
unusual facts about The Expression

The Expression

In 2006, The Expression’s two original albums were digitally remastered and released on CD by independent record label, What It Is Records, which was established by the band's former bass player, Stephen Manassah.

see also

Acca Larentia killings

After "30 years of injustice" (this is the expression used on posters to advertise the event), the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno decided to name a Roman road to the three victims, while the previous mayor Walter Veltroni decided to rename a street in honor of Paolo di Nella.


NO signalling has also been shown to control the motility of endothelial cells by regulating the expression of cell adhesion molecules ICAM-1.

Arbeit macht frei

The expression comes from the title of a novel by German philologist Lorenz Diefenbach, Arbeit macht frei: Erzählung von Lorenz Diefenbach (1873), in which gamblers and fraudsters find the path to virtue through labour.

Bit numbering

ALGOL 68's elem operator is effectively "MSB 1 bit numbering" as the bits are numbered from left to right with the first bit (bits elem 1) being the "most significant bit" and the expression (bits elem bits width) giving the "least significant bit".

Black Stump

The town of Blackall, Queensland makes the following claim to the origin of the expression.

Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules is a 7" single by Manchester post-punk band Ludus, released in 1983. Both the A and B side ("Little Girls") are considerably more accessible and pop-oriented than most of their earlier material, and Linder Sterling's lyrics are this time a lot more straightforward than usual, but as uncompromising as ever in the expression of her views on gender roles and sexual politics.

Chivalric romance

Prose literature thus increasingly dominanted the expression of romance narrative in the later Middle Ages, at least until the resurgence of verse during the high Renaissance in the oeuvres of Ludovico Ariosto, Torquato Tasso, and Edmund Spenser.

Dallas Angguish

Angguish's poetry is in the tradition of queer poetics initiated by Walt Whitman and consolidated by Allen Ginsberg, a tradition that foregrounds the colloquial voice, a first person, personal point of view and the expression of an erotic and mystical vision.

Diplomat pudding

Some say the expression "diplomat" refers to Nesselrode, the famous Russian diplomat who was also known for his passion for English puddings.


The oldest known source for the expression "baker's dozen" dates to the 13th century in one of the earliest English statutes, instituted during the reign of Henry III (1216–72), called the Assize of Bread and Ale.

English subjunctive

The expression "the powers that be" however does not contain a subjunctive: it is a Biblical quotation from Romans 13:1 where it translates a present participle, using the archaic alternative indicative form "be" for "are".

Esporte Clube Bahia

The mascot was created by the famous cartoonist Ziraldo based on the expression "Esquadrão de Aço" (Steel Squad in English), and wears a costume very similar to the original Superman's costume, which shares the team's colors.

Facial expression

For example, the expression used for 'carelessly' in ASL means 'boring or unpleasant' in British Sign Language.

Female perversion

Anna Motz, in her book The psychology of female violence suggests that the expression of this anger on the body or that of another is a communicative act, clearly sending a message of internal pain or of psychosis (Motz, 2001).


Recently some Esperantists have been trying to replace the expression "Fina Venko" (Final Victory) with "Fina Sukceso" (Final Success) because "Fina Venko" reminds some people of war, like the German "Endsieg".


His great successor in Cappadocia, St Basil of Caesarea, mentions his view on heretical baptism without accepting it (Epistle clxxxviii), and says, when speaking of the expression "with the Holy Ghost" in the Doxology: "That our own Firmilian held this faith is testified by the lógoi which he has left" (De Spiritu Sancto, xxix, 74).


Some metabolic and nutritional studies carried out on rats and mice at Hokkaido University indicate that fucoxanthin promotes fat burning within fat cells in white adipose tissue by increasing the expression of thermogenin.

Georges Poulet

In these four volumes, Poulet conducts an exhaustive examination of the work of French authors such as Molière, Proust, Flaubert, and Baudelaire to find the expression of what he calls the cogito, or consciousness, of each writer (Leitch et al. 1318).

German Historical School

While the Germanists (Karl Friedrich Eichhorn, Jakob Grimm, Georg Beseler, Otto von Gierke) saw medieval German Law as the expression of the German Volksgeist.

Girlie men

In an article in the journal American Speech, linguist Edwin Battistella analyzes the development of the expression from ironic mockery of bodybuilding culture to an overt connotation of weakness and a covert connotation of effeminacy.

Global Blue

In 2010 Global Blue and the Economist Intelligence Unit started to use the expression 'globe shopper' to identify the market segment of "people who consider shopping as a fundamental part of their travel experience".

