
unusual facts about Journal of Language, Identity, and Education

23 Envelope

During this time, they created a distinct visual identity for the British independent music label 4AD through their record sleeve designs for bands such as Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, and This Mortal Coil.

A. J. Quinnell

When the author was preparing to publish his first book, Man on Fire, he wanted to keep his real identity a secret.


They are connected to the Fenway/Kenmore area of Boston by a tiny strip of land containing Boston University along the Charles River, with Brookline lying to the south and southeast, Cambridge to the north and Newton to the west, so they retain a very distinct neighbourhood identity together.

And the Sky Full of Stars

This episode has great significance, as it is the first time that Jeffrey Sinclair begins to move towards understanding his missing 24 hours (mentioned in The Gathering) and realizing the role his identity means he must play, in the future and the past.

Arthur Worthington

He refounded a new Temple of Truth, attracted new followers, and even found an "Isis" to compliment his newfound identity as a reincarnation of Osiris, an ancient Egyptian deity.


Guesses as to the identity of this star have included the polestar, the planet Venus, Sirius and the star Rigel which forms the toe of the constellation Orion, though if Aurvandil is to be identified with the constellation Orion one would expect to find Aurvandil himself being translated into the sky, not just his toe.


David Brockhoff (1928–2011), Australian rugby union identity a state and national representative

Chris Iijima

He, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto, and "Charlie" Chin, were the members of the group Yellow Pearl; their 1973 album, A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America, (originally recorded on Paredon Records now Smithsonian Folkways was an important part of the development of Asian American identity in the early 1970s.

Claire Jowitt

Claire Jowitt is an academic writing on race, cross-gender, piracy, identity, empire and performance.

David Reimer

The Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season 6 episode "Identity" (2005) was based on David and Brian Reimer's lives and their treatment by Money.

Doe v. 2themart.com Inc.

140 F. Supp. 2d 1088 (2001), was a federal case decided by United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, on the issue of an individual’s First Amendment right to speak anonymously on the Internet and a private party’s right to disclose the identity of the anonymous Internet user by enforcing a civil subpoena.

Elmer Edward Solly

Solly eventually made his way to Florida, where he assumed the identity of Vinnie Taylor (aka Chris Donald), lead guitarist of the rock 'n' roll revival group Sha Na Na.

Ethnocultural empathy

First, children begin to establish their ethnic identity by distinguishing themselves from other ethnic groups based on physical features.

Exterminator 2

Following from the previous film, it shows Eastland walking freely on the streets of New York, without any hint that his dual identity was compromised.

False memory

False memory syndrome, a condition in which a person's identity and relationships are affected by strongly believed but false memories of traumatic experiences

Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury

In a Season 7 episode of CSI: NY, entitled "Identity Crisis", it is revealed that the biological mother of Detective Jo Danville's adopted daughter, Ellie, is serving a long sentence at FCI Danbury.

Florence Maybrick

Few residents had any knowledge of Florence's true identity and the lady who had once charmed Victorian Liverpool died alone and penniless on 23 October 1941, and was buried in the grounds of South Kent School.

Gaza in Crisis

Any political opposition to Israel within the U.S. was however undermined by American politician Fiorello H. LaGuardia, pioneer of identity politics, and Canadian journalist Isaiah L. Kenen, founder of lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Gregory of Nazianzus

"'Religion' as the Cipher for Identity: The Cases of Emperor Julian, Libanius, and Gregory Nazianzus," Harvard Theological Review 93.4 (2000): 373–400.

History of Indians in Singapore

From the 1960s to 1980s, the People's Action Party government tried to cultivate a shared national identity and to end the historical tendency of Singaporeans to identify with the national – and often nationalistic – politics of their ancestral homelands.

Homer Brown

In the episodes in which John Fiedler voiced Homer, listen closely and you'll hear the very close identity of Homer's voice and that of Piglet from Winnie-the-Pooh, as Fiedler did both of them with the same high pitched, airy, nervous, and squeaky voice.

Honorius of Thebes

Considerable mystery still exists about the identity of Honorius, both Pope Honorius I and Pope Honorius III have been linked to the character.

Joseph Abruzzo

Additionally, Abruzzo worked with State Representative Joe Saunders to propose the Competitive Workforce Act, which would "update the state's Civil Rights Act of 1992 to include protections against discrimination for reasons of sexual orientation and gender identity," which a University of Florida poll suggested that 73 percent of Floridians supported.

M. Crawford Young

Professor Young's primary contributions to political science have come from his work on the Zairian (and later, African) state and on the politics of cultural identity in the third world, which was theoretically innovative and presaged the contemporary "instrumentalist" and "constructivist" approaches to political identity.

Martin Kafka

In 2008, Kafka was selected to be a member of the American Psychiatric Association's Work Group on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder for the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition, due for publication in 2012.

