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Arab Muslims are adherents of the religion of Islam who identify linguistically, culturally, or genealogically as Arabs.
Linguistics professor Louise Cummings notes that Kahane's book marked a "shift to context", that is, toward pragmatic criteria for evaluating natural language arguments.
The S-BPM methodology can be linked conceptually to the field of formal language theory as any process can be described in natural language which can be mapped during the design process on formal language as a first step of formalization.
Star, Viewpoint and GlobalView were the first commercial computing environments to offer support for most natural languages, including full-featured word processing, leading to their adoption by the Voice of America and other United States foreign affairs agencies as well as a number of multinational corporations.
After graduating from Princeton University with a PhD in linguistics, she became a part of the Cognitive Science department under George Armitage Miller and has played an active role in the development of WordNet, a well-known lexical database that is motivated by cognitive science but has also served as an important resource in computational natural language processing applications.
Active in the research community into his eighties, he devoted the last decade of his life to the UK charity The Human Computer Learning Foundation, and worked with Stephen Muggleton, Claude Sammut, Richard Wheeler, and others on natural language systems and theories of intelligence.
Austin's work would appear to be a direct descendent of John Bulwer’s book Chirologia, or, The natural language of the hand which, when it was published in 1644, also included Bulwer's work Chironomia; or, The art of manual rhetoricke.
: The behaviour of horses in the Join-Up-Method is a learned response specific to a particular location, and not a natural "language" as claimed by Monty Roberts in his books.
Microsoft Live Labs, an applied research group that focuses on internet products and services, including natural language processing, machine learning, information retrieval, data mining, computational linguistics, and distributed computing
NooJ, a computer program for natural language processing
Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between those concepts from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval.
Quantificational variability effect — a linguistic observation about a feature of natural language semantics
The School has worked on and is currently completing studies on promising areas in IT research such as natural language processing using local dialects (e.g., Ilokano and Tagalog), computational mathematics and algorithm, mobile and wireless computing, and measurement of IT literacy and fluency.
It is capable of responding to particularly phrased natural-language fact-based questions such as "Where was Mary Robinson born?" or more complex questions such as "How old was Queen Elizabeth II in 1974?"
While with MSR Asia, he led efforts to research in Media Computing, Data Mining and Web Search, Natural Language Computing, and Distributed Systems.