Head shake

An early survey of head shake and other gestures was The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, written by Charles Darwin in 1872.


The poet James Whitcomb Riley facetiously suggested that the fierce brawling that took place in Indiana involved enough biting that the expression "Whose ear?" became notable.

Hybrid offence

In relation to England and Wales, the expression "offence triable either way" means an offence, other than an offence triable on indictment only by virtue of Part V of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, which, if committed by an adult, is triable either on indictment or summarily; and the term "triable either way", in its application to offences, is to be construed accordingly.


IRF8 mediates the expression of Fas, Bax, FLIP, Jak1 and STAT1 to mediate apoptosis in non-hemotopoietic cancer cells.

Life unworthy of life

The expression first occurs in the title of a 1920 book, Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens (Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life) by jurist Karl Binding, retired from the University of Leipzig, and psychiatrist Alfred Hoche from the University of Freiburg, both professors.

Ludolf Wienbarg

With the opening words "To you, young Germany, I dedicate these speeches" he helped to create the expression "Young Germany".


The expression profile in mouse of the co-regulated Meg3 and Dlk1 genes suggests a causative role in the pathologies found in uniparental disomy animals, characterized by defects in skeletal muscle maturation, bone formation, placenta size and organization and prenatal lethality.

Melvin Laird

Laird was instrumental in forming the administration's policy of withdrawing U.S. soldiers from the Vietnam War; he invented the expression "Vietnamization," referring to the process of transferring more responsibility for combat to the South Vietnamese forces.


Micro-RNA-205 induced the expression of tumor suppressor genes IL-24 and IL-32 at both the messenger RNA and protein levels.

Mobile broadband modem

More recently, the expression "connect card" is also used to identify internet USB keys.


Nrf1, together with Nrf2, mediates the biogenomic coordination between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes by directly regulating the expression of several nuclear-encoded ETC proteins, and indirectly regulating the three mitochondrial-encoded COX subunit genes by activating mtTFA, mtTFB1, and mtTFB2.


They negatively regulate the expression of several genes encoding outer membrane proteins, including cirA, CsgD, fecA, fepA and ompT by binding in the vicinity of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, suggesting the control of these targets is dependent on Hfq protein and RNase E.

Patent thicket

The expression may come from SCM Corp. v. Xerox Corp. patent litigation case in the 1970s, wherein SCM's central charge had been that Xerox constructed a "patent thicket" to prevent competition.

Playa de los Muertos

Therefore, the similarity would suggest that both Aztec and Playa de los Muertos societies were very conservative in the expression of the genders and life stages.

Psychedelic trance

The expression “full on” is taken from the first out of a seven compilation albums series and the first album ever to be released under Hom-mega Productions in 1998, titled Full On, which comes from English slang.

Raimon Panikkar

He made his first trip to India in 1954 where he studied Indian philosophy and religion at the University of Mysore and Banaras Hindu University, where he met several Western monks seeking Eastern forms for the expression of their Christian beliefs.

Real team chess

Otherwise the expression of "Real Teamchess" is a synonym of Tactical Team Chess.

Register of the National Estate

The expression "national estate" was first used by the British architect Clough Williams-Ellis, and reached Australia in the 1970s.

Renato Pengo

The "Technological shock", according to the famous French art critic Pierre Restany, is the expression of a poetry that evolves in the spiritual and imaginary universe, pregnant with vibrations and cosmic energy in a space that becomes the immaterial void.

Šibenik Cathedral

Indeed, until Justinian II this was the expression to discredit the reputation of someone, and so it was necessary that this individuals remained anonymous.


Hoffmann himself admits, however, that the expression "de-bet Rab" in Yerushalmi certainly indicates Rab's school; so that it is in any case doubtful whether a different usage is to be assumed in the case of Babli.


Ceftriaxone, an antibiotic, has been shown to induce/enhance the expression of EAAT2, resulting in reduced glutamate activity.

Spon Street

The street originally ran from St John the Baptist Church, a Grade I listed building, from where the expression "sent to Coventry" may have originated, out of the city centre to the west, through the area known as Spon End, to the bottom of Hearsall Lane.

Tiefenbach halting point, Switzerland

In the Swiss German dialect, the expression Haltestelle normally refers to a railway facility without points or switches, where scheduled trains are allowed to stop, depart or terminate.


NFAT1 regulates the expression of TWEAKR (this protein) and its ligand TWEAK with lipocalin 2 to increase breast cancer cell invasion.