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The senators, who included Senator Robert Wagner of New York, heard testimony from Rossiter miners, company officials, and Langham, and pointedly questioned the judge and company attorneys about the injunction's marker denial of civil liberties and free speech.
During his speech he made a famous put-down of Liberal leader David Steel, describing him as having "passed from rising hope to elder statesman without any intervening period whatsoever".
Later on, Harold Goodglass defined the term as the omission of connective words, auxiliaries and inflectional morphemes, all of these generating a speech production with extremely rudimentary grammar.
During the 2008 Oscar Ceremony, after receiving the prize for best Supporting Actress, she openly acknowledged the municipality in her acceptance speech.
In a speech given in Manchukuo before his departure for Tokyo in September 1932, he derided the League of Nations as a failure and called for the creation of an "Asiatic League of Nations" as an alternative.
Mark Musa suggests that in this speech between the two there is sexual imagery indicative of the act of sodomy.
Singer Amy Winehouse had made her name at the Hawley Arms, and later mentioned the fire in her acceptance speech for Record of the Year at the 50th Annual Grammy Awards.
Homer records that Miletus (later an Ionian city), together with the mountain of Phthries, the river Maeander and the crests of Mount Mycale were held by the Carians at the time of the Trojan War and that the Carians, qualified by the poet as being of incomprehensible speech, joined the Trojans against the Achaeans under the leadership of Nastes, brother of Amphimachos ("he who fights both ways") and son of Nomion.
In recent years British historians headed by Simon Sebag-Montefiore have included this speech in a book on speeches that changed the world, which includes others by Martin Luther King, Jr, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy.
The lack of coverage by Chinese state-run news channels, and the lack of any emotional response from the Chinese government at all levels were contrasted to the detailed US media coverage and US President Barack Obama's national speech, including his commitment to tackle the underlying issues.
Wilder Penfield and co-author Lamar Roberts in a 1959 paper Speech and Brain Mechanisms, and was popularised by Eric Lenneberg in 1967 with Biological Foundations of Language.
He was elected in 2010 as the Member for Caulfield and delivered his first speech on 8 February 2011.
Debelah tops off her list of famous teachers with vocal coach of the stars Seth Riggs (creator of the speech level singing method).
Although the court did not find suitable federal court authority on the issue of a third-party seeking through a civil subpoena to reveal the identities of anonymous Internet users, the court maintained that the anonymity of Internet speech is protected by the First Amendment.
His current projects include writings on 'The Encyclopedia of Cremation', 'The Clergy and British Society: 1940-2000', 'A Brief History of Death', 'Inner-speech and prayer' and 'Ritual purity'.
A famous instance of this took place at René Lévesque's concession speech after the citizens of the province rejected independence in the 1980 Quebec referendum.
Lincoln's speech was compiled by James Algar (yet another Disney Legend), who was also the main writer and producer of the show.
Marchenko gave a speech on "The development of Kazakhstan in the period of Globalization and the growth of financial markets" on 15 March 2006 at the Hong Kong Theater,Clement House, Aldwych, for the London School of Economics.
He became a pastor at the Reformed Church of Bolbec, in Normandy Seine-Maritime, then a professor of theology in Montauban, occupying the chair 'de morale et d'éloquence sacrée' (of morality and holy speech).
According to an unidentified blogger of the weblog "Sufi Muslim Council Exposed", in 2005 Kabbani told UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: “We are glad to see changes taking place in the political mechanisms in the Middle East. We hope to see an end to tyranny and we are happy to observe a strong upsurge in freedom of speech, freedom of belief and political openness in the region.”
Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, denounced the speech stating that Hamas was an internationally recognized terrorist organization that targeted civilians.
Itanglese, also known as Anglitaliano, refers to the blend (at different degrees) of Italian and English, in the speech of people who speak parts of two languages, or whose normal language is different from that of the country where they live.
Born in Wailuku, he graduated from Kamehameha Schools and obtained a speech degree at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.
The player can help five characters, Ella, Gershwyn, Maxine, Riff, and Theo get ready for a concert by programming lights, cameras, and the backdrop projector while learning about parts of speech and grammar.
In February 2000 Chief Judge John Coughenour ordered the school to reinstate a student who had been suspended for creating an unofficial school website at home stating the school did not have the authority to punish students for exercising their freedom of speech outside of school.
He gained notoriety with his provocative 2007 Tokyo gubernatorial election speech, which was posted on YouTube.
