
100 unusual facts about DNA

2013 in archaeology

February 4 - DNA evidence confirms that bones found in 2012 at the site of Greyfriars, Leicester, are those of King Richard III of England.

Abelson murine leukemia virus

As a retrovirus, it has a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome which replicates via a DNA intermediate mediated by a reverse transcriptase.

Acer nipponicum

A ribosomal DNA study of Acer species in 2006 placed A. nipponicum along with the related A.caudatum near the base of the phylogenetic trees recovered.

Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act

Establishes a national database which will incorporate the use of DNA evidence collection and DNA registry and tracking of convicted sex offenders with Global Positioning System technology.

African forest elephant

The DNA tests, however, indicated the two populations were much more different than previously believed.

Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori

Elevated to species status by Parkinson, Zamudio and Greene (2000) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Aimee Willard

With DNA evidence, her killer was identified as ex-convict Arthur Bomar, who was charged with and convicted of her murder.

Alkyl phosphate

For example, high energy metabolites such as ATP and PEP are alkyl phosphates, as are nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA.

An End to the Means

It is not a match to her own DNA but a paternal match to a man named Mohammed Khan.


Study of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, combined with morphological data, have yielded a better-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis, confirming the distinctiveness of the above-named genera.

Ashikaga murder case

In 2009, when his DNA was checked again against the evidence, it conclusively showed that he was innocent.

Awesome Android

A synthesis of ape DNA and unstable molecules incorporated into an almost indestructible body with a microcomputer and a solar-power source, the newly christened Awesome Android is directed against the Fantastic Four, although the superhero team defeats both the Android and the Thinker.

Bronze Soldier of Tallinn

The initial DNA analysis revealed 11 male and 1 female among those 12 found at the site.

Brushy Bill Roberts

In 2003 Lincoln County Sheriff Tom Sullivan, Capitan, New Mexico Mayor Steve Sederwall, and De Baca County, New Mexico Sheriff Gary Graves began a campaign to exhume the remains of Billy the Kid and his mother, Catherine Antrim, to prove it was in fact Billy the Kid buried in Fort Sumner through DNA.

Buddleja crispa

Until DNA analysis can prove otherwise, it is this classification which is accepted here.

Canarium haemastoma

The cladogram was based on DNA sequences of both nuclear histone H3 and mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase I (COI) protein-coding gene regions.

Carl Eugene Watts

Even with the advent of DNA testing it was still nearly impossible because he rarely performed sexual acts on his victims; his crimes were not thought to be sexually motivated.

Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyderabad

Among other scientific examination facilities the laboratory also provides the facilities for DNA examination and cyber forensics.

Cetus Corporation

Before merging with another company in 1991, it developed several significant pharmaceutical drugs as well as a revolutionary DNA amplification technique.

Cladh Hallan

According to recent anthropological and DNA-analysis the skeletons of a female and a male were compiled from body parts of at least 6 different human individuals.


A 2006 study published in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology indicated that Colostrinin may have an impact on the aging process by reducing the spontaneous or induced mutation frequency in the DNA of cells.

Commemorative coins of Poland: 2000

Reverse: A stylized combination of fragments of: figures in the binary notation, printed circuit, DNA molecule, and elementary particles.

Cophenetic correlation

Although it has been most widely applied in the field of biostatistics (typically to assess cluster-based models of DNA sequences, or other taxonomic models), it can also be used in other fields of inquiry where raw data tend to occur in clumps, or clusters.

Cornell Chimes

However, subsequent morphological, chemical, and DNA analysis by faculty members and undergraduates confirmed that it was indeed a pumpkin.

Craig Peyer

In 2004, Peyer was asked if he would contribute a sample of his DNA to a San Diego County program that was designed and initiated to use DNA samples to possibly exonerate wrongfully imprisoned persons, since at the time of his trial and conviction such testing was not yet available.


The term has also been used to describe the analysis of the genetic code information encoded in DNA - see the Human Genome Project article for more on this.

Delroy Easton Grant

In March 2004, Operation Minstead detectives hand-delivered a letter to hundreds of black men in South London, asking for their help in voluntarily providing a DNA sample for elimination purposes.

DNA-directed RNA interference

Classified as an orphan disease, there is currently no therapy for OPMD, caused by a mutation in the poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1) gene.

Embryo space colonization

In the animated film Titan A.E., during the destruction of Earth by alien invaders, a ship is launched with the DNA of every species on the planet.


After conquering them, the mothertree analysed their remains, and found that all the enemy seedlings had the same DNA as the Euflorian's seedlings.

