
98 unusual facts about DNA

2011 Nairobi pipeline fire

He also reported that most bodies taken to the mortuary were burnt beyond recognition and would require DNA tests to confirm their identities.

African forest elephant

The DNA tests, however, indicated the two populations were much more different than previously believed.

Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori

Elevated to species status by Parkinson, Zamudio and Greene (2000) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Amy Mihaljevic

Bay Village police collected DNA samples from several potential suspects in the case in December 2006.

Andreas Paraschos

From that point began the process of exhumations and identification through the scientific method of DNA.

Archaeogenetics of the Near East

According to DNA testing, Druze are remarkable for the high frequency (35%) of males who carry the Y-chromosomal haplogroup L, which is otherwise uncommon in the Mideast (Shen et al. 2004).


Study of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, combined with morphological data, have yielded a better-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis, confirming the distinctiveness of the above-named genera.

Assassination of Rafic Hariri

On 18 December 2006, a progress report by former head of the investigation, Serge Brammertz, indicated that DNA evidence collected from the crime scene suggests that the assassination might be the act of a young male suicide bomber.


Offerings include RNA, MicroRNA and DNA based molecular diagnostic products providing identification of genetic abnormalities associated with oncology and genetic diseases.

Awesome Android

A synthesis of ape DNA and unstable molecules incorporated into an almost indestructible body with a microcomputer and a solar-power source, the newly christened Awesome Android is directed against the Fantastic Four, although the superhero team defeats both the Android and the Thinker.

Bavarian State Police

One day later the murderer was arrested through a DNA analysis match and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Bengt Nordén

He has developed novel DNA-binding ligands, such as bis-intercalating compounds and peptide nucleic acids (PNA), and demonstrated DNA-ligand reorganisations between groove-binding and intercalation binding geometries involving extreme activation energies and recognition due to kinetic (in contrast to thermodynamic) selection.

Brazilian large-eyed stingray

In 2006, Leticia de Almeida Leao Vaz and colleagues published a phylogenetic analysis, based on genomic DNA, of the Brazilian large-eyed stingray and three other common stingrays found off Brazil: the southern stingray (D. americana), the longnose stingray (D. guttata), and the roughtail stingray (D. centroura).

Brisbane River cod

All naturally occurring Maccullochella cod in east coast drainages ultimately originate from Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii that entered an east coast river system, likely the Clarence, via a natural river capture event somewhere between 0.62 and 1.62 million years ago (mean estimate 1.1 million years ago), as estimated by DNA divergence rates.

Buddleja crispa

Until DNA analysis can prove otherwise, it is this classification which is accepted here.

Canarium mutabile

The cladogram was based on DNA sequences of both nuclear histone H3 and mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase I (COI) protein-coding gene regions.

Canna speciosa

speciosa to be a synonym of C. indica L., however, Tanaka's DNA assays demonstrate that the C. indica complex can be clearly distinguished from other taxa, as a result he recognises this as a separate species.

Cladh Hallan

According to recent anthropological and DNA-analysis the skeletons of a female and a male were compiled from body parts of at least 6 different human individuals.


A 2006 study published in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology indicated that Colostrinin may have an impact on the aging process by reducing the spontaneous or induced mutation frequency in the DNA of cells.

Cornell Chimes

However, subsequent morphological, chemical, and DNA analysis by faculty members and undergraduates confirmed that it was indeed a pumpkin.

Craig Peyer

In 2004, Peyer was asked if he would contribute a sample of his DNA to a San Diego County program that was designed and initiated to use DNA samples to possibly exonerate wrongfully imprisoned persons, since at the time of his trial and conviction such testing was not yet available.


Cytosine normally combines with a different sugar, deoxyribose, to form deoxycytidine, a component of DNA.

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium

Donwynn receives a video reply from Jerry, who tells him not to open the thermos, and that it contains a deadly virus that mutates human DNA and he tells Sam he plans to visit the hospital the next day.

Dialysis tubing

In the context of life science research, dialysis tubing is typically used in the sample clean-up and processing of proteins and DNA samples or complex biological samples such as blood or serum.

DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000

The DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 (H.R. 4640, 42 U.S.C. 14135 et seq.) is a United States Act of Congress that primarily allows U.S. States to carry out DNA analyses for use in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System and to collect and analyse DNA samples.

