
3 unusual facts about Kashaya language


Kashaya language, a distinct Pomo language on the Sonoma County Coastline, California

Kashaya language

Loans may also have superheavy CV:C syllables, since stressed vowels in the source language are typically borrowed with a long vowel: pó:spara "match", kú:lpa "fault", pé:čʰka "brick" (Spanish fósforo, culpa; Russian péčka "oven").

Debuccalization of other stops occurs in various contexts as well.

Samuel Barrett

Barrett's system of naming the languages of the Pomoan group included seven names based on geographical terms: Northern Pomo, Northeastern Pomo, Southern Pomo, Eastern Pomo, Central Pomo, Southeastern Pomo, and Southwest Pomo (now more commonly referred to as Kashaya).

see also