Evolution in Variable Environment

EVE operates under the “central dogma,” the assumption that all biochemical pathways proceed through the following steps: DNA => RNA => protein.

Evolution's Child

After a preserved Bronze-Age man is found in Colorado, a woman is mistakenly inseminated with semen extracted from him for DNA research.

Father of Lies

Feshtig reveals his conclusions to the police, but their DNA tests are inconclusive.

Field Dog Stud Book

In addition to registration the FDSB maintains the results of DNA testing of dogs to promote genetic health.

Force spectroscopy

Common applications of force spectroscopy are measurements of polymer elasticity, especially biopolymers such as RNA and DNA.

GAL4/UAS system

Gal4 is a modular protein consisting broadly of a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain.

General feature format

The general feature format (gene-finding format, generic feature format, GFF) is a file format used for describing genes and other features of DNA, RNA and protein sequences.

George Poinar, Jr.

He is known for popularizing the idea of extracting DNA from insects fossilized in amber, an idea which received widespread attention when adapted by Michael Crichton for the book and movie Jurassic Park.

Halofolliculina corallasia

The larger, called the "macronucleus", carries out the normal work of the cell by transcribing DNA into RNA, which is used to control the cell's functions.


Hepadnaviruses have very small genomes of partially double-stranded, partially single stranded circular DNA.


The nuclear DNA results indicate about 30% of derived alleles in H. sapiens are also in the Neanderthal lineage.


Another Hourman, an android from the 853rd century that was modeled on Rex Tyler's DNA, served with both the Justice League and the Justice Society for a time.


In August 2011, a report, based on NASA studies with meteorites found on Earth, was published suggesting hypoxanthine and related organic molecules, including the DNA and RNA components adenine and guanine, may have been formed extraterrestrially in outer space.

Indonesia–Madagascar relations

According to an extensive new mitochondrial DNA study, native Malagasy people today can likely trace their genetic heritage back to 30 different mothers from Indonesia.

Iraqw people

The Iraqw's autosomal DNA has been examined in a comprehensive study by Tishkoff et al. (2009) on the genetic affiliations of various populations in Africa.

Irish Red and White Setter

The Kennel Club has only registered Irish Red and White Setters that are proven clear of the CLAD mutation, either by direct DNA testing or by virtue of having parents that are proven to be clear of the CLAD mutation (i.e. hereditarily clear).

Jayne Furlong

Her remains were discovered buried deep under a sand dune at Sunset Beach in Port Waikato on 19 May 2012, being identified by DNA.

Jean-Jacques Cassiman

Jean-Jacques Cassiman has done work in the field of human genetics and DNA research.

Jerry Sheindlin

He is the author of two books, Genetic Fingerprinting: The Law and Science of DNA Evidence and Blood Trail.

Joe Son

As a condition of his plea agreement, Son was required to provide a DNA sample.

John Carbon

His research contributions include elucidation of the mechanism of genetic missense suppression in bacteria, the development of techniques to make genomic libraries using recombinant DNA, techniques for using yeast for DNA cloning, characterization of centromere DNA, and construction of the first artificial chromosomes.

Karl Wilhelm Naundorff

A handful of French historians insist that DNA testing finally resolved the issue of Naundorff's claim —mitochondrial DNA sequences of remains that researchers have claimed to have belonged to Naundorff were compared with sequences obtained from the remains of Marie-Antoinette and two of her sisters, as well as two living maternal relatives.

Karst Hoogsteen

Karst Hoogsteen is famous in the biochemistry world for noting a new base pairing form in DNA, now called Hoogsteen base pairs.

Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl

To rectify this, the alien in the ship named Hitoshi Sora brings Hazumu back to life, but inadvertently regenerates him as a female right down to the DNA level.


The development of DNA sequencing at the end of the twentieth century had a profound impact on the research of phylogenetic relationships within the family.

Marina Kulik

Marina Johanna Kulik (The Hague, July 13, 1956) is a Dutch painter, known for her lively portrait paintings in aquarelle and for her poetic and original abstracts, all inspired by 'the mystery of life' - the MyDNA series, with chromosomes, cells, DNA and fingerprints.

Mary Brown Bullock

The biggest structural achievement during Bullock's reign was the $36.5 million Science Center that includes a three-story length painting of Agnes Scott's actual DNA, along with state-of-the-art equipment in all the labs.

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory

After getting samples of Hock's DNA from his private quarters, recording a sample of his voice, and disabling the vault's defenses, Kasumi and Shepard infiltrate the vault.