DNA-directed RNA interference

Classified as an orphan disease, there is currently no therapy for OPMD, caused by a mutation in the poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1) gene.

Donald Walters

DNA samples recovered from blood in the building match that of Walters, and splatter vectors suggest that he died from two gunshot wounds to the back, from more than twenty feet away.

Enzo Paoletti

Enzo Paoletti is an Italian scientist who devised a strategy to produce recombinant DNA vaccines.

Evolution in Variable Environment

EVE operates under the “central dogma,” the assumption that all biochemical pathways proceed through the following steps: DNA => RNA => protein.

Fever Abduction

It has the possible theory of a DNA transfer from the alien intelligence to human bodies.

Force spectroscopy

In this way a great deal has been learned in recent years about the mechanochemical coupling in the enzymes responsible for muscle contraction, transport in the cell, energy generation (F1-ATPase), DNA replication and transcription (polymerases), DNA unknotting and unwinding (topoisomerases and helicases), and so on.

Common applications of force spectroscopy are measurements of polymer elasticity, especially biopolymers such as RNA and DNA.

GAL4/UAS system

Gal4 is a modular protein consisting broadly of a DNA-binding domain and an activation domain.

George Poinar, Jr.

In 1992 a team consisting of Poinar, his wife, his son Hendrik, and Dr. Raúl J. Cano of California Polytechnic State University successfully extracted insect DNA from a Lebanese weevil in amber that was 125 million years old, but more recent studies of ancient DNA cast doubt on the results.

GWAS Central

It was first released in August 1998, focusing on providing a centralized collection of known human single nucleotide polymorphisms and other simple DNA variants.

Gypsy horse

All of the North American Gypsy Horse and Drum Horse registries employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky to perform DNA analysis and maintain a database of registered horses' DNA markers.

All American registries, including the International Drum Horse Association below, employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky as the repository of their registered horses' DNA markers.


Another Hourman, an android from the 853rd century that was modeled on Rex Tyler's DNA, served with both the Justice League and the Justice Society for a time.

Israel Jefferson

In 1998, a DNA study helped to confirm his account, as it showed a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Eston Hemings, the youngest son.

Jayne Furlong

Her remains were discovered buried deep under a sand dune at Sunset Beach in Port Waikato on 19 May 2012, being identified by DNA.

Jerry Sheindlin

He is the author of two books, Genetic Fingerprinting: The Law and Science of DNA Evidence and Blood Trail.

John N. Reeve

He is well known as the discoverer of archaea histones, small DNA-binding proteins which are the precursors of histones in eukaryotes, as evidenced by his many published articles.

Joyce Gilchrist

Gilchrist earned the nickname "Black Magic" for her ability to match DNA evidence that other forensic examiners could not.

Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment

The Center has a Regional Facility for Genetic Fingerprinting, which provides DNA analysis services for forensic and criminal investigations, paternity disputes, identification of wildlife remains, authentication of plants and seeds besides a battery of molecular diagnostics for genetic and infectious diseases.

Kerry Babies Tribunal

In 2004, Joanne Hayes offered to undergo DNA testing to establish that she was not the mother of the baby on the beach.

Lead shielding

Without a lead shield, the electrons within a person’s body would be affected, which could damage their DNA and cause cancer.

Magnetic tweezers

Most commonly magnetic tweezers are used to study mechanical properties of biological macromolecules like DNA or proteins in single-molecule experiments.


The development of DNA sequencing at the end of the twentieth century had a profound impact on the research of phylogenetic relationships within the family.

Marie-Louise von Franz

Von Franz, in 1968, was the first to argue that the mathematical structure of DNA is analogous to that of the I Ching.

Marina Kulik

Marina Johanna Kulik (The Hague, July 13, 1956) is a Dutch painter, known for her lively portrait paintings in aquarelle and for her poetic and original abstracts, all inspired by 'the mystery of life' - the MyDNA series, with chromosomes, cells, DNA and fingerprints.

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory

After getting samples of Hock's DNA from his private quarters, recording a sample of his voice, and disabling the vault's defenses, Kasumi and Shepard infiltrate the vault.

Maxillary lateral incisor agenesis

Anthropologically-interesting human remains often have relatively well preserved skeletons, but no soft tissues or intact DNA.