Najran Region

Sulaymani Ismailis, widely believed to constitute a large majority of the Najrani population, share a homogeneous identity based on historical, cultural, and religious roots.

Navajo medicine

In expressing identity in the medical community, the Navajo Nation took advantage of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act to create the Navajo Health Systems Agency in 1975, being the only American Indian group to do so during that time.

Novell Identity Manager

NetIQ Identity Manager (a.k.a. IDM) was formerly owned by Novell.

Paul Ackford

Mendez later claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, and that he had meant to hit Jeff Probyn, because he had "stamped on my goolies".

Ravi Deepres

His first solo exhibition, Patriots, shown at the Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in 2003, explored aspects of patriotic and national identity around the football World Cup and European Championships.

Roger Sedarat

In his poetry, he frequently crosses the post-modern American tradition with the classical Persian tradition, reproducing his hybrid identity in his verse.

Ronald Shakespear

Diseño Shakespear designed Identity Programs for the most important Argentine companies as Avex, Banco Galicia, Luigi Bosca, Banco Patagonia, Luigi Bosca, Boca Juniors, Duty Free Shop, Red Link, Oca, Banelco, Harrods,and hundreds more.

Şanlıurfa Province

MHP, campaigning on Turkish-identity consciousness arguments, after having scored an exceptional 7,18% in 1999, has in 2004 ebbed back to a more usual 2,97%.


The identity of its inhabitants is unclear, though Carpine reports that Saksin province was inhabited by Kumans.

Sarah Deutsch

Deutsch gained media attention for representing Verizon in the copyright case RIAA v. Verizon, in which the Recording Industry Association of America obtained a subpoena demanding Verizon to disclose the identity of several subscribers who were allegedly engaged in illegal P2P file-sharing.

Sarjana Muda

10.Bangunlah Putra Putri Pertiwi (Awaken Sons & Daughters of the (mother)land) - A nationalistic song referencing three aspects of Indonesian national identity, Garuda, the winged bird, Pancasila, the national philosophy, and the Indonesian flag

Saul K. Padover

(In this capacity following a fact-finding mission to occupied Aachen he leaked the identity of the city's U.S.-appointed mayor Franz Oppenhoff, following which Heinrich Himmler ordered Oppenhoff's assassination.)

Sol Sender

The latter had been brought on board early on by David Axelrod, Obama’s chief campaign strategist, although it had never done a political identity before.

St Piran's Day

Dan Rogerson MP said of the 2012 event "The aim is to increase understanding of Cornwall’s Celtic heritage and culture in order to inform future debates on devolution, identity and government policy... and we are aiming to go bigger and better next year."

Sunday Afolabi

In December 2003 Afolabi stood trial along with his successor as Internal Affairs minister Mohammed Shata, former Labour Minister Hussain Akwanga and others on charges that they had sought bribes worth some $2m from the French firm, Sagem in connection with the $214m contract to produce identity cards.

The Janus Man

As he attempts to discover the identity of "The Janus Man who faces both East and West", he tracks sources of information in Moscow, Lübeck, Copenhagen and Oslo to hunt down the killer of Ferguson.

Thomas Altheimer

In a plea to the Copenhagen City Court, he refers the plaintiff to publisher Gyldendal and author Claus Beck-Nielsen for payment as the lawful owners of the copyright to his former identity.

Tjerita Si Tjonat

He contrasts this with a discussion written by Tirto Adhi Soerjo regarding the cultural roles in the Indies, in which individuals had to wear clothing in accordance to their ethnic identity, for which failure to abide meant punishment at the hands of police.

Tomar Jonyo

Joseph falls in love with a blind girl Ankhi (Shreya) but hides his original identity from her and her mother (Alokananda).

Viktor Blom

Blom's identity was revealed by PokerStars on January 8, 2011, at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure.

Vincent Clarkson

When Fancy came close to securing a DNA match identifying the Blackmailer as Vincent, Vincent attempted to strangle his sister, and eventually murdered a psychiatrist who had treated him earlier in life so as to keep his identity a secret.

Voyage in the Dark

Through the character of Anna, Voyage in the Dark presents the tension between wanting to be integrated into English society and simultaneously resisting it, a trait it shares with other works of modernist literature written by Anglophone authors such as the Maori writer Witi Ihimaera, whose characters express a desire to engage with and absorb the best of the colonial legacy, yet simultaneously seek to assert their own identity and to avoid becoming absorbed by the culture of the colonial power.

Wade Wilson

Wade Wilson, the alter ego of fictional comic character Deadpool, an identity possibly stolen from his nemesis, T-Ray

William Austin Starmer

The identity of the artists was unknown until an invoice was discovered from William A. Starmer to the Jerome Remick Music Company, with a printed heading describing Starmer as artist and medical draughtsman.

Xenon dioxide

Its structure and identity was confirmed by cooling it to −78 °C so that Raman spectroscopy could be performed before it decomposed.

see also