Gamo-Gofa-Dawro is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the Dawro, Gamo Gofa and Wolayita Zones of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region in Ethiopia.
English language | French language | Spanish language | German language | Italian language | Russian language | Greek language | Arabic language | Portuguese language | Chinese language | Swedish language | Japanese language | Turkish language | Tamil language | Dutch language | Persian language | Hebrew language | Hungarian language | Irish language | Bengali language | Polish language | Telugu language | Korean language | Welsh language | Java (programming language) | Czech language | Serbian language | Catalan language | Finnish language | Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film |
Dejazmach Beyene Merid had established his seat as governor of Gamu-Gofa at Chencha by 1935, when he was visited by missionaries and a German expedition.
Many Dorze live in villages near the cities of Chencha and Arba Minch, which are located in the Gamo Gofa Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (formerly in the Gamu-Gofa province).
The largest ethnic groups reported in this Zone included the Welayta (44.17%), the Gamo (26.65%), the Kullo (10.15%), the Gofa (9.12%), the Basketo (1.87%), the Konta (1.86%), and the Amhara (1.84%); all other ethnic groups made up 4.34% of the population.
Welayta is spoken as a first language by 44.27% of the inhabitants, 25.88% speak Gamo, 10.22% Kullo, 8.86% Gofa, 2.27% Amharic, 2.14% Basketo, and 1.8% Konta; the remaining 4.56% spoke all other primary languages reported.