Melamine cyanurate

Melamine and cyanuric acid form a jigsaw puzzle-like two-dimensional hydrogen bonding network because of the complementarity of the two compounds, similar to DNA base pairing.

Mitchell R. Morrissey

In 2008, Morrissey was the first District Attorney in the United States to develop and implement familial DNA searching to solve cold cases.

Mixed-race Brazilian

According to some DNA researches, Brazilians predominantly possess some degree of mixed-race ancestry, though less than half of the country's population classified themselves as "pardos" in the census.


As their distinct nature became clear through 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing, they were relocated in the metazoa.


An over-saturation of oxygen, coupled with the DNA Vyrra spliced into her at the time of her creation, caused her to change into a closer version of the original Atlanteans.

Nucleoside analogue

Once they are phosphorylated, they work as antimetabolites by being similar enough to nucleotides to be incorporated into growing DNA strands; but they act as chain terminators and stop viral DNA Polymerase.

Ophidian 2350

Combat consists of one team pitted against another, and though competitors often die, the gladiators' DNA is often taken before the match to resurrect the fallen warrior.

Opuntia ficus-indica

Recent DNA analysis indicated O. ficus-indica was domesticated from Opuntia species native to central Mexico.


Oragene is the tradename for a non-invasive self-collection DNA kit that allows extraction of DNA from saliva, developed by DNA Genotek, a branch of OraSure Technologies.

Outline of biophysics

Optical tweezers and Magnetic tweezers – allow for the manipulation of single molecules, providing information about DNA and its interaction with proteins and molecular motors, such as Helicase and RNA polymerase.


Oxamniquine is a semisynthetic tetrahydroquinoline and possibly acts by DNA binding, resulting in contraction and paralysis of the worms and eventual detachment from terminal venules in the mesentry, and death.

Parasite Eve II

The game's storyline unfolds through various animated cut scenes that appear at regular intervals when plot points are triggered; one of these reveals that the ANMCs were created from her own DNA.

Peter Dupas

With Dupas in custody, police were able to obtain a DNA sample, linking him to the 1997 murder of Maher.


The genus Petuvirus belongs to the family Caulimoviridae and is classified under group VII DNA reverse transcribing viruses.

Prüm Convention

The Convention was adopted so as to enable the signatories to exchange data regarding DNA, fingerprints and Vehicle registration of concerned persons and to cooperate against terrorism.

Radiobiology evidence for protons and HZE nuclei

Heavy-ion-induced effects on telomere stability have also been studied using siRNA (small interfering ribonucleic acid) knockdown for components of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in human lymphoblasts.

Ray Krone

On April 8, 2002, Krone left prison after DNA evidence proved that he did not murder the victim.

Robijn Bruinsma

His research specialties include the numerical Simulation of active proteins and of Gene transcription, the self-assembly of viruses, DNA, and chromatin, the electrostatics of DNA and electrical transport along DNA, and adhesion of vesicles and cells.

Rosa fedtschenkoana

Recent DNA research has discovered that R. fedtschenkoana is one of the parents of the damask group of garden roses (the other species involved being R. moschata and R. gallica).

Rudolf Podgornik

His field of research is the physics of soft matter, the physics of coulomb fluids and macromolecular interactions, the Lifshitz theory of dispersion interaction, the physics of membranes, polymers and polyelectrolytes and especially the physics of DNA and viruses.

Saethre–Chotzen syndrome

Prenatal testing is usually performed around 15–18 weeks, using amniocentesis to extract DNA from the fetus's cells.

Sage Group

In an interview with The Times, the CEO of Sage's UK business stated that: "Acquisitions are part of our DNA".

Saskatchewan Research Council

SRC’s GenServe Laboratories carry out DNA-based testing for plants, cattle and other livestock.

SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M

There are more specific questions related respectively on ecological concepts (such as population studies and general Ecology) on the E test and molecular concepts such as DNA structure, translation, and biochemistry on the M test.

Snow Leopard Conservancy

This is done using remote camera traps, fecal DNA sampling and GPS-satellite collars to study movements and corridor analysis to find areas to target for conservation efforts.

Spectrophotometer for Nucleic Acid Measurements

Analysis of nucleic acids is commonly performed to determine the average concentrations of DNA or RNA present in a mixture, as well as their purity.


The Smoking Gun has publicized various stamp designs it successfully ordered featuring images of Jimmy Hoffa, spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, and the DNA-stained blue dress of Monica Lewinsky.


