
unusual facts about modeling language

General Algebraic Modeling System

the 1970s, TRW developed a system called PROSE that took the ideas of chemical engineers to compute point derivatives that were exact derivatives at a given point, and to embed them in a consistent, Fortran-style calculus modeling language.

Objectory AB

Founded in 1987 by Ivar Jacobson, the company developed ObjectOry, an object-oriented development method which was an extension of what is known as the Ericsson Approach, a modeling language developed at Ericsson.

Rebeca Modeling Language

Rebeca (acronym for Reactive Objects Language) is an actor-based modeling language with a formal foundation, designed in an effort to bridge the gap between formal verification approaches and real applications.

see also

Anthony James Barr

Barr had earlier created an analysis-of-variance modeling language inspired by the notation of statistician Maurice Kendall.

Donald Firesmith

OPEN Modeling Language (OML) Reference Manual, Cambridge University Books, ISBN 1-884842-75-5, with Brian Henderson-Sellers and Ian Graham


Task analysis environment modeling simulation (computer science), a multi-agent task modeling language