 1975, American Economic Review.

Seymour Martin Lipset

Besides making substantial contributions to cleavage theory, with his partner Stein Rokkan, Lipset was one of the first proponents of the "theory of modernization", which holds that democracy is the direct result of economic growth.

Socialism in India

Elected in 1991, the government of Narasimha Rao introduced economic liberalisation with the support of finance minister Manmohan Singh, the current prime minister of India.

The New New Deal

He also argued that "Obama comes across as similarly unaware of the limits of top-down planning" in the book as well as that the 2010 midterm elections provided a rejoinder to President Obama's economic policy vision.

Trans-Andean railways

Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles - ENFE, operator of the National Railways of Bolivia, and consultant Hagler Bailly, United States, have signed a contract to undertake an economic feasibility study into the proposed $US 1 billion 338 km AiquileSanta Cruz Railway (IRJ July p6).

United States Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

The Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth is one of the six subcommittees within the Senate Committee on Finance, having been created on February 16, 2011, during the 111th Congress.

Wolf Tegethoff

Tegethoff studied art history, urban design, economic history and social history at the University of Bonn and Columbia University, New York.


SS-WVHA, or SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt, the Economic and Administrative Main Office of the Nazi SS

Yorktown campaign

These forces were first opposed weakly by Virginia militia, but General George Washington sent first the Marquis de Lafayette and then Anthony Wayne with Continental Army troops to oppose the raiding and economic havoc the British were wreaking.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

The origins of our modern economic paradigm are explored, beginning with John Locke and Adam Smith.

see also

A Financial Fable

Ed Natcher of Prism Comics wrote that Barks "wrote from a socio-economic viewpoint that was somewhat to the right of Ayn Rand" and that the story could make "any Bush blush with envy at its conservative credentials".

Anthropometric history

Anthropometric history is a term coined in 1989 by John Komlos to refer to the study of the history of human height, focusing on explaining secular trends, cycles of various lengths and cross sectional patterns by changes in the socio-economic and epidemiological environment.

Argentine general election, September 1973

The cautious Lastiri continued Cámpora's populist socio-economic policies; inheriting a growing threat from an increasingly armed Peronist Youth and the newly-active Trotskyite People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), which, in only three months, attacked a military installation and murdered a number of military figures, he replaced Interior Minister Righi and called elections for September 23.

Basic needs

Professor Chris Sarlo, an economist at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario, Canada and a senior fellow of the Fraser Institute, uses Statistics Canada's socio-economic databases, particularly the Survey of Household Spending to determine the cost of a list of household necessities.

Bishnodat Persaud

In 1994, the Inter-American Development Bank appointed him joint leader with Mike Faber of the University of Sussex, of a team to prepare a comprehensive report on socio-economic problems of Guyana.

Biswatosh Sengupta

Biswatosh was the Additional Director-in-Charge in Socio-Economic Planning and Appraisal Maintaining Evaluation in Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), Salt Lake.

Center for International Media Ethics

The fourth CIME Forum was held in Thimphu, Bhutan and fifth CIME Forum in Islamabad, Pakistan from 23 to 24 August 2013 to gather journalists from the South Asian region in a discussion on socio-economic responsibility of journalists.

Chardonnay socialist

For example, Australian left-wing "true believers" levelled it at supporters of the failed republic referendum of 1999 (where the vote was split not along conventional party lines but very much along socio-economic divides, with the rich overwhelmingly supporting the change while the less well-off were opposed – a superficially bizarre pattern for a non-economic issue).

Dante Canlas

Currently a professor at the University of the Philippines School of Economics, he served as Socio-Economic Planning Secretary and concurrently Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority from 2001 to 2002 under then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Dedebit Credit and Saving Institution SC

In 1993, the Relief Society of Tigray (REST), the main NGO in the region, launched a socio-economic poverty survey in rural areas.

Effective schools

George Weber, and later Ronald Edmonds, conducted research in inner-city U.S. schools where students of low socio-economic background were able to equal or surpass the national average.

Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin

In 2012, Dr. Eleni was awarded the Yara Laurate Prize from the Norwegian fertilizer manufacturer Yara International for her outstanding contributions to sustainable food production and distribution with socio-economic impact.


Slavery, the socio-economic condition of being owned and worked by and for someone else

Faouzi Al-Kach

As a writer, Faouzi covered a wide spectrum of subjects, including poetry, art critique, political commentary and socio-economic analysis.

Fray Íñigo Abbad y Lasierra

Among the topics discussed are San Juan's fortifications and defenses, Taíno customs, and Puerto Rican history, society, clothing, flora, fauna, socio-economic peculiarities, and personality.

Garrett Johnson

Johnson's masters research examines global economic inequities and the impact poverty has on global migratory patterns closely observing Haiti's current socio-economic state, continuing the research he began while working in the Legislative Office of Florida Governor Jeb Bush.


