Speakers of Livvi-Karelian may be found mainly in Olonetsky, Pryazhinsky, Pitkyarantsky, and partly Suoyarvsky districts of the Republic of Karelia.
The name "Olonets Karelians" is derived from the territory inhabited, Olonets Krai, named after the town of Olonets, named after the Olonka River.
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In October 2008 news broke in the small Caribbean island of Barbados that Hal Linton inked a million dollar deal with major record label Universal Motown, following in the footsteps of other Barbadian international recording artist Rihanna (Def Jam Recordings), Shontelle (Universal Motown), Livvi Franc (Jive Records) and Rupee (Atlantic).
In using the Latin alphabet for Uralic languages, palatalization is typically denoted with an acute accent, as in Võro ⟨ś⟩; an apostrophe, as in Karelian ⟨s’⟩; or digraphs in j, as in the Savo dialect of Finnish, ⟨sj⟩.