
100 unusual facts about venus

A Funky Space Reincarnation

He then tells the woman that they'd probably get "married in June" and tells her to "smoke a joint from out of Venus".

A Supplement to the Journey to the West

The Jade Emperor of heaven initially wishes to punish Sima for his blasphemy, but the embodiment of the Planet Venus talks him into letting the scholar act as the King of Hell for twelve hours to test his worth.


The Brownlow Hall contains a giant frieze of the goddess Venus surrounded by putti with an armorial centrepiece and three early-Twentieth Century murals.


Guesses as to the identity of this star have included the polestar, the planet Venus, Sirius and the star Rigel which forms the toe of the constellation Orion, though if Aurvandil is to be identified with the constellation Orion one would expect to find Aurvandil himself being translated into the sky, not just his toe.


In the Testament of Solomon, Beelzebul (not Beelzebub) appears as prince of the demons and says (6.2) that he was formerly a leading heavenly angel who was (6.7) associated with the star Hesperus (which is the normal Greek name for the planet Venus (Αφροδíτη) as evening star).


The nyktomakhi is of about the same length as Bjarkamál, and containing the same elements: The Trojan horse/the smuggling of Swedish weapons; Danes/Trojans are sound asleep when Swedes/Greeks attack them; plus the climax: The godess Venus informs Æneas that it is the will of the gods themselves (that is, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva and Neptune) that Troy shall fall, and so he can honourably flee.

Carolina Lindström

She was the perhaps most notable of her trade in Sweden in the second half of the 19th century, and known in Stockholm as "Evening Star", because she was so often seen up working during the nights.

Chichen Itza

This Platform of Venus is dedicated to the planet Venus.

Christina piercing

It is also occasionally referred to by the less commonly used term Venus, in reference to its placement.

Chronology of the ancient Near East

A key document is the Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa, preserving record of astronomical observations of Venus, as preserved in numerous cuneiform tablets during the reign of the Babylonian king Ammisaduqa, known to be the fourth ruler after Hammurabi in the relative calendar.

Chulpan Khamatova

Her name, Chulpan, means "morning star" (i.e. Venus) in Tatar.

Çoban Yıldızı

(In Turkish, Çoban Yıldızı means "shepherd's star" and it actually refers to the planet Venus.)

Codename: Sailor V

He calls her "Sailor Venus" and tells her she has a mission to protect Earth in the name of her guardian planet Venus.

The series revolves around the character Minako Aino, a cheerful schoolgirl who finds out that she has magical powers that she must use to protect the people of the Earth.

Codename: Sailor V tells the story of Minako Aino, a thirteen-year old middle school student, who is slightly distracted, out-spoken and dreams about someday finding her true lover and boyfriend.

Communications in Iran

Since the 1970s, there have been a number of proposals for a state-owned communications satellite, called Zohreh (en:Venus) from 1993 onwards.

Cosmic Circle of Fellowship

He too reported visits from friendly Space Brothers from Venus, and

Cosmic King

Cosmic King was born Laevar Bolto on the planet Venus.

Cui Guicong

Also at Cui's suggestion, the sacrifices made to the gods of nine regions of heaven were downgraded to below those offered to the gods of the five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as he pointed out that traditionally, the gods of the nine regions were considered lower in status to the gods of the five planets.

Doctor Sivana

Laughed out of society by people who called his inventions impractical and his science a fake, Sivana took his family to the planet Venus in a spaceship he had invented, where he stayed until his children were grown, and Earth not as backward as when he left it; since his children were adults by 1940, his departure from Earth would implicitly have been the late 1910s or early 1920s.

Dongfang Shuo

He was supposedly an embodiment of Sui (歲 "Jupiter") or Taibai (太白 "Venus"), had a miraculous birth, possessed supernatural powers, and went through numerous reincarnations, including Laozi and Fan Li.

