
4 unusual facts about Tupi language


The Old Tupi name for such snakes was mbói, which figures in the etymology of names such as jibóia and boitatá (the Brazilian name for the mythical giant anaconda).

Eugenia uniflora

The word "Pitanga" originates from the Tupi word pi'tãg, which means "red", a reference to the fruit's color.

Musician Wren

--Infonatura Rangemap--> In Portuguese it is known as Uirapuru or many other variants of this name, all based on the Tupi wirapu 'ru.


The name TIBÁ comes from the Tupi language (Brazilian Amazonian tribe) meaning "A place where many people meet".


-- Its area is km² and its population was 6,146 in 2003.--> The origin of the name comes from the Tupi words iby meaning earth and soroc which combines to mean erosion.


Cunhambebe (more correctly pronounced Quonambec in his native Tupi language) was an aboriginal Indian chieftain of the Tupinambá tribe, which dominated the region between present-day Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro) and Bertioga (São Paulo).

Língua Geral of São Paulo

The Língua Geral Paulista (São Paulo General language), or Tupí Austral (Southern Tupi), was a Tupi-based trade language of São Vicente, São Paulo, and the upper Tietê River.

see also

How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman

Almost all of the dialogue in the film was written in the Tupi language.


In the lead, it was announced 2004-12-03--> The name Unaysaurus comes from the word unay (u-na-hee), meaning "black water" in the local Tupi language, which in turn refers to Agua Negra (also "black water"), the Portuguese name for the region where the fossils were found.