
unusual facts about Dhivehi language

Aima of the Maldives

His father was Volumidi Bodu Kilege (Dhivehi: ވޮލުމިދި ބޮޑުކިލޭގެ) of Fehendu and his mother was Bulhaa (lit. Cat) Kabaaidhi Kilege (Dhivehi: ބުޅާ ކަނބައިދި ކިލޭގެ) or Hirirashu Kabaaidhi Kilege (Dhivehi: ހިރިރަށު ކަނބައިދި ކިލޭގެ).

Audha of the Maldives

Al-Sultan Muhammad Audha Kalaminjaa Siri Areedha Suvara Mahaa Radun (Dhivehi: އައްސުލްޠާން މުޙައްމަދު އައުދަ ކަލަމިންޖާ ސިރީ އަރީދަ ސުވަރަ މަހާރަދުން) was the son of Sultan Wadi Kalaminjaa.


Berinmadhoo (Dhivehi: ބެރިންމަދޫ) was one of the inhabited islands of Haa Alif Atoll and is geographically part of the Ihavandhippolhu Atoll in the Maldives.


Maakandoodhoo (Dhivehi: މާކަނޑޫދޫ) is one of the uninhabited islands of the Shaviyani Atoll administrative division and geographically part of the Miladhummadulhu Atoll in the Maldives.

see also