Ein Karem

During excavations in Ein Karem, a marble statue of Aphrodite (or Venus) was found, broken in two.

El Fuerte de Samaipata

One could have looked along the parallel lines, standing on the place of observation in front of the Inca-wall at the foot of El Fuerte and watched the parallel rising of two planets at sunrise on August 20, 1066 above both lines against the background of constellation Leo: Venus and Jupiter.

Erroll Collins

It envisages a future world where there were populations on Mars and Venus as well as Earth flying around the solar system, and, inevitably, getting into wars.

Eta Geminorum

The last occultation by a planet took place on July 27, 1910, by Venus, and the next to last on July 11, 1837, by Mercury.

Eucla, Western Australia

The name Eucla is believed to originate from an Aboriginal word "Yinculyer" which one source gives as referring to the rising of the planet Venus.

Eugène Lafont

The next year, a high level international scientific expedition visited Calcutta on its way to the nearby town of Midnapore in order to observe a very rare astronomical phenomenon: the passage of planet Venus before the sun.

First Babylonian Dynasty

There are further difficulties: the 21 years span of the detailed observations of the planet Venus may or may not coincide with the reign of this king, because his name is not mentioned, only the Year of the Golden Throne.

Frances Brooke

In 1985, the International Astronomical Union's Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature honoured Frances Moore Brooke by naming a crater after her on the surface of the planet Venus.

Brooke Crater is located at latitude 48.4° north, longitude 296.6° west, northeast of Guinevere Planitia.

Franz Aepinus

His discussion of the effects of parallax in the transit of a planet over the sun's disc excited great interest, having appeared (in 1764) between the dates of the two transits of Venus that took place in the 18th century.

Hare-Way to the Stars

While there, Bugs meets Marvin the Martian who is trying to blow up earth with the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator (in reality a stick of dynamite, it is also the same device he tried to use in his debut short Haredevil Hare, though that Space Modulator was Uranium rather than Illudium) because "it obstructs my view of Venus".

Heinrich von Morungen

An essential theme in Heinrich's work is the demonic nature of Minne, the Middle High German word for this type of love, which for the mediaeval writers was embodied by the ancient classical goddess of love, Venus.

History of Australian cricket to 1876

It was in 1766 that the Royal Society commissioned Captain James Cook (1728–1779) to lead an astronomical expedition to the Pacific Ocean for the primary purpose of charting a transit of Venus.

Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics

One of the main results was creation of the first ever radar map of the Northern Hemisphere of Venus in 1984, using results of Venera 15 and Venera 16 missions.

Isaac Bayley Balfour

Though the stated aim of the mission was to observe Venus, Balfour used the opportunity to investigate the local flora, and on his return, the fieldwork he had carried out permitted him to gain his doctorate.

Jean Racine

Venus represents the unquenchable force of sexual passion within the human being; but closely allied to this – indeed, indistinguishable from it – is the atavistic strain of monstrous aberration that had caused her mother Pasiphaë to mate with a bull and give birth to the Minotaur.

Johann Heinrich Roos

Among biblical, historical and genre scenes, Roos preferred subjects involving animals: the shepherds of the nativity, Venus and Adonis.


It is one of the nine Navagrahasthalas of the Cauvery Delta and is famous for its Agniswarar temple dedicated to Shukra (Venus).

Kikka Sirén

Kikka's best-known songs were "Mä haluun viihdyttää" ("I Want to Entertain"), "Sukkula Venukseen" ("A Shuttle to Venus"), "Tartu tiukasti hanuriin" ("Grab the Accordion Firmly" in slang the word hanuri often refers to butt) and cover of Ami Aspelund's Apinamies ("Apeman").

Kingscote, Gloucestershire

The house seems to have been of high status, with mosaic floors, including a Venus mosaic now displayed in the nearby Corinium Museum, hypocausts and wall-plaster paintings.


