The Dialogo de Cecco da Ronchitti da Bruzene in perpuosito de la stella Nova ("Dialogue of Cecco da Ronchiti of Bruzene relative to the New star") is a manuscript in the Venetian language about a nova and other astronomical subjects, especially the heliocentric system.
He was sometimes referred to simply as Marin Falier (Venetian rather than standard Italian) or Falieri.
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It is sometimes called Eastern Ladin, since it shares the same roots as Ladin, although over the centuries it has diverged under the influence of surrounding languages, including German, Italian, Venetian, and Slovene.
Fo researched the journals of a number of European explorers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and wrote the play in a dialect that drew upon the Lombardian, Venetian, Catalanian, Castilian, Provençal, Portuguese and Arabic.
The basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Rome is dedicated to them, as well as the Basilica di San Zanipolo in Venice ("Zanipolo" being Venetian for "John and Paul").
Segusino is sister town of Chipilo, Mexico, whose residents are descendents of Segusino immigrants and who to this date still speak the Venetian language of the region.
In the theatre, he has worked with Giorgio Strehler, Luca Ronconi, Marco Sciaccaluga, Gianfranco De Bosio, Sandro Sequi, and Alfredo Arias, appearing chiefly in Venetian language plays by Goldoni but also in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
He was, together with Ruzante, Carlo Goldoni and Berto Barbarani one of the major writers in the Venetian language.