John Amos Comenius was one of many people who tried to reverse this trend.
For example, to teach the name ‘Mussorgsky' a teacher will pronounce the last syllable: -sky, and have the student repeat it.
English language | French language | Spanish language | German language | Italian language | Russian language | Greek language | Arabic language | Portuguese language | Chinese language | Swedish language | Japanese language | Turkish language | Tamil language | Dutch language | Persian language | Hebrew language | Hungarian language | Irish language | Bengali language | Polish language | Telugu language | Korean language | Welsh language | Java (programming language) | Czech language | Serbian language | Catalan language | Finnish language | Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film |
Berlitz Corporation is a global leadership training and language education company with headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey.
Born in Mount Airy, Maryland, John Gaver graduated from Princeton University then worked as a prep school language teacher before eventually embarking on a career in Thoroughbred racing.
Forbairt Naíonraí Teoranta, a voluntary organisation working to develop Irish language education and childcare services in Ireland
MacDonald was instrumental in the establishment of La Ribambelle French language day care, the development of École secondaire Gabriel-Dumont, the Centre Desloges and French language education in general in the London area.
Ulpan Etzion in Jerusalem's Baka neighborhood was established in 1949 by Mordechai Kamerat as a model for Hebrew language education used across Israel.