The Defender Lord came from Venus 6.5 million years ago and is eternally 16 years old due to chemical differences in the atmospheres of the two planets.

La Plata Astronomical Observatory

A year earlier, the Paris Observatory had sent astronomical instruments to the city of Bragado, Buenos Aires, to observe a transit of Venus in front of the Sun, for which the location was particularly suitable, and which raised considerable interest in scientific circles.

Lavinia Fontana

Chief among these are Venus; The Virgin lifting a veil from the sleeping infant Christ; and the Queen of Sheba visiting Solomon.

Louis Moresi

His particular emphasis was on the role of temperature-dependent viscosity and partial melting for both Earth and Venus.

Lucifer the Lightbearer

The name was chosen because "Lucifer, the ancient name of the Morning Star, now called Venus, seems to us unsurpassed as a cognomen for a journal whose mission is to bring light to the dwellers in darkness."

Lyons Demesne

Treasures which were successfully imported include three columns from the ruins of the Golden House of Nero in Rome, used in the portico, and a statue of Venus excavated at Ostia.

Mark Brandis

Mankind has been exploring the solar system, setting up colonies on the Moon and Venus.

Mark C. Lee

This mission involved the launch of the Magellan probe, a Venus-exploration spacecraft and experiments involving life sciences and crystals.


The album, which featured production from Kay Gee and Darren Lighty, managed to chart in the top 40 on the U.S. Billboard 200, peaking at 32, though it found greater success on the Billboard's Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums, where it peaked at 7.

Martianus Capella

The eighth book describes a modified geocentric astronomical model, in which the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe and circled by the moon, the sun, three planets and the stars, while Mercury and Venus circle the Sun.


Ṣedeq and El Elyon ("God most high") may have been two epithets of the same Jebusite god, identified as an astral deity, perhaps eponymous of Salem itself: Salim or Shalem (שלם) is attested as a god, presumably identified with the evening star, in Ugaritic mythology; URUŠalim in this case would be the city of Salim, the Jebusite astral deity.

Milena Pavlović-Barili

The motifs often included dream-like situations, veils, angels, statues of Venus goddess, and Harlequins.


Previous SAR instruments, such as the radar on the Magellan mission to Venus, were large, massive, power-hungry, and expensive.

Molten salt battery

NaS batteries have also been proposed for use in the high temperature environment of Venus.

Mrs. William B. Astor House

In front of the balcony was Mrs. Astor's statue of Venus; around it were several potted plants and a small marble waterfall.

Nos, Book of the Resurrection

"He came down from the Morning Star, Venus." As leader of the losing side of a stellar battle, he descended to the North Pole where he founded Ultima Thule, the capital of Hyperborea.

Numerical digit

They used this system to make advanced astronomical calculations, including highly accurate calculations of the length of the solar year and the orbit of Venus.


In fact, the sphere of the seven stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, were supposed to be presided over, each by a different archon.

Otis Adelbert Kline

Kline is best known for an apocryphal literary feud with fellow author Edgar Rice Burroughs, in which he supposedly raised the latter's ire by producing close imitations (Planet of Peril (1929) and two sequels) of Burroughs's Martian novels, though set on Venus; Burroughs, the story goes, then retaliated by writing his own Venus novels, whereupon Kline responded with an even more direct intrusion on Burroughs's territory by boldly setting two novels on Mars.

Owen Toon

He also works on comparing Earth and other planets such as Venus.

Pauline Ashwell

Ashwell published her first story, "Invasion from Venus", when she was only 14 years old.

Pawnee people

The sacrifice was related to the belief that the first human being was a girl, born of the mating of the Morning Star, the male figure of light, and Evening Star, a female figure of darkness, in their creation story.

When the morning star rose ringed with red, the priest knew it was the signal for the sacrifice.

Phil Brogan

To test Brogan’s science knowledge, Sawyer pointed out a bright star on the horizon and asked its name, Brogan replied that it was the planet Venus.