Maxillary lateral incisor agenesis

Anthropologically-interesting human remains often have relatively well preserved skeletons, but no soft tissues or intact DNA.

Melamine cyanurate

Melamine and cyanuric acid form a jigsaw puzzle-like two-dimensional hydrogen bonding network because of the complementarity of the two compounds, similar to DNA base pairing.

The complex is held together by an extensive two-dimensional network of hydrogen bonds between the two compounds, reminiscent to that seen in DNA base pairing.

Mitchell R. Morrissey

In 2008, Morrissey was the first District Attorney in the United States to develop and implement familial DNA searching to solve cold cases.

Mixed-race Brazilian

According to some DNA researches, Brazilians predominantly possess some degree of mixed-race ancestry, though less than half of the country's population classified themselves as "pardos" in the census.


As their distinct nature became clear through 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing, they were relocated in the metazoa.


An over-saturation of oxygen, coupled with the DNA Vyrra spliced into her at the time of her creation, caused her to change into a closer version of the original Atlanteans.

Noida serial murders

The DNA samples from the human remains were sent to a forensic laboratory in Hyderabad for the identification of the victims while forensic samples were sent to the laboratory in Agra for determining the age, cause of death and other details.

Northwest Airlines Flight 4422

Subsequently, using DNA from a descendant of Van Zandt, Dr. Odile Loreille, an expert in DNA analysis, was also able to identify the remains using mitochondrial and Y-DNA identification.

Nucleoside analogue

Once they are phosphorylated, they work as antimetabolites by being similar enough to nucleotides to be incorporated into growing DNA strands; but they act as chain terminators and stop viral DNA Polymerase.

Ophidian 2350

Combat consists of one team pitted against another, and though competitors often die, the gladiators' DNA is often taken before the match to resurrect the fallen warrior.


Oragene is the tradename for a non-invasive self-collection DNA kit that allows extraction of DNA from saliva, developed by DNA Genotek, a branch of OraSure Technologies.

Orchid Cellmark

Orchid Cellmark is a DNA testing company offering a DNA paternity testing service in Europe.

Outline of biophysics

Optical tweezers and Magnetic tweezers – allow for the manipulation of single molecules, providing information about DNA and its interaction with proteins and molecular motors, such as Helicase and RNA polymerase.

Pallid sturgeon

To better protect the pallid sturgeon from extinction, research on its DNA and that of other closely related species was conducted to assess the differences within various populations of pallid sturgeon, and the differences between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon.

Peter Donnelly

One area in which he has a leading reputation is in the interpretation of DNA evidence.


DNA samples would be required when pet licenses come up for renewal.

Professional Truck Driver Institute

It is within the technical ability of DOT to require GPS monitoring, breath analyzer engine start mechanisms, voice actuated mechanisms, DNA testing, retinal scanning devices, operator/vehicle internment, personality assessments, and individual character profiling.

Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics

The Randall continues the tradition of Biophysics at King’s established by Sir John Randall, which produced the studies of the structure of DNA by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins.

Ray Krone

On April 8, 2002, Krone left prison after DNA evidence proved that he did not murder the victim.

Saethre–Chotzen syndrome

Prenatal testing is usually performed around 15–18 weeks, using amniocentesis to extract DNA from the fetus's cells.


Recent DNA studies indicate that the Sarcolaenaceae are a sibling taxon to the family Dipterocarpaceae of Africa, South America, India, Southeast Asia and Malesia.

SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M

There are more specific questions related respectively on ecological concepts (such as population studies and general Ecology) on the E test and molecular concepts such as DNA structure, translation, and biochemistry on the M test.

Simon Boulton

Simon Joseph Boulton is a an award-winning British scientist who has made major contributions to the understanding of DNA repair and the treatment of cancer resulting from DNA damage.


The virions contain significant amounts of double-stranded full-length DNA, and assembly is rather unusual in these viruses.

Star Trek: Vanguard

While the station does in fact help colonies across the area, its true mission (known only to a few people) is to study a mystery that began with the discovery of genetically engineered DNA millions of times more complex than any previously encountered, known as the Taurus Meta-Genome.


DNA studies have shown that, despite not having a twisted fruit, the genus Saintpaulia (African Violets) evolved from within the Tanzanian Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella.


The incoming phage can inject its DNA into the cell, but the DNA is immediately repressed and no transcription of genes or translation of phage proteins initiates.


Because of this, DNA samples have been taken, from the ears of some of the cattle that died.

