
5 unusual facts about Sioux language

Elisa Maza

Her last name was changed to Maza, which the creators believed to be a Sioux word for "iron", and which suited the character's strong will.

Ella Cara Deloria

She had the advantage for her work on American Indian cultures of fluency in Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota dialects of Sioux, in addition to English and Latin.

Lucien Galtier

Galtier discovered that many of the Indians in the area were good singers, so he taught them to sing several songs that had been translated into the Sioux language.

Sioux language

Traditional stories have been translated, children’s books, even games such as Pictionary and Scrabble.

Sioux is a Siouan language spoken by over 30,000 Sioux in the United States and Canada, making it the fifth most spoken indigenous language in the United States or Canada, behind Navajo, Cree, Inuit and Ojibwe.

Thomas Wakeman

Thomas Wakeman (Sioux: Wawinape) (1846 – January 13, 1886) was a Native American who organized the first Sioux Indian YMCA.

see also