Provided with the images are a set of annotations describing the outlines of each image, along with a Matlab script for viewing.
A computer script could use this feature to identify PCs that need to be updated.
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The ARC Macro Language (AML) is a proprietary high-level algorithmic language for generating applications in ArcInfo.
The term was used in 2004 during the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego, California by technology journalist Danny O'Brien to describe the "embarrassing" scripts and shortcuts productive IT professionals use to get their work done.
Saetta Web Server can deploy dynamic HTTP content on a network using SAAPIs, server-side applications written in the C or C++ programming language, or in PHP with the embedded PHP module for PHP web pages, or the CGI handler for scripts.
It allows mixing the scripting languages JScript and VBScript within a single file, or other scripting languages such as Perl, Object REXX, Python, or Kixtart if installed by the user.
Moving beyond the templates, however, requires either the importing of interactive Flash or Director movies, or scripting, which can be done in Authorware's native scripting language or in JavaScript.
AML was largely based on CPL, the system scripting language of the original ARC/INFO development platform, PRIMOS.
Written by a student at the Clausthal University of Technology in the REXX scripting language, it drew a crude Christmas tree as text graphics, then sent itself to each entry in the target's email contacts file.
ECMAScript, a scripting language whose best-known dialect is JavaScript
Some packages, such as Mark Overmars' Game Maker and Conitec's Gamestudio, include a more comprehensive scripting language under the surface to allow users more leeway in defining their games' behavior.
Rope is a programming language that allows developers to write extensions to the Iptables/Netfilter components of Linux using a simple scripting language based on Reverse Polish notation.
The runtime consists of a virtual machine that implements the scripting language (JavaScript or Lua) used by Kony Studio, coupled with the library for each device platform – BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Java, Symbian, and browser clients.
LifeLines primary strengths are its powerful scripting language and the ability to easily import and export information in the GEDCOM format.
MUME makes the standalone version of its building and scripting language, Mudlle, publicly available.
It also provides the functions expected of a modern scripting language, including support for regular expressions, XML, Unicode (UTF-8), TCP/IP and UDP networking, matrix and array processing, advanced math, statistics and Bayesian statistical analysis, financial mathematics, and distributed computing support.
The Scripting Bridge is a framework in OS X allowing Mac applications to communicate with each other without the use of an intermediary scripting language such as AppleScript.
SuperTalk is the scripting language used in SuperCard.
VBA-compatible scripting is supported through SoftMaker's scripting language, called BasicMaker, which is part of its SoftMaker Office suite for Windows.
TorqueScript is a scripting language used by the computer game, Blockland.
Web Language, the scripting language for automating tasks on the World-Wide Web