DNA studies have shown that, despite not having a twisted fruit, the genus Saintpaulia (African Violets) evolved from within the Tanzanian Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella.

Sulfonyl halide

In the episode "Encyclopedia Galactica" of his TV series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, Carl Sagan speculates that some intelligent extraterrestrial beings might have a genetic code based on polyaromatic sulfonyl halides instead of DNA.

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

SERS can be used to target specific DNA and RNA sequences using a combination of gold and silver nanoparticles and Raman-active dyes, such as Cy3.


Because of this, DNA samples have been taken, from the ears of some of the cattle that died.

SYBR Green I

The SYBR green in the sample binds to the herring sperm DNA and, once bound, fluoresces giving off green light when illuminated by blue light.

Tamika Huston

The investigation’s biggest break came when the Spartanburg Public Safety Department discovered that a key found in the Honda had been matched to an apartment unit located at the Fremont School Apartment complex and blood evidence found in that Spartanburg apartment matched Tamika Huston’s DNA.

Tanja von Lahnstein

To be sure, Tanja takes a look at the DNA test that was done by Carla, who wanted to expose Maria as an impostor.

The Pirate Bay raid

Mikael Viborg, the legal advisor to The Pirate Bay, was arrested at his apartment, brought in for questioning, forced to submit a DNA sample and had his electronic equipment seized.

The Ultimates 3

Pym and Wasp discover the truth about the Ultron robot, which has adopted the identity of Yellowjacket, and uses the Ultimates' DNA to create a series of android duplicates.

Transmission of hepadnaviruses

Hepadnaviruses are Group VII viruses that possess double-stranded DNA genomes and replicate using reverse transcriptase.

Ukiah Oregon

He has a remarkable ability to track people and sense the details of a subject's DNA, which he attributes to his lupine upbringing.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation

It is effective in destroying the nucleic acids in these organisms so that their DNA is disrupted by the UV radiation, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions.

Venture Smith

During the summer of 2006 and with permission from over a dozen of his descendants, scientists dug up Smith's grave to look for artifacts and take DNA samples from Venture Smith's remains to be compared with DNA from communities on the west coast of Africa in an effort to understand Smith's history and background better.

Vincent Clarkson

When Fancy came close to securing a DNA match identifying the Blackmailer as Vincent, Vincent attempted to strangle his sister, and eventually murdered a psychiatrist who had treated him earlier in life so as to keep his identity a secret.

Wearside Jack

As a result of this cold case review, DNA from envelopes sent by Humble as part of the hoax were matched in the United Kingdom National DNA Database with samples police had obtained from Humble in an unrelated incident in 2000, when he had been arrested and cautioned for being drunk and disorderly.

Xerocomus silwoodensis

DNA analysis has shown it is closely related to X. subtomentosus it was probably previously overlooked due to its similar appearance.

Yeast flocculation

Yeast are capable of forming three aggregates; mating aggregates, for DNA exchange; chain formation; and flocs as a survival strategy in adverse conditions (Calleja, 1987).

Yusuf Bey

Oakland's district attorney's office claimed to have conclusive DNA evidence identifying Bey as the father.

Zulkifli Abdhir

The Malaysian government asked for official DNA comparison on what was believed to be Abdhir's body to the DNA of one of Abdhir's siblings.

Abelson murine leukemia virus

As a retrovirus, it has a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome which replicates via a DNA intermediate mediated by a reverse transcriptase.

Adoption detective

The biological science of genetics, which began with the work of Gregor Mendel in the mid-nineteenth century, seeks to understand the process of inheritance and the physical basis for heredity in our DNA.


Ampelography (ἄμπελος, "vine" + γράφος, 'writing') is the field of botany concerned with the identification and classification of grapevines, Vitis spp. Traditionally this has been done by comparing the shape and colour of the vine leaves and grape berries; more recently the study of vines has been revolutionised by DNA fingerprinting.

An End to the Means

It is not a match to her own DNA but a paternal match to a man named Mohammed Khan.

Avian sarcoma leukosis virus

Much debate in the scientific community surrounded this issue until DNA integration was demonstrated by Temin in 1968 and reverse transcriptase was independently discovered by both Temin and David Baltimore in 1970.


It acts as an alkylating agent causing intra-strand and inter-strand cross-links between DNA bases.


