
unusual facts about extinct language

Extinct language

# Kitanemuk (an Uto-Aztecan language): Marcelino Rivera, Isabella Gonzales, Refugia Duran last recorded (1937)

Oropom language

Oropom (Oworopom, Oyoropom, Oropoi) is a dubious and, if real, almost certainly extinct African language, purportedly once spoken by the Oropom people in northeastern Uganda and northwestern Kenya between the Turkwel River, the Chemorongit Mountains, and Mount Elgon.

see also

Cayuvava language

Cayuvava (Cayubaba, Cayuwaba, Kayuvava) is an extinct language of Bolivia, the descendants of the ethnic group of the same name live in the region of Beni, west of Mamore River, north of Santa Ana del Yacuma with a population of 794 inhabitants.


Aghu Tharrnggala language (ISO 639-3 code ggr), an extinct language from Australia


Guanche language, extinct language, used to be spoken by the Guanches until the 16th or 17th century


Laghu language, aka Lagu language, a near-extinct language once spoken in parts of the Soloman Islands


Yana language, extinct language formerly spoken in north-central California

Záparo language

Záparo is a nearly extinct language from the borderlands of Peru, spoken by only one person out of an ethnic population of 170, in the Pastaza Province, between the Curaray River and Bobonaza Rivers, as of 2000.