SYBR Green I

The SYBR green in the sample binds to the herring sperm DNA and, once bound, fluoresces giving off green light when illuminated by blue light.

Tanja von Lahnstein

To be sure, Tanja takes a look at the DNA test that was done by Carla, who wanted to expose Maria as an impostor.

The Ideal Copy

The phrase "the ideal copy" is repeated throughout the song "Ambitious." Graham Lewis, in a Creem interview, stated "the ideal copy" ultimately refers to DNA, "but Bruce Gilbert had a dream about it and decided we had to take that out of the song".

Thomas Sweatt

He was linked to the fires though DNA evidence found at two scenes where a finger print, some skin cells on a wick, and a single hair all matched Sweatt's genetic profile.

Tim McKnight

Arrays of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers are modified with DNA and pressed into cells and tissue.

Transmission of hepadnaviruses

Hepadnaviruses are Group VII viruses that possess double-stranded DNA genomes and replicate using reverse transcriptase.

Ukiah Oregon

He has a remarkable ability to track people and sense the details of a subject's DNA, which he attributes to his lupine upbringing.

Venture Smith

During the summer of 2006 and with permission from over a dozen of his descendants, scientists dug up Smith's grave to look for artifacts and take DNA samples from Venture Smith's remains to be compared with DNA from communities on the west coast of Africa in an effort to understand Smith's history and background better.

Vincent Clarkson

When Fancy came close to securing a DNA match identifying the Blackmailer as Vincent, Vincent attempted to strangle his sister, and eventually murdered a psychiatrist who had treated him earlier in life so as to keep his identity a secret.

William McGinnis

He also studies how Hox transcription functions control morphogenesis, and how changes in the Hox proteins, cofactors, and DNA targets affect morphology.

Xerocomus silwoodensis

DNA analysis has shown it is closely related to X. subtomentosus it was probably previously overlooked due to its similar appearance.

Yeast flocculation

Yeast are capable of forming three aggregates; mating aggregates, for DNA exchange; chain formation; and flocs as a survival strategy in adverse conditions (Calleja, 1987).

Yusuf Bey

Oakland's district attorney's office claimed to have conclusive DNA evidence identifying Bey as the father.

2011 Nairobi pipeline fire

He also reported that most bodies taken to the mortuary were burnt beyond recognition and would require DNA tests to confirm their identities.

Aharon Razin

In 2011 he received the Canada Gairdner Award from the Gairdner Foundation, together with Howard Cedar and Adrian Peter Bird, for their "pioneering discoveries on DNA methylation and its role in gene expression."


Ampelography (ἄμπελος, "vine" + γράφος, 'writing') is the field of botany concerned with the identification and classification of grapevines, Vitis spp. Traditionally this has been done by comparing the shape and colour of the vine leaves and grape berries; more recently the study of vines has been revolutionised by DNA fingerprinting.

Archaeogenetics of the Near East

According to DNA testing, Druze are remarkable for the high frequency (35%) of males who carry the Y-chromosomal haplogroup L, which is otherwise uncommon in the Mideast (Shen et al. 2004).

Avian sarcoma leukosis virus

Much debate in the scientific community surrounded this issue until DNA integration was demonstrated by Temin in 1968 and reverse transcriptase was independently discovered by both Temin and David Baltimore in 1970.


It acts as an alkylating agent causing intra-strand and inter-strand cross-links between DNA bases.

Blue Mounds State Park

The case went unsolved for six years until May 2007 when, in a routine check of DNA samples of prison inmates in South Dakota, police found a match with DNA samples gathered from the crime scene.

Brisbane River cod

All naturally occurring Maccullochella cod in east coast drainages ultimately originate from Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii that entered an east coast river system, likely the Clarence, via a natural river capture event somewhere between 0.62 and 1.62 million years ago (mean estimate 1.1 million years ago), as estimated by DNA divergence rates.

Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal

On November 20, 2009, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that a single sample of DNA from Asian carp had been found above the electric barrier that had been constructed in the canal in an attempt to prevent them from migrating into the Great Lakes.

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium

Donwynn receives a video reply from Jerry, who tells him not to open the thermos, and that it contains a deadly virus that mutates human DNA and he tells Sam he plans to visit the hospital the next day.

DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000

The DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 (H.R. 4640, 42 U.S.C. 14135 et seq.) is a United States Act of Congress that primarily allows U.S. States to carry out DNA analyses for use in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System and to collect and analyse DNA samples.


The eukaryotic equivalent to the DNA clamp loader is Replication Factor C, which is encoded by RFC1, RFC2, RFC3, RFC4, and RFC5.


