
unusual facts about Bulgar language

Bulgar language

Since the comparative material attributable to the extinct members of Oghuric (Hunnic, Turkic Avar, Khazar and Bulgar) is scant, little is known about any precise interrelation of these languages and it is a matter of dispute whether Chuvash, the only "Lir"-type language with sufficient extant linguistic material, might be the daughter language of any of these or just a sister branch.


Alcek (Bulgar: Altsikurs) was the leader of an Utigur Bulgar horde that settled in the villages of Gallo Matese, Sepino, Boiano and Isernia in the Matese mountains of central Italy.

Ivan Venedikov

He also studied the old Bulgar inscriptions and concluded that the Bulgar language was still spoken in the beginning of the 9th century.

Treasure of Nagyszentmiklós

According to professor Nykola Mavrodinov (based on Vilhelm Thomsen), the script on vessel number 21 is in Bulgar, written with Greek letters, surrounding a cross, and reads, “Boyla Zoapan made this vessel. Butaul Zoapan intended it for drinking.”.

see also