All students are required to purchase a Landmark-supported laptop, text-reader (Kurzweill 3000), speech-to-text (Dragon NaturallySpeaking), and other software is mandatory for all incoming students, regardless of psycho-educational evaluations and recommendations.
On 30 July 1909 the Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George made a polemical speech in the assembly room, attacking the House of Lords for its opposition to his "People's Budget".
In Britain, the BBC devoted the FM portion of its national speech radio station BBC Radio 4 to a 18h rolling news format creating Radio 4 News FM.
But shortly after Singapore’s Minister for Information Lee Boon Yang accused Backman in a speech at a Singapore Press Club luncheon at Raffles Hotel of seeking to intervene in Singapore’s domestic politics.
If it was not clear by this point to Mengistu that he was being squeezed out of power, after a mass rally in Revolution Square in Addis Ababa (better known by its older name, Meskel Square, which was later restored after Mengistu's fall), when General Tafari Benti gave a speech for reconciliation between the various revolutionary factions, he was flanked by Captains Almayahu Haile and Mogus.
In the speech Engel concentrated on constituency affairs, supporting devolution of power and resources to local communities and highlighting examples in Staveley and Grassmoor.
Numerous student-run clubs are available at Old Scona Academic, such as Multicultural Club, Speech & Debate Club, Go Club, Business/Finance Club, Hip Hop Club, Bollywood club, Reading Buddies, and Discussion Club.
A number of Muslim commentators, including Ehsan Ahrari of the Asia Times, have pointed at laws in Germany, France, Austria, and seven other countries in Europe which explicitly regard the denial of the Holocaust as a crime, free speech considerations notwithstanding.
The monument stands close to where Martin Luther King, Jr. first gave his “I Have a Dream” speech on June 20, 1963, a speech that was repeated later that year at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
Phonetic transcription system: a system for transcribing the precise sounds of human speech into writing
Chief O'wax̱a̱laga̱lis of the Kwagu'ł describes the potlatch in his famous speech to anthropologist Franz Boas,
In 1968, one of the first moves by the Council to support freedom of speech in Queensland, was when council president Jim Kelly supported Brisbane's first Nationalist Socialist Party meeting.
Elected with a majority of 3,274, Blackman-Woods made her maiden speech to the House of Commons on 24 May 2005, in which she referred to the work of her predecessor Gerry Steinberg, as well as referring at length to the importance to Durham of Durham Cathedral, the University of Durham and the historic legacy of mining within the area.
Gilligan's father is an accountant and her mother a speech therapist, her brother David is ten years her senior, and the family live in Blackrock.
Ramaswami halted at Edinburgh on way to Aberdeen to listen to the speech of the liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone while he regarded the speech given by John Bright at Birmingham as the best he had ever listened to in life.
Dr. King announced the SCOPE project in a speech at UCLA on April 27, 1965 and his visit resulted in the recruitment of twenty UCLA students, including the late Joel Siegel, who later became the film critic for Good Morning America and Rick Tuttle, who worked with Rev. Hosea Williams and Rev. Andrew Young and spent two months in a Savannah jail as a result of his Movement activities before he was released.
The decoding of silent speech using a computer played an important role in Arthur C. Clarke's story and Stanley Kubrick's associated film 2001: A Space Odyssey (film).
Ernst Gunther, the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, gave the commissioning speech.
The longest filibuster speech in the history of the Senate was delivered by Strom Thurmond, who spoke for over twenty-four hours in an unsuccessful attempt to block the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
In 2006 he held the closing speech at the „Kriya Yoga Centenary Celebrations: 100 years Paramahamsa Hariharananda“ in Berlin.
In the 2007 keynote speech, Hillar Aarelaid, the manager of CERT-EE analyzed the attacks and defense in the massive online attacks that were launched against Estonia in April and May 2007.
Coakley-Thompson has a BA in Speech and Theater (Broadcasting) from Montclair State College in Upper Montclair, New Jersey; an MA in Communication Arts from William Paterson College in Wayne, New Jersey; and a PhD in Education (Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation) from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.
Between 1960-1970 he lectured in music for the Canberra Adult Education Authority, and he also worked as an examiner for both the Australian Music Examinations Board and the Australian Guild of Music and Speech.
A line in "The Shower Scene" (which itself is a reference to Alfred Hitchcock's film Psycho) which reads "It's time for you to choose / The bullet or the chapstick" is an allusion to a speech by Malcolm X entitled "The Ballot or the Bullet".