Pleasure garden

Containing many pavilions, a temple to Venus, and monumental sculptures, the gardens were open to the public for centuries.


Reitia Chasma, a geological feature on the planet Venus, is named after Reitia.


In addition to globes of Earth, Replogle also makes globes of Venus, Mars, the moon, and the celestial sphere.

Riley Martin

Fourth Episode May 23, 2006: On May 23, 2006, when Martin was asked if the Biaviians were Greys, he responded that they are not only different, but that the Grey aliens are a cross between the Targzissians and humans (explaining their unpleasant nature) and live in subterranean caverns on Venus.

Robert Taylor incident

It has been suggested by investigative science writer Steuart Campbell that Taylor actually witnessed a mirage of Venus, which induced an epileptic fit causing him to hallucinate the whole encounter.

Ronald J. Grabe

Magellan arrived at Venus in mid-1990, and mapped over 95% of the surface of Venus.


The goddess of love, Venus or Aphrodite is often traditionally depicted rising from the sea on a seashell.


Legend says that his mother, a weaver goddess, was a beautiful fairy named Huange who fell in love with the planet Venus while drifting along the Milky Way.

Sigrid Undset

A crater on the planet Venus was named after her (Latitude 51.7°, Longitude 60.8°, Diameter 20 km).

SN 1006

The Egyptian Arabic astrologer and astronomer Ali ibn Ridwan, writing in a commentary on Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, stated that the "...spectacle was a large circular body, 2½ to 3 times as large as Venus. The sky was shining because of its light. The intensity of its light was a little more than a quarter that of Moon light" (or perhaps "than the light of the Moon when one-quarter illuminated").

SN 1572

The more reliable contemporary reports state that the new star itself burst forth sometime between November 2 and 6, in 1572, when it rivalled Venus in brightness.

Space Hunter

By the explosions of global nuclear war, society has broken up into nine small expulsions, one of them disappeared and Venus collided with another celestial object.

Space Mouse

In other tales from this issue, Space Mouse visits a moon of Jupiter named ICHI (in "Terry and the Dream-Makers"), and visits both the planets Venus (in "Beauty Contest!") and Jupiter (in "Flying Saucers!") for the first time.

St Mark's Clock

The relative positions of five planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) were shown, as were the moon's phases and the position of the Sun in the zodiac.

Stepan Rumovsky

It was previously suggested by Edmond Halley that the best available method to measure this distance was to observe the point at which Venus was between the Sun and the Earth (transit of Venus).

Sunce se djevojkom ženi

After, the sun has taken away the girl to take her as its lover; from the girl, then, became the morning star.

Systems Commonwealth

The Commonwealth celebrated an era that came to be known as the "Twelve Centuries of Peace" in which it continued to grow and prosper, even though peace with the rival Pyrian Empire (the Pyrians lived on hot inner Venus-like planets) always seemed uneasy and tentative at best.


Matthews made other more extravagant claims, such as Tesla having been born on Venus.

The Astronauts

The record contains details about the travel of the spaceship from Venus (which crashed in Tunguska) and the data ends with an ominous message: "After two rotations the Earth will be radiated. When the radiation intensity drops to half, the Great Movement will commence."

The Evening and the Morning Star

Additionally, the planet Venus is given the name "Evening Star" when it appears in the west after sunset and "Morning Star" when it appears in the east before sunrise.

The Mekon

The Mekon was the ruler of the Treens of northern Venus, although he was ousted from this position at the end of the first story and had no fixed base of operations.

The Siege of Numantia

He reprimands his troops, whose martial spirit has begun to be superseded by the pleasures of Venus and Bacchus.

Although Venus is invoked, Marandro assures his friend Leoncio that true love (as opposed to Roman lust) does not impede his duties as citizen and soldier.

The Venus Project

Based in Venus, Florida, the Venus Project is located in a 21.5-acre (8.7-hectare) facility.

