While boundaries were never clearly defined, the site that is now the Cant Ranch was used for seasonal hunting and fishing camps by Warm Springs and Umatilla bands, both Sahaptin speaking Columbia Plateau peoples.
Called sasamít̓a, sasamít̓aya, and łałamít̓a in the Sahaptin language.
Lomatium piperi is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family known by the common name Indian biscuitroot (and called mámɨn in the local Sahaptin language).
Especially during the earlier part of his career, from 1928 until 1936, he collected large amounts of linguistic data and text from a wide range of languages including Sahaptin, Molale
English language | French language | Spanish language | German language | Italian language | Russian language | Greek language | Arabic language | Portuguese language | Chinese language | Swedish language | Japanese language | Turkish language | Tamil language | Dutch language | Persian language | Hebrew language | Hungarian language | Irish language | Bengali language | Polish language | Telugu language | Korean language | Welsh language | Java (programming language) | Czech language | Serbian language | Catalan language | Finnish language | Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film |
Linguistically, the Umatilla people spoke a tongue that was part of the Sahaptin division of the Penutian language family — closely related to other peoples of today's Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington, and the Idaho panhandle.