Especially the mechanism of action of benzo(a)pyrene-related DNA modification is well investigated and relates to the activity of cytochrome P450 subclass 1A1 (CYP1A1).

Bernd Brinkmann

In 2000, Brinkmann together with Jean-Jacques Cassiman used DNA testing to prove that Louis XVII of France who died in captivity as a 10-year-old was indeed the son of Louis XVI of France and Marie Antoinette.

Blue Mounds State Park

The case went unsolved for six years until May 2007 when, in a routine check of DNA samples of prison inmates in South Dakota, police found a match with DNA samples gathered from the crime scene.

Cancer genome sequencing

The Sanger Institute's Cancer Genome Project, first funded in 2005, focuses on DNA sequencing.

Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal

On November 20, 2009, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that a single sample of DNA from Asian carp had been found above the electric barrier that had been constructed in the canal in an attempt to prevent them from migrating into the Great Lakes.

DNA polymerase delta

DNA polymerase delta is an enzyme complex found in eukaryotes that is involved in DNA replication and repair, and it consists of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), the multisubunit replication factor C, and the 4 subunit polymerase complex: POLD1, POLD2, POLD3, and POLD4.

Epigenomics AG

Epigenomics has licensed the SEPT9 biomarker and certain DNA methylation technologies to Quest Diagnostics and ARUP Laboratories in the US, as well as Warnex Laboratories in Canada.


After conquering them, the mothertree analysed their remains, and found that all the enemy seedlings had the same DNA as the Euflorian's seedlings.

Fecal occult blood

The test looks at 23 individual DNA alterations, including 21 specific point alterations in the APC, KRAS and p53 genes, as well as testing BAT26, a gene involved in microsatellite instability (MSI).


Herpesviridae, a family of DNA viruses that cause diseases in humans and animals


Two molecules of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) form an octamer, around which approximately 146 bp of DNA is wrapped in repeating units, called nucleosomes.

Japanese-Jewish common ancestry theory

Researcher and author Jon Entine emphasizes that DNA evidence excludes the possibility of significant links between Japanese and Jews.

John Abelson

His work has made possible an understanding of how genomic DNA can be converted to both messenger RNA and transfer RNA, particularly when there are introns present in the genome.

Kid Amazo

As Amazo, merely an advanced robot, failed, the next approach would be to cross bio-mechanical material from Amazo's body with human ova and DNA, in order to obtain a cyborg being who would exhibit the best traits of both human and artificial life.

Linear dichroism

The predominant use of LD currently is in the study of bio-macromolecules (e.g. DNA) as well as synthetic polymers.

Mark Griep

Griep studies the proteins that synthesize DNA, namely primase and DnaB helicase.

Murder of Glenn Kopitske

Lawyers suggested that DNA evidence suggested the theory that Hirte killed Kopitske just to see if he could get away with it was not true.

Murder of Sally Anne Bowman

In October 2006, Dixie's DNA was sent to Western Australia to be tested against that of the DNA evidence in the Claremont serial killer case between 1996 and 1997, as it is believed he was in the area at the time of the killings, and may have committed them.

Painted swellshark

Genetic data showed this shark to be distinct from the two Australian species, and it was described in a 2008 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) publication by Peter Last, Bernard Séret, and William White.


DNA samples would be required when pet licenses come up for renewal.


The genus is affected by Wolbachia bacteria and it has been suggested that horizontal gene transfer may have led to the difficulty in separating species of Protocalliphora through DNA fingerprinting, with several species possessing identical mtDNA Cytochrome oxidase I sequences.


The biggest advantage of recombineering is that it obviates the need for conveniently positioned restriction sites, whereas in conventional genetic engineering, DNA modification is often compromised by the availability of unique restriction sites.

Rock pocket mouse

In 2003, scientists sampled DNA from both light- and dark-coloured rock pocket mice from areas in Pinacate Peaks, Mexico and New Mexico, USA.


The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Ornithological Society of Hispaniola were able to take measurements and DNA from the creature before it was released.

Transaldolase deficiency

Direct sequence analysis of genomic DNA from blood can be used to perform a mutation analysis for the TALDO1 gene responsible for the Transaldolase enzyme.

Very short patch repair

The components of the system are MutS, which binds to the GT mismatch, the VSR endonuclease, which cuts the DNA, and MutL, which recruits the UvrD helicase.