
unusual facts about Samoan language

Alocasia macrorrhizos

Common names include Giant Taro and Elephant Ear Taro, while words for the plant in the various Polynesian languages include Kape (Niuean, Tongan), Ape (Cook Islands Māori, Tahitian, Hawaiian), "ta'amu" in Samoan language, and Pulaka (Tuvalu).

Malietoa Talavou Tonumaipe’a

Talavou was a keen student and statesman who was highly respected by resident Europeans on account of his dignified and friendly demeanor, not to mention his impressive command of both the English and Samoan languages.

see also


The fa'asamoa consists of the Samoan language, and customs of relationships and culture, that is a traditional and continuing Polynesian lifestyle of the Pacific Islands and diaspora.