
unusual facts about Tupi–Guarani language


As already mentioned, there are three communities of Afro - Paraguayan: the Kamba Cuá, in the Central Department (outside Asuncion), Kamba Kokue, meaning "chacra de negros" (farm of blacks) in Guarani language, and is situated in the Paraguarí Department, and Emboscada, in the Cordillera Department.

Bolivian literature

Nearly half of Bolivia's population speaks indigenous languages such as Quechua, Aymara or Guarani.


-- Its area is km² and its population was 6,146 in 2003.--> The origin of the name comes from the Tupi words iby meaning earth and soroc which combines to mean erosion.

Caesalpinia echinata

The tree is also known by other names, as ibirapitanga, Tupi for "red wood"; or pau de pernambuco, named after the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.

Common names include Brazilwood, Pau-Brasil, Pau de Pernambuco, Pernambuco tree, Nicaragua wood and Ibirapitanga (Tupi).

Calophyllum brasiliense

The word "Guanandi" comes from the Tupí (a Brazilian Indian folk) language, means "soap that glues", in function of the yellow latex (balsam) of the rind, known as Jacareubin.

Demographics of Bolivia

The Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani languages, as well as 34 other native languages are the official language of Bolivia.


The DINFIA IA 53 Mamboretá (Guaraní for "Praying Mantis") was an agricultural aircraft developed in Argentina in the 1960s.

Emerillon language

Emerillon (alternate names Emerilon, Emerion, Mereo, Melejo, Mereyo, Teco) is a Tupi–Guarani language spoken in French Guiana on the rivers Camopi and Tampok.

Eugenia uniflora

The word "Pitanga" originates from the Tupi word pi'tãg, which means "red", a reference to the fruit's color.

Eustaquio Méndez Province

The principal language of the province is Spanish, spoken by 99.7%, while 1.7% of the population speak Quechua, 0.2 speak Aymara, and 0.1% Guaraní.

Gran Chaco Province

Main language of the province is Spanish, spoken by 98.4%, while 11.5% of the population speak Quechua, 3.0 speak Aymara, and 2.7% Guaraní.

How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman

Almost all of the dialogue in the film was written in the Tupi language.


The name jabuticaba, derived from the Tupi word Jabuti (tortoise) + Caba (place), meaning the place where you find tortoises.

Jericoacoara National Park

The word Jericoacoara comes from Tupi (an indigenous language) and means "house of turtles."

José Bozzano

The dockyards produced more than 300,000 hand grenades, the famous carumbe `i (Guaraní for "little turtle"), which, for the pride of Paraguayans in the war, proved more effective than the Belgian designed SIP grenades, used by the Bolivian army) and built and assembled the coachworks of 2,308 trucks (at a rate of five per hour).

Língua Geral of São Paulo

The Língua Geral Paulista (São Paulo General language), or Tupí Austral (Southern Tupi), was a Tupi-based trade language of São Vicente, São Paulo, and the upper Tietê River.

Mburuvichá Roga

Residencia Presidencial Mburuvichá Róga (Guarani for House of the Chief) is a building in Asuncion, Paraguay, that serves as the official residence for the President and First Lady of Paraguay, and is also the official headquarters of the Office of the First Lady of the Nation.

Musician Wren

--Infonatura Rangemap--> In Portuguese it is known as Uirapuru or many other variants of this name, all based on the Tupi wirapu 'ru.


Colour TV broadcast began on September 1972 when the TV networks Globo, Tupi and Bandeirantes TV transmitted the Caxias do Sul Grape Festival.

Paraguayan harp

The Spanish Franciscan friars who established missions in Paraguay were less successful in subjugating the Tupi Guarani Indians to forced labor source so that the Guarani they became a more powerful culture in Paraguay, and Guaraní became the country's official second language, making Paraguay the only nation in the Americas with an indigenous official national language.

Potenji River

The Potenji River (Portuguese: Rio Potenji), meaning "river of the shrimps" in Tupi, is the principal river in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil).

Sirionó language

Sirionó (also Mbia Chee, Mbya, Siriono) is a Tupian (Tupi–Guarani, Subgroup II) language spoken by about 400 Sirionó people (50 are monolingual) in eastern Bolivia (eastern Beni and northwestern Santa Cruz departments) in the village of Ibiato (Eviato) and along the Río Blanco in farms and ranches.

South Cotabato

The province's first district will be reshaped into the towns of Polomolok, Tupi, Tampakan and T’boli.

Stephen G. McFarland

Mr. McFarland speaks fluent Spanish and some Guarani, and he is currently studying K'iche', the second most widely spoken language in Guatemala after Spanish.

Tupi Football Club

Tupi Football Club, usually known simply as Tupi, is a traditional Brazilian football club from Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais state.


In the lead, it was announced 2004-12-03--> The name Unaysaurus comes from the word unay (u-na-hee), meaning "black water" in the local Tupi language, which in turn refers to Agua Negra (also "black water"), the Portuguese name for the region where the fossils were found.

Western Bolivian Guaraní

Western Bolivian Guaraní, known locally as Simba and Simba Guaraní, is a Guaraní language spoken in Bolivia, in the Chuquisaca Department north of the Pilcomayo River.


The distinction is more common in areas where bilingualism with indigenous languages such as Aymara and Guaraní is common.

see also