The Venus Project was founded in 1995 as a for-profit corporation by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida.

Theory of descriptions

For example, if the morning star and the evening star are the same planet in the sky (indeed, they are both the planet Venus), how is it that someone can think that the morning star rises in the morning but the evening star does not?

Ulla von Höpken

Ulla was used as the model of the naked Venus sculpture by Johan Tobias Sergel, Venus aux belles fesses (1779): King Gustav III wished to have a statue of Venus opposite his statue of Apollo in his salon, and "as a compliment to our ladies in waiting", Ulla von Höpken was chosen as the model.

Ultimate Human

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner travel to a Stark facility and Stark places Banner under extreme environments (simulating conditions on Venus and Mars), causing him to become the Hulk and revealing that the Hulk is inhumanly capable of adjusting to new environments and situations.


In the cover art created for the album, the front cover featured the sunset seen from the Parnaíba River amidst the zodiacal table and the back cover showed a silhouette of the band members in gray, reflecting the concept underlying the lyrics: ecology, mysticism and anti-racism.

Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa

The tablet recorded the rise times of Venus and its first and last visibility on the horizon before or after sunrise and sunset (the heliacal risings and settings of Venus) in the form of lunar dates.

The Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa (Enuma Anu Enlil Tablet 63) refers to the record of astronomical observations of Venus, as preserved in numerous cuneiform tablets dating from the first millennium BCE.

Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time

The creature at the right-hand side behind Folly, with a girl's face and grotesque body, extending a honeycomb with her left hand attached to her right arm, may represent Pleasure and Fraud.

Vidup Agrahari

Agrahari launched his first album Kaisi Yeh Deewangee in 2004 and has come out with his second album Jaane Kya Dekh Liya under the label of Venus.

Vladimir Kotelnikov

In 1961, he oversaw one of the first efforts to probe the planet Venus with radar.

William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel

The principal fruit of the observations was a catalogue of about a thousand stars, the places of which were determined by the methods usually employed in the 16th century, connecting a fundamental star by means of Venus with the sun, and thus finding its longitude and latitude, while other stars could at any time be referred to the fundamental star.

1874 Transit of Venus Expedition to Hawaii

Charles Darwin's son, Leonard Darwin, was a photographer on the 1874 Transit of Venus Expedition to New Zealand, after which he traveled to Hawaii aboard the Mikado to meet the team in Honolulu.

Abdul Salam Mumuni

Salaams Venus Film Production is responsible for the discovery of the likes of Van Vicker, Jackie Aygemang, Nadia Buari and a host of emerging others.

Arecibo message

The solar system, showing the Sun and the planets in the order of their position from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astarte Horn

The feature was mapped from trimetrogon air photography taken by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1947–48, and from survey by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, 1948–50, and named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee in association with nearby Venus Glacier; the goddess Venus being identified with the Phoenician goddess Astarte in mythology.

Electric Love Muffin

While the band's original songs won raves from critics, imaginative covers of The Beatles' "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" and the '60s chestnut "Venus" (then best known for Bananarama's version) were highlights of the live set.

Götz Friedrich

His "controversial" 1972 Bayreuth production of Tannhäuser (with Dame Gwyneth Jones as Elisabeth and Venus) is also available on DVD.

Herne Bay High School

The house system is known as a "Mini Community" and each house is named after planets of the Solar System: Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn and Venus, each of which has its own Head of Mini Community, Mentor Team, logo and coloured tie.

Landolin Ohmacht

His principal works are: “The Judgment of Paris,” in the royal garden at Munich; the statue of Neptune at Münster, and that of Desaix between Kehl and Strasburg; the mausoleum of the emperor Rudolph in the cathedral of Spa; the statue of Luther at Weissenburg, and that of “Venus leaving her Bath,” which is regarded as his masterpiece.