All of these are transcription factors with a zinc finger DNA-binding domain (known as the DM domain) and are involved in sex-specific differentiation.

Epigenomics AG

Epigenomics has licensed the SEPT9 biomarker and certain DNA methylation technologies to Quest Diagnostics and ARUP Laboratories in the US, as well as Warnex Laboratories in Canada.

Fecal occult blood

The test looks at 23 individual DNA alterations, including 21 specific point alterations in the APC, KRAS and p53 genes, as well as testing BAT26, a gene involved in microsatellite instability (MSI).

Force spectroscopy

In this way a great deal has been learned in recent years about the mechanochemical coupling in the enzymes responsible for muscle contraction, transport in the cell, energy generation (F1-ATPase), DNA replication and transcription (polymerases), DNA unknotting and unwinding (topoisomerases and helicases), and so on.

Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas

Prior to the 1952 confirmation of DNA as the hereditary material by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase, scientists used blood proteins to study human genetic variation.

Gypsy horse

All American registries, including the International Drum Horse Association below, employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky as the repository of their registered horses' DNA markers.

Hugo Van Heuverswyn

He obtained a chemistry degree at University of Ghent in 1971, and he obtained a Ph.D. at the Department of Molecular Biology, under Prof. Walter Fiers, where together with his colleagues, he determined for the first time the structure and regulatory mechanisms of a complete viral DNA genome: the virus SV40.

Human Genome Sciences

HGS had a partnership for several years after its founding with Craig Venter and his non-profit TIGR to begin sequencing and submitting patents on hundreds of thousands of protein-encoding DNA fragments.

Linear dichroism

The predominant use of LD currently is in the study of bio-macromolecules (e.g. DNA) as well as synthetic polymers.

Michael Creeth

James Michael Creeth (3 October 1924 – 15 January 2010) was an English biochemist whose experiments on DNA viscosity confirming the existence of hydrogen bonds between the purine and pyrimidine bases of DNA were crucial to Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.

Molecular drive

Molecular drive is a term coined by Gabriel Dover in 1982 to describe evolutionary processes that change the genetic composition of a population through DNA turnover mechanisms.

MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians

In 2007, Wilford Taylor, the Chief of the MOWA Choctaw Indians, agreed to participate in a DNA autosomal test that would map his genes, as part of the Genographic Project administered by the National Geographic Society.

Murder of Glenn Kopitske

Lawyers suggested that DNA evidence suggested the theory that Hirte killed Kopitske just to see if he could get away with it was not true.

Murder of Sally Anne Bowman

In October 2006, Dixie's DNA was sent to Western Australia to be tested against that of the DNA evidence in the Claremont serial killer case between 1996 and 1997, as it is believed he was in the area at the time of the killings, and may have committed them.


8-Methoxypsoralen irreversibly binds covalently to both strands of the DNA of nucleated cells following photoactivation.


The genus is affected by Wolbachia bacteria and it has been suggested that horizontal gene transfer may have led to the difficulty in separating species of Protocalliphora through DNA fingerprinting, with several species possessing identical mtDNA Cytochrome oxidase I sequences.

Richard E. McCarty

McCarty is the son of Maclyn McCarty, American geneticist who found that the genetic material of living cells is composed of DNA.

Robin Holliday

The main focus of his experimental work was the epigenetic control of gene expression by DNA methylation in CHO cells.

Rock pocket mouse

In 2003, scientists sampled DNA from both light- and dark-coloured rock pocket mice from areas in Pinacate Peaks, Mexico and New Mexico, USA.

Rosa fedtschenkoana

Recent DNA research has discovered that R. fedtschenkoana is one of the parents of the damask group of garden roses (the other species involved being R. moschata and R. gallica).

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

SERS can be used to target specific DNA and RNA sequences using a combination of gold and silver nanoparticles and Raman-active dyes, such as Cy3.

Tamika Huston

The investigation’s biggest break came when the Spartanburg Public Safety Department discovered that a key found in the Honda had been matched to an apartment unit located at the Fremont School Apartment complex and blood evidence found in that Spartanburg apartment matched Tamika Huston’s DNA.

Trichloroacetic acid

It is widely used in biochemistry for the precipitation of macromolecules, such as proteins, DNA, and RNA.

University of North Texas Health Science Center

It also conducts all DNA analysis for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Zulkifli Abdhir

The Malaysian government asked for official DNA comparison on what was believed to be Abdhir's body to the DNA of one of Abdhir's siblings.