
unusual facts about Slovenian language

John A. Scott

The collection of novellas What I Have Written has been filmed from his own screenplay and he has been translated into French, German and Slovenian.

Slovenian National Opera and Ballet Theatre

Before the construction of the German Theatre (the present Slovene National Theatre (SNG) on Erjavčeva 1) in 1911, the building served as a venue for productions in both Slovenian and German, and afterwards only in Slovenian.

Thomas Thiemeyer

His works were translated into numerous languages: Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Russian, Korean, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Portuguese as well as Slovenian.

see also

Davor Borno

The most interesting is a collaboration with the Slovenian entertainment icon Helena Blagne, with whom recorded a duet in the Slovenian language in 2001.

Sevnica Castle

One of the most prominent Slovenian Protestants of that time was Jurij Dalmatin, the first translator of the Bible in Slovenian language and native from Krško.