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The inhabitants of Todzi (around 600-700 in total) call themselves the Mawu and speak Siwu, a Kwa language that is quite distinct from the dominant regional languages Ewe and Twi.
The Golden Stool (Asante: Sika 'dwa) is the royal and divine throne of the Ashanti people.
Some specifically claim that the Afro-Portuguese mother language of Papiamentu arose from a mixture of the Mina pidgin/creole (a mixture of Cape Verdean pidgin/creole with Twi) and the Angolar creole (derived from languages of Angola and Congo).
For example, Adamorobe Sign Language of Ghana has serial verbs, a type of linguistic construction found in no other sign language, but found in the language spoken by the hearing people of the community, the Twi language.
Oburoni (or Obroni) is the Akan (or more specifically, the Twi language) word for foreigner, literally meaning "a person from beyond the horizon".