Louis René Vialy

The first shows Diana surprising the sleeping shepherd Endymion; the second shows Clytie's metamorphoses into a sunflower; the third shows Vulcan and Venus in the Forges of Lemnos, with the Cyclopes forging Achilles' weapons; canvas of 20.

Manned Venus Flyby

As a "Plan B" in case the proposed Inspiration Mars fly-by of Mars missed its 2018 launch window, in November 2013 Dennis Tito proposed a different mission architecture whereby the mission craft would first fly-by Venus, using Venus in a gravitational slingshot to speed the craft's onward journey to Mars.

The proposed mission would use a Saturn V to send three men to fly past Venus in a flight which would last approximately one year.

Napier Peak

The feature is named after Captain William Napier, Master of the schooner Venus, from New York, who visited the South Shetland Islands in 1820-21.

Paul Wittich

Renowned anti-Copernican adherents of the Capellan planetary model included Francis Bacon, inter alia, and this model appealed to those who accepted Ptolemy's purely geocentric model was refuted by the phases of Venus, but were unpersuaded by Tychonic arguments that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn also orbited the Sun in addition to Mercury and Venus.

Rokeby Park

The house is well known as the original English home of the painting The Toilet of Venus by Diego Velázquez, now known in English as The Rokeby Venus.

Stranger from Venus

Stranger from Venus (also known as Immediate Disaster and The Venusian) is a 1954 science fiction film directed by Burt Balaban and starring Patricia Neal and Helmut Dantine.

Tanveer Zaidi

Kahe Gaye Pardes Piya Hindi/Awadhi feature film released was a superhitin 2009,DVDs released by Venus in 2011

Venus Anadyomene

Such a highly conventionalized theme, with undertones of eroticism justified by its mythological context, was ripe for modernist deconstruction; in 1870 Arthur Rimbaud evoked the image of a portly Clara Venus ("famous Venus") with all-too-human blemishes (déficits) in a sardonic poem that introduced cellulite to high literature: La graisse sous la peau paraît en feuilles plates (the fat under the skin appears in slabs).

Through the desire of Renaissance artists reading Pliny to emulate Apelles, and, if possible, to outdo him, Venus Anadyomene was taken up again in the 15th century: besides Botticelli's famous Birth of Venus (Uffizi Gallery, Florence), another early Venus Anadyomene is the bas-relief by Antonio Lombardo from Wilton House (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

Venus and Mars

John Lennon, often in a nostalgic mood while in Los Angeles, had told May Pang (his then girlfriend) that he planned to visit the McCartneys during the recording sessions for Venus and Mars, but this was not to be.

Venus Hum

Also in 2003, Venus Hum toured with and opened for Blue Man Group, with Annette providing vocals on "I Feel Love".

Venus of the South Seas

Venus of the South Seas (1924), also known as Venus of the Southern Seas, is a silent feature film starring swimmer Annette Kellerman and one of the last films made in the Prizmacolor process.

Venus of Urbino

In his 1880 travelogue A Tramp Abroad, Mark Twain called the Venus of Urbino "the foulest, the vilest, the obscenest picture the world possesses".

Venus series

The novels, part of the Sword and Planet subgenre of science fiction, follow earthman Napier's fantastic adventures after he crash-lands on Venus, called Amtor by its human-like inhabitants.

Whore dialogues

The first example was the Ragionamenti by Pietro Aretino, followed by such works as La Retorica delle Puttane (The Whore's Rhetoric) (1642) by Ferrante Pallavicino; L'Ecole des Filles (The School for Girls) (1655), attributed to Michel Millot and Jean L'Ange and also known as The School of Venus; The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea (c. 1660) by Nicolas Chorier--known also as A Dialogue between a Married Woman and a Maid in various editions.

William Crabtree

The two correspondents both recorded the event in their own homes and it is not known whether they ever met in person, but Crabtree's calculations were crucial in allowing Horrocks to estimate the size of Venus and the distance from the Earth to the Sun.