By 1993, Mary Bucholtz, a linguist at the University of California, Santa Barbara collated materials from an urban high school (Mt. Eden High School) in the Bay Area, and found that hella was "used among Bay Area (and more specifically Hayward) youth of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds and both genders." "Hella" remains part of the dialect of Northern California, where it has grown in popularity.

Henry Bérenger

Under the first government of Léon Blum (in office 4 June 1936 – 22 June 1937) Théodore Steeg was appointed head of a commission to study socio-economic conditions in the French colonial empire.

Hunter Street Baptist Church

This was due to several factors, including the growth of Birmingham suburbs such as Vestavia Hills, Homewood and Forestdale, as well as the change in the socio-economic makeup of the neighborhood surrounding Hunter Street.

Interracial marriage in the United States

Research at the universities of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and Texas A&M addressing the topic of socio-economic status, among other factors, showed that none of the socio-economic status variables appeared to be positively related to outmarriage within the Asian American community, and found lower-socioeconomically stable Asians sometimes utilized outmarriage to Whites as a means to advance social status.

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

The AR5 will provide an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate change.

The IPCC was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information concerning climate change, its potential effects and options for adaptation and mitigation.

Jamaican Patois

This situation came about with contact between speakers of a number of Niger–Congo languages and various dialects of English, the latter of which were all perceived as prestigious and the use of which carried socio-economic rewards.

Japanese Community Youth Council

While still committed to children and youth from the Japanese American community, JCYC has evolved and grown into an organization, which annually serves over 8,000 young people from all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds.

John Brereton Barlow

When the paper was published in the British Medical Journal the international publicity highlighted the poor socio-economic conditions of the children living under the laws of apartheid, the South African government was critical of the study.

José-Carlos Mariátegui

He is currently disciple of Prof. Jannis Kallinikos while doing a PhD on the socio-economic consequences of information growth at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).


The myth, however, is most important one and throws significant light on the socio-economic and political history as well as culture of Kosal region during the eighteenth century AD.

Latvian National Awakening

Blanks sought to distinguish between the New Current (in Latvian: Jaunā strāva) — a broad and radical socio-economic, political, and cultural movement that lasted from the late 1880s until the 1905 Revolution, led by Rainis and influenced by Marxism — from the more nationalistic direction taken in 1903 by Ernests Rolavs and Miķelis Valters; to Blanks, the 1890s "could be stricken completely from the history of national thought."

Lower middle class

Yet some class models, such as those by sociologist Leonard Beeghley, suggest the middle class to be one cohesive socio-economic demographic, including the demographics otherwise referred to as lower, simply middle or upper middle class in one group comprising about 45% of households.

Manchester school

Manchester capitalism, a socio-economic and political movement of the 19th century

Monica Das

She is the author of Her Story So Far: Tales of the Girl Child in India (Penguin, 2003) and The Other Woman (Harper Collins, 2010), an edited volume which draws attention to the issue of the socio-economic impact of underage marriage, bigamy and polygamy on the Human Development index and Gender development index.

Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund

the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), which was funded in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey to improve socio-economic development.

Pavel Palazhchenko

After becoming a long-time associate and aide to Mikhail Gorbachev for several years, Palazhchenko eventually became the head of the International Department of the International Non-governmental Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (or The Gorbachev Foundation), where he also functioned as an analyst, spokesperson, interpreter and translator.

Pro am

Amateur professionalism, a socio-economic concept of amateur output of professional quality

Ron Brunton

Encompass Research Pty Ltd is an organisation engaged in anthropological and socio-economic research, concentrating on native title, indigenous heritage, immigration and environmental issues.


In each episode the group stayed with British families of different socio-economic levels, living in turn on a South London Council Estate, the Kent countryside and even staying at a Scottish hunting estate.

Scratch Beginnings

While Shepard states that his story is not politically motivated, he did intend it to be a rebuttal to Barbara Ehrenreich's books Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch on a socio-economic level.

Seigneurial system

Manorialism - the socio-economic system of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period

South Auckland

The heart of South Auckland is the low socio-economic suburbs of Manukau City, typified by Otara but including Papatoetoe, Mangere and Manurewa.

Tasek Merimbun

A survey on Tasek Merimbun's bio-diversity and socio-economic activities, conducted in 1983-84, led to the discovery of a rare White-collared Fruit Bat.

TekSam - Environmental Planning

TekSam - the program in Technological and Socio-economic Planning - is a Bachelor and Master program at Roskilde University (RUC).

Undue Subdivision of Land Prevention Act 1885

Nor was Brisbane spared the horror of slum development - suburbs such as West End and Red Hill were long known for their general poverty and low socio-economic status, even if they weren't as overcrowded as similarly impoverished districts in Sydney and Melbourne.

University of North Bengal

The university was established in 1962 with a goal to disseminate knowledge to fulfill growing socio-economic and technical manpower needs in the six North Bengal districts and the neighbouring state of Sikkim.

Wilbur Schramm

Schramm was especially influential for his 1964 book Mass Media and National Development which was published in conjunction with UNESCO, which effectively began research into the link between the spread of communication technology and socio-economic development.