
unusual facts about Su' language

Su' language

The 1995 Attapeu census recorded a population of only 124 speakers in Sanamsay District.

Art in Ruins

Art in Ruins, based in Bloomsbury, London, utilizes 1960s conceptual art strategies popularized by Art & Language and Gilbert and George.

Boscia senegalensis

Other common names include: aizen (Mauritania), mukheit (Arabic), hanza (Hausa), bere (Bambara), ngigili (Fulani), and mandiarha (Berber).

Eastside Projects

Alongside group exhibitions that have featured artists and organisations such as Art & Language, Mel Bochner and Grizedale Arts, past solo shows include Liam Gillick, Shezad Dawood, Carey Young, William Pope.L and Dan Graham.

Fe'fe' language

In was one of the four languages selected for option at the Collège Libermann at Douala (along with Duala, Basaa, and Banjun).


The Huastec (Wastek) language (also called Teenek) which is spoken by the above mentioned ethnic group.

John Steckley

Steckley is reportedly the last known speaker of the Wyandot (or Huron) language, which he has studied for over thirty years.

Maya Hero Twins

Many versions of the Twin Myth must have circulated among the Mayas, but the only one that survives in a written form is the Classical K'iche' version in the Popol Vuh.

Nim Li Punit

Nim Li Punit is sometimes known as Big Hat or Top Hat; the name is Kekchi Maya language for "Big Hat", referring to the large elaborate head-dress on a stela sculpture found on site depicting one of the site's ancient kings.

Peter Fuller

Originally a follower of writer John Berger, he moved to the political right in mid-life, coming into conflict with his former allies Art & Language.

Quiché Department

While most of its indigenous population speaks the K'iche' language, other Mayan languages spoken in the department are Ixil (Nebaj - Chajul - Cotzal area), Uspantek (Uspantán area), Sakapultek (Sacapulas area), as well as Poqomchi' and Q'ekchi in the North-Eastern part bordering with the Alta Verapaz department.

Stephen G. McFarland

Mr. McFarland speaks fluent Spanish and some Guarani, and he is currently studying K'iche', the second most widely spoken language in Guatemala after Spanish.

see also